`frequently asked questions

`fireflies : a yixing/myungsoo writing contest - winners announced

`frequently asked questions:

prompts? // prompts do not have to be used, they are there for inspiration, so use as little or as many as you want. 

rubric? // there is no graded rubric for this contest, but emphasis on characters, plot development, writing style, and how much we enjoy each written fic will determine the winner. things like title/foreword/poster/etc... won't affect how we grade each story.

why do we ship them? // go here for a short list of why we ship them, conchobar easily hits some great reasons for why we ship them. and you may even find something there that my jumpstart your brain to let you write fic.

for oc fics, what do you need? // if you are going to write an oc fic, myungsoo and yixing both need to be in the story and must either be friends or rivals turning into friends with their friendship a main focus of the fic. ocs are fine to write, but this is a myungsoo/yixing contest and even if it's not a romantic pairing, there still has to be that brotp in the story.

prizes and shipping? // we'll ship anywhere in the world as long as you provide a valid address.

how many times can i enter? // you can enter as many times as you want, as long as each entry is at least 5000 words long. 

where do i put the entry form at it? // just put it in the comments section.

alternate universe? // the fic can be an au, so if you feel like writing the two as high school students, that's great. if you feel like keeping the idol theme, you can do that as well. 



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I am almost done judging, results should be up within the next week or so.


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Chapter 6: omg i'm so late but honorable mention! yay! thank you so much for the oppoturnity :)
obsolete_account #2
this is the first contest i've ever really entered so i'm super proud!! (i knew i wouldn't beat heidi BUT THAT'S A GIVEN ANYWAYS S O)
thank you thank you thank you for hosting this contest! it was lovely writing for it :D
Chapter 6: Congratulations :)
Chapter 6: IM................??????????? ;_________;
oh god, i don't even know what i should say??;;;;
cause i'm just really thankful that i was placed so high despite the length of my fic compared to some of the other entries fidsagkl like that was one of my biggest fears with this omg i'm a little overwhelmed right now!!! ;A;
on a side note though, i really wanted to say that this contest was a good experience for me as a writer since it was a huge step out of my comfort zone and it helped me experiment with technique as well as layout and characterization. i've never really wrote an exo/infinite fic before so everything was really new and i'm glad you liked it!
i'll pm you right now with the details c': fjdklasjg! thankyou so much for hosting such an interesting contest! it was definitely a first :)
Chapter 6: ohmygosh I didn't think I'd win anything (I didn't) but HONORABLE MENTION YAY! tenk q ;; congrats to the winners!
and thanks for running the contest :D
Chapter 6: congrats to all the winners!
Chapter 6: Congratulations to the winners ^^. I seriously wish my dad hadn't lent out my laptop at such a crucial time - I might have been able to finish my entry ;A;. Anyway, I would definitely be interested in participating in an infinite based contest :D.... though only if the deadline is sometime next year. I don't think I'll have time to participate otherwise >_>...
I know I'm dead. and I will forever cry because of this. but please, just the chance for my work to be read is enough for me. JEBAAAAAAL~ OTL
