The past.

It's just a forgetten love

“Now turn, one, two, three, and four...” A dance instructor in the corner of a room commanded, following her tempo. She clapped her hands while her student is doing pique turns.

“Alright, you can stop now.”

“Please Miss Yoon, I can do it, the selection day is around the corner, I can’t...” The dancer pleads with her hands.

“You’re doing fine Min Ri.” The teacher took her handbag and heads for the door, leaving Min Ri behind.

Min Ri looks into the mirror, Am I ready for the big day?


Ten years ago

A girl sits on a bench in front of a lotus pond; her face is covered with tears, she is holding onto a unopened gigantic lollipop and sobbing.

“What do you think you’re doing here?” Yesung yelled at the unclear figure at his territory, he come to the pond everyday to feed the fishes.

“WAH!” The girl cried even louder, and tried to use her hands to wipe away her tears.

“Don’t cry!” He quickly took out his tissue and wipes away her tears, carefully.

“I am lost!” Min Ri whimpered, trying to stop crying. Suddenly, an angelic voice began to ring.

“kom sema-ri-ga (Once there were three bears)
 han chi-be-yi-so (who lived in a cottage)
 appa gom (Papa Bear)
 omma gom (Mama Bear)
 ae-gi gom (Baby Bear)
 appa gommun tung-tung-hae (Papa Bear was chubby and fat)
 omma gommun nal-shin-hae (Mama Bear was slender and tall)
 ae-gi gommun na bul-gwi-yo-wo (Baby Bear was the cutest one of all)
 hishuk hishuk cha-rhan-da (That's because he was so small)”

Yesung moved his hands over his stomach, singing and dancing. Min Ri began to giggled loudly.

“What’s your name?”

“Min Ri, yours?”

“Yesung.You wanna feed the fishes, Min Ri?” He said with his most charming voice, passing her the packet of fish food. He's Yesung.

Min Ri nodded her head eagerly, and place the unopened lollipop on the bench.

After a few minutes.

“Min Ri, where are you?” The lady’s voice is trembling. Min Ri saw that it was her mom and ran to her, the lady hugged Min Ri expressing her love for her dearly. Min Ri began to cry again. The lady thanked Yesung for accompanying her. She took Min Ri away, Min Ri waved goodbye to Yesung and Yesung waved back to her.

But little was known that Min Ri’s heart was taken away by him, bit by bit. She watched as Yesung returned to feed the fishes.

Thank you for reading! laugh


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