Locked down

Against All Odds

Taeyeon was awaken by a sting pain on her right arm and when she opened her eyes to see what it was that had been pierced her skin, she found two brown eyes staring back at her through a thick eyeglasses.

"W-what are you doing?" She asked as she saw the person holding a syringe to her arm.

"Staying alive." Was what the person replied to her before she lost her consciousness again.






"Guys, move it, come on." Yuri said as her face hit Seohyun's  which she kind of liked how it was so soft yet as soon as she remembered that her girlfriend was back at the camp waiting for her, she pushed the feeling aside. The last thing she wanted to do is cheat on her soon-to-be fiance in any kind of way. "Whats wrong? Why did you stopped?"

"There's an open vent up here, and there's dead zombies on the hallway." It was Jeno who was leading the group inside the small space since he was the youngest, Kibum had insisted for him to go first.

"You think its Minhyuk?" Seohyun asked.

"Probably, or it could be Leeteuk's group." Kibum butted in. "But considering that the vent is open, its more likely to be Minhyuk."

"Do you guys think he's the one who activated the emergency lockdown?" Sooyoung queried.

"Ohh right, the alarm said the testing lab has been breached. So its either its Leeteuk's group or Minhyuk, right?" Yuri rationalized.

"Could be. Now, we just need to know where's the testing lab is."

"There's footprints on the floor, from the zombie's blood. Do you think we can trace where it headed?" Jeno said and it amazes Kibum yet again,how the young man was so observant of everything.

"Move aside. Im going to check."








"What are you doing?" Krystal asked as she woke up from a nap on the floor and saw Minhyuk standing on a chair and doing something fishy in one corners of the big room.

"Im just checking something. Come here." Krystal went to Amber first and checked her tied girlfriend; patting her on her head before walking towards where Minhyuk is.

"What is it?"


"And?" Minhyuk jumped down the chair and brushed his hands onto his jeans.

"Its light is on, and I saw it moved earlier." Krystal was only nodding, obviously not understanding the point Minhyuk was telling her. "Krystal, dont you ever wonder why this testing center is still working?"


"Possibly, but why would cameras move if there's no one controlling them?" Krystal fell into thinking but only to scrunch up her brows; oddly, she did find it unusual. "I saw one of the cameras moved earlier when we first went inside the building.I thought I just imagined it so I didnt tell anyone and we've been busy killing zombies on our way so I wasnt able to see the other cameras but earlier, when you were sleeping" Minhyuk pointed at the device up on the ceiling, "this one moved and focused on us."

"How sure are you?" And before Minhyuk can reply, both their attentions went to the CCTV which just moved left and right before slowly moving down where they stood.

"So, do you get my point now?" Krystal nodded before joining Minhyuk; jumping up and down and waiving their hands and saying, "Please, we know someone is there, help us."








Taeyeon was again conscious and found herself tied on a surgical bed. "What the heck?" She voiced out and tried to sat up only to be suppressed back to the bed.

"Did you know that you just entered a private property?"

"In case you dont know, there's an apocalypse. And you, what the heck did you inject me with?" Taeyeon asked as she remembered those brown eyes from earlier.

"Anesthesia." The person whom Taeyeon just realized to be a girl in a lab gown poked her abdomen.

"Ouch, what the hell?" Taeyeon winced in pain with the slight contact.

"You had a cut and I stitched you up,so a thank you would be nice."

Taeyeon nodded as she recalled hitting a broken glass earlier when they were running away from the zombies. She probably wounded herself and didnt notice it was bleeding since she was busy worrying about Krystal and her safety as well. "And this?" She asked pertaining to her tied hands and feet.

"Just for protection. I need to be sure youre not going to turn. God knows if youre bitten or not."

"Im not.Im clean."

"Cant be sure. Its the saliva thats activating the virus, thus turning into a zombie when youre bitten. So you cant be totally sure that youre clean. Who knows if one zombies managed to spit saliva in your wound."

Taeyeon fell into a deep thinking. She's sure she hadnt been in close contact with a zombie but the girl was right, she cant be sure if she's really as clean as she thinks.

"Are you a scientist here?"

"Junior Scientist I, Bae Irene." The girl took her eye glasses off and cleaned it with her lab gown. 

The door opened and a man who Taeyeon figured to be a security guard considering his bulky structure and well, his uniform says it all.

"Miss Bae, I'll look after her. Dr. Cho and Dr. Choi asks for you." Irene only nodded and smiled at Taeyeon before walking out of the room.

Taeyeon gulped as she saw how fierce the security man is. "You should be thankful Miss Bae urged us to help you even after your group mates closed the whole facility down."

"My groupmates?"

The security guard nodded. "Three of your groupmates broke in the testing lab, now we're all locked down in here."

"Locked down?" Taeyeon asked and somehow the words left unsettling feeling in the pits of her stomach.

"Meaning, we're all closed in here, we're not getting out. Ever."











Its been a month huh? Well, Im sorry guys for making you wait. Real life's been very busy and I dont really have time to write. But dont worry, Im not going to leave you guys hanging. Im just  waiting for the right feels to come before I update.

And sorry for the short update. Writing this fic isnt really easy and that Imnot really good at writing so bless you guys who keep on reading this. May your patience stay long. I promise to not stop writing but just bear with me more, okay?



ing out.


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ed_peniel #1
Chapter 70: Bitin hahahahha pero maganda story hahahah
owheyjae_ #2
Chapter 70: Eh? The ending was like that? Well the story's good tho. More author! :)
Chapter 70: Kryber AND zombies? Count me in! I love the plot of the story too bad the ending was rished but at least there was an ending! <3 Thanks for the unique story and I hope you continue to create more Kryber-licious stories.
lilkjungie #4
hey, i just finished reading this story again for like.... the nth time?? like seriously this story is one of my favorite kryber story ever, and maybe i haven't have the chance to say this but then, this story is amazing af!
like seriously this story give me the rush, adrenaline, the romance feeling, the scared, anticipating, everything!!
and i'm ready to read this story again tomorrow! :)))
So actually, this is where train to busan got their idea hahahahaha
fankry #7
Chapter 70: this story was jjang
and author-shii jjang! <3
snackplate #8
Chapter 70: Luckily it's worth it. I spent my entire sleeping time to finished this. Thanks Grandpa aunthor.. You've done a great story here... Well done! Thanks again n do please continue writing more great kryber stories..