Lost And Confused

My Precious Nerd

Kai sat right outside of Kyungsoo's room, patiently waiting. 

The others waited with Kai. But after an hour, they left to go to the waiting area, since they thought that Kai needs to be alone.

3 Hours After The Occurrence Of The Seizure...

Doctor Lee came out of Kyungsoo's room. 

"How is he?", Kai asked anxiously and nervously as he practically jumped out of his seat. 

"You should go see for yourself". The solemn look gave Kai an uneasy feeling. 

Without a second thought,  Kai braced himself for what he was about to face.

Kyungsoo was awake and conscious. He faced Kai with wide eyes.

"Hey, Kyungsoo. How are you feeling?", Kai said, trying not to make things awkward. 

"I'm doing well.  But... who are you?  Why are you here?"

Hearing those two questions made Kai shake. He was fidgeting and shivering. He didn't know how to respond.  At that point, he knew what that seizure had done to him. He broke down at Kyungsoo's bedside sobbing. He didn't know what to say or do. He forced himself to speak. 

"K-Kyung...! It's me, Kai...!"

"I'm sorry, but I don't recall a Kai".

"Kai?! Jongin?!?!", Kai asked desperately. 

Kyungsoo sat there with no clue and shook his head. 

Kai sprinted out of the room. His mind was a storm of chaotic thoughts. On his way down the stairs, he ran into Xiumin and Luhan.

Xiumin fell on his and Luhan landed on top of him.

"Luhan, get the hell off of me! You're heavier than you look!", Xiumin exclaimed, pushing Luhan off and to the side.

"So am I fat?!"

"Just shut up and get up!"

"S-sorry", Kai said softly. 

"It's okay", Luhan replied softly. 

"Well I'm not", Xiumin said, directing his statement at Luhan. "I feel as if I'd been bulldozed and smashed flat".

"Am I that fat to you?!", Luhan asked in an offended voice. 

"Luhan, shut up! Kai, are you alright?  You look empty and lost".

"Kyungsoo doesn't remember me. He doesn't remember anything. He lost his memory, all of it". Kai broke down into tears.

Xiumin put a palm on Kai's back and began to rub.

"I'm sorry to hear that", Luhan said.

"I bet he doesn't even remember what love is", Kai muttered as he sobbed. 

"Kai, if you teach him what love is, it's inevitable that he'll fall in love with you once you teach him". Xiumin gave a small assuring nod after he spoke. 

"Thanks hyung", Kai whispered. 

"Go build the love back up. I know that Kyungsoo will always have room in his heart to accept you, Kai. Good luck", Luhan ruffled Kai's hair before continuing on to go check up on Junmin and Minsung. 

Xiumin went to the bathroom, parting ways with Luhan. 

Luhan walked on, heading towards Junmin and Minsung's room.

He stepped in. Junmin was on a bed on the left, and Minsung on the right. In between the beds was Sehun in an uncomfortable position on a chair.

"Luhan", Sehun called in a husky voice. He just woke up and saw the lovely figure looking at the children with longing eyes.

"Sehunnie, I'm so glad that they're okay". Luhan walked up to Sehun and sat on his lap. "Seeing you wait desperately in this seat shows what a good father you are". Luhan leaned his head on Sehun's chest, feeling the warmth, his rythmic heart beat, and Sehun's chin resting on his head. Then, he heard Sehun's voice fill the thick awkward air that surrounded them.

"I want my children growing up to think of their parents as people that they look up to. I don't want to be the father that restricts them, or neglects them. I want to be involved in their lives, but I don't want them to think that I'm invading their privacy. I know that nobody can be a perfect parent,  but I want us to be as close to that as possible". Sehun pulled himself backwards to face Luhan. "Luhan, my father wasn't somebody that I looked up to. At one point in my life, I didn't even love him. I don't want Junmin and Minsung to feel that way about me. If anything, I would've wanted a father like you, Lu. One who cares so much and never leaves his children's side. They're so lucky to have a father that's as wonderful as you are. Luhan, I love you. Please don't ever leave my side, because I need you here by my side". 

Tears of both sadness and happiness rolled down the petite male's pink pale cheeks. 

"Sehun, if anything, I'm the one who's lucky to have you and the kids around. And I'm the one who needs you to stay.  You're a great father, and there's no doubt that the boys love you. We'll work as a team, a family,  to get through everything together. Oh Sehun, don't ever think, even for a second, that I will leave you. I ain't going nowhere. I'm gonna be by your side,  no matter what".

The door opened. In came Kai.

"Sehun, I have to talk to you. Luhan, can I borrow him for a minute?", Kai asked hopefully. 

"Of course", Luhan answered. He got off of Sehun's lap.

Sehun got up and out of the chair and walked out the door. 

"Sehun,  what do I do? Kyungsoo doesn't remember anything. He doesn't recognize me either. I don't know what to do or if I can even do anything at all to change that. What do you think?"

"If he can't remember, then teach him. Show him who Kai is, who Jongin is. Show him and teach him what is love and how to love. If you don't teach or show him, he's a lost dead soul in a living breathing body. It's all up to you, Kai. You can get Kyungsoo back. It'll take some time and effort on your part,  but wouldn't getting him back be worth it?"

Kai nodded bluntly. 

"Thanks Sehun".

Kai got up and walked to Kyunsoo's room.

Doctor Lee came out of the room.

"Jongin, just the person I want to see".

"Yes, doctor?"

"We ran some tests on Kyungsoo. There's a way to get his memory back, but it'll be in bits and pieces".

"How? I'll do anything!"

"Tell him about the moments that would mean a lot to him. Those memories will trigger his mind to remember. If you do this often enough,  memory by memory, he'll remember. If he doesn't remember, reenact it. Repeating history will encourage his brain to filter the events of his past. Give it a try".

"I will. Thank you doctor".

Kai went on into the room. 

On the bed laid a fragile being. He laid there in his slumber, a stern expression on his face. 

"Hi Kyungsoo", Kai spoke up.

The sleeping boy woke up, opening his eyes wide with surprise. 

"I'm Jongin, but you can call me Kai. We first met at an abandoned warehouse. You were locked inside, and then I found you".

"I don't recall an abandoned warehouse..."

"You were locked inside for a while, until you were saved".

"Were you the one who had locked me in?"

"No. I'm the one who got you out".

"You were the one who'd set me free?"

Kai nodded. He wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo tightly. 

"That was how we first met. From there, our relationship grew stronger. Do you remember when I took you to the lake and it was a night of a full moon?"

"No, refresh my memory".

"After we cuddled in the meadow beside the lake, I asked you an important question".

"Oh, you asked me to be your boyfriend".

"Correct! I think that deserves a kiss". 

Without letting Kyungsoo answer, Kai leaned in for a passionate, desperate kiss. Kyungsoo didn't resist, and he was actually enjoying this very much. 

"Another trivial question. What happened on the night of our birthday dinner last year?"

"I can't remember. Give me a minute to think".

"After dinner..."

"Oh my gosh, I remember. We drank too much wine and we ended up having six rounds of ... That was also the night that I'd lost my ity... definitely lost my ity.... and I can't believe that I just said that out loud..."  A look of embarrassment came across Kyungsoo's face.

"It's okay", Kai said with a smile. "You're so adorable when you're embarrassed". With that, he pecked Kyungsoo on the cheek.

"Last question before I let you sleep. What is love, and give an example?"

Kyungsoo sat there deep in thought. Then he'd found an answer. 

"Love is when you get a special feeling inside of you, for someone. A feeling that makes you feel like you can do anything and it's a powerful emotion.  You'd do anything for love, or the one you love".

"Example please".

"Whenever you kiss me, I get that feeling of invincibility. Even if I'm in this hospital bed, I feel like I can fly. It's love and the meds I'm on, but mostly the feeling of love".

Kai chuckled at Kyungsoo's cuteness. 

"I feel really embarrassed to ask you this, but can you kiss me again?", Kyungsoo asked in a soft voice.

Without a word, Kai dove down, pressing his lips against the other's soft ones. All of his emotions were poured out into that moment. He pulled a way for split second, just to find their lips meeting once again. With every kiss, Kyungsoo felt a feeling of nostalgic love. His memories weren't as bland and blunt. His mind found the bold and vivid memories of him and Kai. 

Sehun came in quietly. The two of them were too busy to be bothered. They didn't even notice Sehun come in.

Sehun saw that Kai and Kyungsoo were in the middle of something, so he backed out of the room.

When he shut the door behind him, the laughter he'd been holding in, came bursting out.

Xiumin just so happened to walk by during Sehun's outbreak of laughter. 

The baozi boy stood there in confusion, as he was also freaked out by the weirdo laughing his head off.

To get Sehun's attention, Xiumin cleared his throat and coughed very loudly. 

Sehun's laughter didn't fade the slightest bit. All he did was tilt his head up to look at Xiumin.

"Oh, hey hyung", Sehun said, as if he'd just consumed drugs. He didn't sound sane. 

"I'm afraid to even ask,  but why in the are you laughing like a damn seal?!"

"Right when Kyungsoo starts to remember and get his memory back, I ing see them making out, face...!" 

Xiumin's jaw dropped. He had no words. 

"Minseok, are you okay?"

"I gotta see this for myself". Xiumin opened the door very slowly so that it wouldn't make any noise. 

To think that his mouth wouldn't open any wider, it did.

He saw Kai hovering over Kyungsoo half . He was only clothed on his bottom half. He was shirtless.

"Min, what's taking you so long?!"

Xiumin left the door open, walked up to Sehun, and dragged him by the collar to Kyungsoo.

Once Sehun was sitting upright, his jaw dropped too. 

"Holy ", Sehun whispered. "That's just messed up, to have at a hospital".

"I don't want to disturb them".

"Minseok hyung, I'm gonna say it again. It isn't right to have here at a damn hospital".

"Are you gonna stop them?!"

"I guess I will". Sehun stood up, a smirk plastered on his face. He walked in quietly. 

"So Kai, how's Kyung-" *screams as high as he possibly can*

"Holy , Sehun, ing knock, will you?!"

"Jongin, I don't want to stop", Kyungsoo said desperately and innocently. 

"Sorry Kyungsoo, next time. It would be messed up if we did this at a hospital".

Kai kissed Kyungsoo's forehead before walking out. 

On his way out, he remembered to punch Sehun.

The tall blonde cringed and fell.

Kai rushed to Doctor Lee. 

"Doctor Lee!", Kai called out.

The doctor turned to see Kai panting.

"Yes, Jongin?"

"Does Kyungsoo remember about the miscarriage of our baby?"

"No. Not unless you've reminded him".

"Ok, good. Thank you doctor".

Kai wanted some time to just think. He just walked around the hospital. 

Kai then bumped into Xiumin.

"Boy, I should beat you for bumping into me for a second time, and 'getting it on' with Kyungsoo. You should be glad that I didn't fall on my this time. I would've knocked the hell out of you. And you shouldn't take advantage of Kyungsoo. His memories are cloudy. Having with him is wrong on so many levels. If you haven't noticed, we're in a damn hospital!"  Xiumin was out of breath by the time he was done scolding Kai.

"Sorry Minseok hyung". Kai's facial expression looked thoughtful. 

"Are you okay?", Xiumin asked, seeing that Kai wasn't acting normal.

"I am just a bit confused..."

"About what?"

"I don't know if I love Kyungsoo or hate him".

"Why are you confused? That's something you should know".

"He's still an innocent being that I can't get enough of. But at the same time, he kept the pregnancy a secret. How can I trust him? Not to mention that he doesn't remember doing it. Should I just forgive, forget, and move on?"

"I think he deserves another chance", Xiumin replied. "I'm sure that you will always have room in your heart for Kyungsoo. You can have a new beginning with him. It'll be a new fresh start".

Kai continued to sit there in thought. 

Xiumin brought in the taller tan male into his arms to comfort. 

"Every time you come to me with your problems, I feel like I'm your mom. But, I don't mind. You're still young and you still have much to learn. Though, I wish that you weren't so tall, so I don't have to reach". Xiumin grinned, as he felt the taller chuckle softly.

Xiumin pulled back.

"I know what'll cheer you up. Let's go visit Baekhyun and Chanyeol! Their baby is so adorable! "

Kai gave a small nod before being dragged off to see the newborn baby.

Xiumin walked in first.

"Hey, Baek!", Xiumin practically sang. 

"Hey, Min! Wanna hold him? His name is Byunseong".

Xiumin cheerfully nodded.

Baekhyun handed Byunseong over to Xiumin. 

"He has your face, Baek. And he has Chanyeol's ears! He's so adorable!"

Byunseong was smiling and laughing. He reached out to touch Xiumin's face.

"Byunseong", Baekhyun called to his son. "That's your uncle, Minseok".

"Kai, why don't you hold him", Xiumin asked.

"I think he'll cry if I hold him".

Xiumin ignored Kai's answer and handed him Byunseong. 

The baby was so cheerful and happy. 

Kai could only smile at the child. 

After a while, Byunseong fell asleep in Kai's arms.

He handed Byunseong to Baekhyun. 

"I think I'll go check on Kyungsoo", Kai said, ready to leave the room. 

"Jongin, remember what I told you. You'll be sure when the time comes". Xiumin gave a nod before letting Kai exit.



After a week, Minsung, Junmin, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, and Byunseong were allowed to leave the hospital. 

3 weeks after everyone was released from the hospital...


Xiumin felt sick. He had a feeling of illness for a while now. He finally decided to go to the hospital after he started to throw up and get dizzy and even pass out. 

Luhan also felt sick. He was suffering from the same things that Xiumin was suffering from too. 

Luhan was rushed to the hospital when he'd fainted. 

At the same time, Chen was driving Xiumin to the hospital. Xiumin wasn't given a chance to protest, so he just went. 

Both Xiumin and Luhan were taken into the care of Doctor Choi.


2 Hours After Arriving At The Hospital...

Xiumin came walking out of his room.

"Minnie, are you alright?!", Chen asked in concern.


"Good, I'm glad".


"Yes, Min?"

"I'm pregnant!"


"Yes! She's already developing! Apparently, I've been pregnant for a while. Dae, I'm so happy!"  Xiumin was starting to cry. His heart was full of happiness. 

"Do you think I'm ready to be a parent?", Chen asked nervously. 

"Of course! You're perfect, and I'm sure she'll love you!"

Chen wrapped his arms around Xiumin.

His hands made their way to Xiumin's stomach. It was already starting to grow. 

"I guess I'll be really fat for a while", Xiumin said bluntly with a sigh.

"No, you're going to be curvy and beautiful".

"Jongdae, just stop sugar-coating and kiss me".

"As you wish, curvy beauty". Chen chuckled before pressing his lips upon Xiumin's. "Minseok, you do know that during pregnancy, you'll have many satisfaction requirements?"

"In other words, I'll be and needy and ual all the time?"

Chen nodded.

"Well, I'm sure that you'll enjoy my status of being pregnant. I'll be easier to seduce".


As For Luhan...

Luhan woke up. 

Everything around him was white, which meant only one thing. 

He was in the hospital. 

He scanned his surroundings. 

He was in a hospital bed, needles in his arms connecting him to all sorts of monitors and pouches of different liquids.

He looked around the room.

Right next to his bed was Sehun, staring at him intently. 

"Lu, you're up", he said softly, his voice filled with joy.

"Why am I here?"

"You passed out".

"Where's Junmin and Minsung?!", worry in Luhan's voice. 

"Baekhyun and Chanyeol are watching them. Byunseong was there too. The two boys have taken quite a liking to Byunseong".

"Why do I need to be here if I just passed out?"

"Lu, we're having a 3rd child".

Luhan didn't know whether to cry or laugh, so he did both. 

"Sehun, I see a bright, and painful future for us".


"With pregnancy comes pain".

"Don't worry about it too much. You'll stress her".

"It's a girl?!", Luhan merely shrieked. 

Sehun nodded with a soft smile.

"I think it's the pregnancy hormones, but I demand that you kiss me".

"Sassy, aren't you? You demand? You want a kiss? Beg for it".

"Please, Sehunnie? Give me a kiss".

"I don't know..."

"Stubborn !" Luhan just grabbed Sehun by the collar and pulled him in for a deep kiss. After they pulled apart, Sehun spoke, a smirk on his face. 

"Someone's needy", he said teasingly.

"The pregnancy hormones...", Luhan repeated shyly.

"During your pregnancy, you'll be begging for and intimate attention, or so the doctor said..."

"That's very believable. I already have an urge".

"For what?"

"You, me, in bed, all night, until I can't walk".

"We'll be... an interesting family".

They shared a warm hug, anxious about their future with 3 kids.





Hello! I hope that you enjoyed that chapter! I decided to make it long for all of you to enjoy. I'll be sure to update soon! Please comment, subscribe, and upvote. I would really like to know your reaction/feedback! Thank you for reading!






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Chapter 27: hey. hey ... hey . .. . . ....
thank you for making me sad and they were happy too wow how could you do this
Chapter 14: It's such a great story, but somehow we need to get into reality in fiction. I mean, they're too young, underage ppl can't pass to board the plane without their parents' permission, so with the hotel.
I think it would be great of you make them knew each other at their current age now as in ur fanfic (14/16), but they started to get more passion as time passed at least when they hit their 18.
I'm sorry, but since I already love this story of urs, so I think I shud give a feedback in a while :)
GuiWang_Lover123 #3
Chapter 28: Omg Author!! You just killed me when you made them die. I'm crying so badly right now !!please update.
kaisooluver #4
Chapter 27: Oooh Kaisoo get it on!
How could you do this to me my username is kaisooluver and you making Kyungsoo have cancer! Fluff you!
You better lock your doors and windows at night girl.
Chapter 28: Was a a a a a a :( why man why :( it is so sad just reading it by myself and just imagining that happening! I'm pretty sure kaisooluver gunna go to ur house and hit u hahah
Chapter 27: Author nim I know u can imagine me laughing like I did last time like crazy. .. even though we discussed this chapter together I couldn't stop crying when Kyung soo was like I can't believe it... u should watch out for kaisooluver to come to ur house hahahaah
Chapter 28: I cried author-nim T.T this is so sad, wae did you kill them *sobbing mess*
zhudie_foreves #8
Chapter 26: Omg! Pregnancy hormones, yes please lol >_< . They ARE going to have an interesting family!! Please Update!!
kaisooluver #9
Chapter 26: Stupid bish you make me cry and laugh at the same time. But I loved it. Keep it up author-nim
kaisooluver #10
Chapter 25: UPDATE! I know we're you live!
Ya but I must agree with kpopfandomluver what is mausoleum?