New and Old Buddies

Against All Odds

"..."I muttered aloud that made everyone worried. 

"Ohh Amber.."

"Oh my god.."



Just ahead of us were a bunch of zombies walking to and from around the city's streets. (A/N: Lets just make a city name since im not really good about Seoul's. I'll make a new one. Okay?) Since the bridge in Krystal's town that only connects it to Yonsang Camp was blocked and there's no way we could move it we decided to turn around the town and take the Moekdo route that leads to Jeongju town. Its far from Yongsan but it the best route we had till now..

"Jessica, Jeno. Open the door on your side slowly and very carefully, there's an alley just right across you.I want you guys to run as fast as you can and climb those emergency ladders. Krystal baby. You know what to do with the gun right? I'll back you guys up so ran as fast as you could." I instructed. The alley way seems safe since it has a slightly opened gate but no zombies inside. That's the only way we could go before those zombies notice us.

Jenno and Jessica did what I told them and Krystal held my shoulders. I held back and squeezed it, smiling at her to reassure her that things will be alright and she just nodded.

"Now go." I yelled and they ran out of the car and into the alley. Jeno was firing at the zombies who was blocking their way, behind himwas Dara and Jessica hand in hand then Krystal following them from behind looking back at me as I too went out of the car and started firing at the zombies. I slid my way on top of the jeepney type car not stopping at shooting at the zombies and followed them to the alley way. As soon as made it to the gate, I closed it and the zombies got held off, reaching over me trying to grasp me or any part of my body.

"Am.. Baby.. " Krystal yelled as I climb the ladder just behind her. The gate broke down, not able to hold those zombies.

"..Guys.. Go faster.. Faster.." I told them as I saw the zombies approaching me.. "Ohh .." I cursed as one zombie got a hold of my feet. I tried to pry him off but no use, he's got my ankle. 

I heard a gun shot and the grip on my feet was gone. I looked up and saw my girlfriend holding out her gun. "Thought you might need a help." She said smiling at me. I know I shouldnt be smiling back, but damn, seeing her with a gun was just so damn y and I cant helped but be . Shaking my head off the byun thoughts Im currently having I answered "I had it in control baby, but thanks anyway." I said while pulling the kadder up so they wont be able to climb up.

"Now what are we going to do?" Jessica said while me and Jeno was trying to open the windows, hoping that someone migtve left one open.

"Psst.. Psst." I looked up, trying to find the sound.

"Up here." I finally see the person who's been been callin our attention. It was just right above us.

"Ohh hi.. Can we come in?" I asked politely to her.

"Yeah ofcourse. No one's bitten?" I shook my head and called everyone up. "We're all clean. You can have my word."

"Good then, my roommate would hate me for doing this, but I cant let people die without trying to help, you know what Im saying?" I just nodded at her and thanked her. I let Jeno, Dara and Jessica entered first then Krystal and me followed, closing the window behind me.

As soon as I raised my head and look around the small apartment, there's two girls who's sitting on the couch arm in arm and my eyes settled on the girl in front of Jessica..

"You.." I heard Jessica said.

"You." I heard the girl said. Confirming that they know each other.

My eyes widen at the realization. "Oh my god its you.." I exclaimed that everyone turned their heads at me.

"Excuse me? And who're you?" The girl then turned to the il who let us in. " it Kwon. We could barely survive here yet you decided to shelter some stray cats?" The girl specifically glared at Jessica at her last two words.

"If only I knew I'd be in the same room with you, I wouldve not accepted your good friend's offer." Jessica shot at her.

Me, Krystal, Dara and Jeno were totally confused with whatever's happening right now while the two girls on the couch was smiling obviously having fun with the situation.

The girl who helped us stood up and introduced herself. "Im Kwon Yuri, this lovely girl is," She paused and pulled the other girl up and introduced her "Tiffany Hwang, my girlfriend." The girl Tiffany just smiled at us and wow she sure know how to smile.. With her eyes forming an arc as if it, too,was smiling at us..

We introduced ourselves back and thanked them for helping us.

Then the girl named Kwon Yuri walked over to the fuming girl in front of Jessica, placing her arm over the girl's shoulder and said "Relax Midget. They have guns and we dont.We can use each other's help to survive." Yuri then turned to us.. "And this hot headed girl here is Kim Taeyeon.. I believe the Ice Princess Jessica Jung herself can introduce her better than me since they do have some sort of history together. Right Sica?" 

I could see Jessica gritted her teeth and clasped her hands together, indicating that she's nervous and slightly embarrassed with the way this Kwon Yuri girl have stated that the four of them somehow knew each other.

"Unnie, I never knew you have a friend named Kim Taeyeon." Krystal blurted out that made Yuri laughed.

"Cause they were never been friends in the first place my dear little ice princess." My brows raised at the nickname this Yuri just gave my girlfriend.

But what made me raised both my brows and dropped my jaw was Jessica's sudden confession.

"Kim Taeyeon is my.. She's my ex-girlfriend."

"What?" Krystal blurted out, not believing what her siste just said. Dara too was dumbfounded. The town's Jewel who stands out as the warm Ice Princess that made all men fell for her by snobbing some of them.. the girl who were chased by the town's most finest eligible bachelor turned out to be a lesbian.. 

"Ohh Jessica Jung.. Youve given me so much credit..How sweet of you." Bitterness is obvious on the shorter girl's voice.

Me, Krystal, Dara and Jeno has the same look on our faces.. Shocked, surprised and in disbelief as Kim Taeyeon said.. "Im not her ex.. Never been one.. I was just her god damn ing buddy."





Sorry Royal Shippers, but I did say on my twitter that I want to make a Taengsic ansgt fic ..And here you go..Im shoving them at your faces right now.

So how was it?

Im currently having Taengsic feels,probably because of the videos Im watching about them and Im like intrigued of what happened to them.. So yeah.. Let's see how this story will turn out..

Hot Krystal Jung with a gun is HOT.. Smexy.. *fanning self*

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ed_peniel #1
Chapter 70: Bitin hahahahha pero maganda story hahahah
owheyjae_ #2
Chapter 70: Eh? The ending was like that? Well the story's good tho. More author! :)
Chapter 70: Kryber AND zombies? Count me in! I love the plot of the story too bad the ending was rished but at least there was an ending! <3 Thanks for the unique story and I hope you continue to create more Kryber-licious stories.
lilkjungie #4
hey, i just finished reading this story again for like.... the nth time?? like seriously this story is one of my favorite kryber story ever, and maybe i haven't have the chance to say this but then, this story is amazing af!
like seriously this story give me the rush, adrenaline, the romance feeling, the scared, anticipating, everything!!
and i'm ready to read this story again tomorrow! :)))
So actually, this is where train to busan got their idea hahahahaha
fankry #7
Chapter 70: this story was jjang
and author-shii jjang! <3
snackplate #8
Chapter 70: Luckily it's worth it. I spent my entire sleeping time to finished this. Thanks Grandpa aunthor.. You've done a great story here... Well done! Thanks again n do please continue writing more great kryber stories..