But What Really Leads Me to You,

Compilation of Exo U, The First Class: (The Things that Lead Me to You) Baekhyun x Chanyeol


A little later at the Orphanage...


“Where am I?!” Baekhyun hollers as he gets up.

“Whoa, calm down, Baek,” Kyungsoo says as he helps the latter to lie down again. “You’re inside the bus now,”

“What happened?” Baekhyun asks as he rubs his temple.

“A young lad reported what happened to you,” Jongin replies as he turns to face Baekhyun. “Then we rushed to you as soon as we assured everyone’s safety back at the orphanage.”

“Mister Grell and we found the two of you unconscious in the forest.” Suho added.

“That’s right,” Baekhyun says with a slight tone of fear. “Where is Chanyeol?! Is the young boy okay?!”

“Park was inside the tent on the grounds. Yixing and the others are taking care of him as well.” Kyungsoo replies as he soothes Baekhyun’s head.

“You can visit him later, hyung,” Jongin says. “Get some rest first.”


Baekhyun turns around and closes his eyes before sighing in relief. Somehow, he feels rejuvenated. He feels like he was reborn. But why was he feeling like this? Was it because of something?




Baekhyun finally gets out of the bus to visit Chanyeol in the tent. But when he arrives, Chen told him that Chanyeol went out to the forest again. Baekhyun was now in front of two choices again. He decided that maybe he should try to follow what his heart says and go for it. All this time, he’s been choosing the decision that opposes to what he really wants to do. Now, he will follow his will; and wish for the best.


By the forest, Chanyeol was looking up to the orange sky as he tries to remember what happened to him earlier. Truly, he can’t remember anything, but he knew that he was missing something important. He wore a smile as he knew that Baekhyun was okay. All he has to do now… is to confess his true feelings for him. Chanyeol nods to himself and turns around to retrace his steps back to the group but as he did, he was greeted by….


















“Umm, Hi, Chanyeol,” Baekhyun greets.

“Hello,” Chanyeol greets back with a smile.


Both of them were shrouded by yet another silence. Another awkward silence, that is. Chanyeol averts his gaze to the younger man. Baekhyun gulps and plays with his fingers as he does a search in his deep thoughts for words to answer.


“Baekhyun,” Chanyeol finally breaks the silence.

Chanyeol’s low voice made Baekhyun face him.


“I… I have something to tell you that I knew that I should’ve told you a long time ago,” Chanyeol says.

“It’s something that I wanted you to know,” Baekhyun unconsciously said.

“What…?” Chanyeol asks.

“I love you, Park Chanyeol…” Baekhyun replies with a straightforward face.


Chanyeol was taken aback by the younger’s words. After a while, he hugs him tightly while he wears a big smile on his face.


“You went ahead of me,” he mumbles as he hugs Baekhyun.

“Why?” Baekhyun asks.

“Because,” Chanyeol starts before facing Baekhyun. “I was going to tell you the very same thing,” he chuckles.


Baekhyun blushes.


“R-Really?” he asks the taller man.

Chanyeol chuckles as he saw Baekhyun blushes. He then places a kiss on the latter’s lips before answering him.

“Yes I do, Byun Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun hugs Chanyeol tightly. Tears start falling from his eyes. For a moment, he realizes that the decision he had been avoiding for a long time is what he needs to make his life happy. Chanyeol then faces him once again. Baekhyun closes the distance in them with a kiss.

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