
Against All Odds

"Amber..." Fear is evident in Krystal's voice as she gripped tightly on her girlfriends clothes. There's something moving just outside their truck and it alerted everyone. They could here clanking sound as if someone was tapping the truck from outside.

"Shhh." Amber sushed her and motioned her finger in front of her lips, signalling everyone to keep quiet. "Probably just a herd passing by." Amber whispered as she pulled Krystal closer to her withdrawing her gun from her side. The younger girl taking her gun as well, gripping it tightly.

Yuri who's just an inch away from the couple did the same, taking two guns in her hand and ushered Tiffany behind her.

Taeyeon and Jessica both cocked their guns and pointed it ahead.

Jeno on the other hand looked out the small window. Dara tapped his shoulder to get a look too. The boy tiptoed his way to Amber and whispered, "Zombies dont drive cars Amber."

Amber raised a brow at that and walked towards the small window. Just infront was a car and its headlight flashing on them. 

Louder taps echoed inside the truck, Amber run to the door and held the handle. Thinking if she should open it or not. There's humans outside but they dont know if theyre there to help, get help or just cause trouble for her group.

"Its locked from inside."

"Since when a truck can be locked inside, you idiot. Here, hold this I'll open it."

Amber's group could hear the door being pulled.

"See, I told you. Who's the idiot now."

"Shut up. I'll bomb this door down if I need to."

"And what? Attract more zombies? Use your shell Ken."

"What are you taking so long guys? Lets leave the truck alone Im sure the driver left it as soon as he saw zombies. Come on we dont have much time, we need to get out of here or you rather be cleaned out as well?"

Clean out. That ticked something on Amber's brain. In the army when you say clean out, theyre going to wipe a place down not caring if there's survivors around the place.

"Amber wait what are you doing?" Krystal hissed as her girlfriend unlocked the door and swung it open. Taeyeon and Yuri jolted up, guns at ready.

"Look who we got here. If it isnt Corporal Liu." One of the man said who withdrew his gun assoon as Amber showed her face.

"Eric? Oh my god. Eric its you. "

"Its good that you havent forgotten my name you ." The guy named Eric shoved Amber by her shoulder earning a reaction from Yuri and Taeyeon. "Hey."

"Calm your girls. Amber and I are, I mean we were friends. Right ?"

"Amber grimaced at the word. She hates it whenever someone calls her that, specially him.

"Amber?" A girl showed up just beside the truck. Krystal caught Amber's sudden shock and what made her raised her brows was the girl threw herself on Amber while the latter enveloped the girl in her arms and enthusiastically exclaimed the girls name. "Suzy, youre alive. Oh my god, Youre alive."

"Amber.." The girl cried and sobbed in Amber's arms much to Krystal's liking. She didnt knew Amber knows other girls. 

Krystal cleared but the two hugging bodies didnt bother to care and continued hugging each other, that stirred anger on Krystal.

"Okay, lets cut the crappy reunion shall we? We heard that the Army's going to resume project clean up Amber and Im guessing you dont know any of that Corporal?" Amber caught on the sarcasm Eric applied.

"No that cant be, they said theyre going to wait for us in Gyeonsangnam-do." Ambe siad, finally letting go of the girl named Suzy.

"Gyeonsangnam-do is done Corporal, we just came from there."

"No.. Impossible. Pfc Choiza told me its safe there. Unless the camp was underground, then you cant really see it."

"Probably. Zombies are everywhere, there's no chance you can go near the mountain." Eric said. "Why dont you call your buddy so we'll know?" Amber only nodded fishing her phone on her pocket and walk few feet away from the truck and called Choiza.

Seeing that Amber knew their visitors, Yuri and Taeyeon lowered their gun except Krystal who's throwing Suzy death glares.

"Im sure she's just Amber's friend." Krystal snapped her head to her sister who took the gun from her hand. "We dont want you firing this one, do we?" 

Eric, Ken and Suzy introduced themselves. What made Amber's group dumbfounded was what Suzy said after introducing herself.

"Ex-excuse me? W-what did you say again?" Krystal tried so hard not to burst, Jessica's calming her down, massaging her by her shoulders.

"Im Amber's girlfriend?"

"Are you ing kidding us?"


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ed_peniel #1
Chapter 70: Bitin hahahahha pero maganda story hahahah
owheyjae_ #2
Chapter 70: Eh? The ending was like that? Well the story's good tho. More author! :)
Chapter 70: Kryber AND zombies? Count me in! I love the plot of the story too bad the ending was rished but at least there was an ending! <3 Thanks for the unique story and I hope you continue to create more Kryber-licious stories.
lilkjungie #4
hey, i just finished reading this story again for like.... the nth time?? like seriously this story is one of my favorite kryber story ever, and maybe i haven't have the chance to say this but then, this story is amazing af!
like seriously this story give me the rush, adrenaline, the romance feeling, the scared, anticipating, everything!!
and i'm ready to read this story again tomorrow! :)))
So actually, this is where train to busan got their idea hahahahaha
fankry #7
Chapter 70: this story was jjang
and author-shii jjang! <3
snackplate #8
Chapter 70: Luckily it's worth it. I spent my entire sleeping time to finished this. Thanks Grandpa aunthor.. You've done a great story here... Well done! Thanks again n do please continue writing more great kryber stories..