Gone and Missing

My Precious Nerd

Sehun and Luhan ran as fast as they could to the room where the screaming came from. Sehun busted through the door to find the empty bed. Luhan peeked beyond Sehun to see what had happened.  He saw the room empty.  Luhan fell to his knees, crying and screaming. 

"They're gone!!!", Luhan screamed hysterically.  "Sehunnie, they're ing gone!!!"

"Luhan, calm down... please", Sehun said. He caressed Luhan's back gently. He felt the poor boy shivering and trembling. He scanned the room to look for any clue of what had happened.  His eyes caught a glimpse of an open window.

"Sehun, who would do this to us?!", Luhan screamed with a shaky voice. 

"I don't know,  but all I know is that that they were abducted through the window".

Luhan sat on the floor with his legs crossed, as he sobbed into his lap.

The sobbing and sniffling died down after a moment, leaving the two in a depressing yet anxious silence.

The room was silent, until Sehun's phone rang.

Sehun took his phone out of his pocket very slowly with trembling hands. He looked at the screen. It was an unknown number. His thumb gently grazed the screen, as he swiped the answer tab. He took a deep, shaky breath before putting the phone up to his face.

Through all of this, Luhan sat there, looking at Sehun with terrified eyes.

"Hello...?", Sehun spoke in deep voice.

His heart raced, as he anticipated the response.

"Why, hello Sehun", a female voice said, followed by a high-pitched snicker. Sehun's spine tingled from hearing that creepy laugh.

"Who is th-this, and what do you want?", Sehun asked, barely able to muster up the words to speak.

"Sehun, I swear you'd recognize my voice", she replied bluntly. 

"Do I-I know you?", Sehun said, his voice getting softer by the second. 

"Yeah, dimwit. You were in my performing arts class two years ago... I'm hurt that you don't remember me. I guess that I wasn't significant in your life, considering I remember you so well. You honestly don't remember or recognize me?"

"N-no", Sehun said with a stutter, trying to remember a girl in his performing arts class that has this distinct voice.

"Really?", she replied with an eerie chuckle. "So you don't remember those letters I sent you, those invites and offers? And you also don't remember that one, rainy evening in the middle of April, just after your birthday... the evening in which I stood on the wet asphalt, getting soaked by the rain, with a broken heart... And the one who had left me there in tears had his back facing me, walking away,  his figure blurred by the pouring rain. He left me there, while I was emotionally in pain, with no mercy. That left me. And guess who that was".

"Holy ...", was all Sehun could say. "Jessica, it's you...."

"Yeah, face, it's me", she said. "You pratically cut me open, tore out my heart, and handed it to me while it was still beating. You have no ing idea how hurt I was that day.  You were a heartless, cold bastard".

"Jessica, where are my kids?!", Sehun shouted in exasperation.

"The pain I felt was excruciating.  I guess you could call this payback or revenge. The pain you'd caused me hurt like the fire of hell. And now, your kids will feel the pain".

"I swear, if you even touch a single ing piece of hair on their heads, I will rip you to pieces and feed your remains to the crows, you hear me?!"  

Sehun was shaking of both fear and anger.

"Oh, we'll see about that", she said with her final snicker. 

The other side of the line went silent.

Then a voice could be heard, but it wasn't Jessica's.

When Sehun recognized the voice, the blood rushed out of his body.  His vision blurred and he was unsteady. He felt tears streaming down his face.

"D-daddy", a small voice said with a sob and whimper. "Come, please! Minsung and I are stuck here. Our arms and legs are tied", Junmin wailed and sobbed. "Please, daddy! Save us!"

Just when Sehun was going to answer his son in vain, the phone was hung up. 

Sehun threw his phone on the bed in which his children were abducted from. He walked backwards slowly, until his back hit the wall. He collapsed to the floor, curled in a ball, sobbing for all he was worth.


Sehun's POV

What kind of parent am I? The kind that's so ing dumb and clueless that they let their innocent little kids get kidnapped. I'm a failure when it comes to parenting. I just hope that no harm came or will ever come to Junmin and Minsung...

I swear I'll kill Jessica when I see her. She'll see what happens when you around with the people I care about.

I wonder why she hasn't gotten over that. It was ing two years ago. She just asked me to be her boyfriend and go out with her.

I said no because first off, I wasn't and still am not attracted to women. Second, she wasn't committed to people. She'd get tired of the same guy after a while. And lastly, she was a . She'd date them, have with them, then leave, pretending nothing had happened.  Kai told me that Taemin was a victim of Jessica. She pretended that he didn't even exist the next day. Kai told me to be careful and reject her at all costs, because she's a hoe. I rejected her on a rainy day, which didn't make her feel any better. In her mind, she thought that I'd accept and go out with her, no questions asked.  So that's why she asked in the rain, thinking that it'd be romantic and . But sadly for her, things went in the opposite direction. And here we are, two years later...

For 's sake, I haven't even noticed Luhan gone. Where the did he go? His presence would be greatly appreciated right now. 

"Luhan?", I heard my voice echo throughout the house. 

Luhan came up the stairs, for he'd heard me call his name. I saw the dried tears on his face. His eyes were full of sorrow and worry. They were still puffy and watery.

"Sehunnie", he spoke with his stuffy voice. "I called Kyungsoo. Since he took tech class, he said he can track the unknown number and see where the phone call was made and the current location of the phone. He'll be here in about five minutes". That relieved me a bit, but the solemn look on Luhan's voice made me feel uneasy. 

"Lu, are you okay?", I asked him. 

He nodded.

I beckoned for him to approach me. I wrapped my arms around the fragile being and he sunk into my embrace. 

"Sehun", he started.

"Yes?", I replied.

"Who got them?", he asked me with pleading eyes.

"Jessica", I answered bluntly, unable to explain further. "Kyungsoo should be here soon. Let's go wait for him. I'll explain about Jessica later". 

Luhan nodded, and we pulled apart. I picked up my phone from the bed. We headed out of the room and down the stairs.

The knock on the door startled the both of us. Luhan opened the door, and there stood Kyungsoo, and Kai standing behind him.

Without a second thought,  I handed my phone to Kyungsoo. He bowed ever so slightly while accepting it, as a sign of sympathy. 

"Come in", Luhan said.

"Thank you", Kyungsoo said, mostly directing to Luhan. 

"Thanks", Kai said as he followed Kyungsoo in. 

Kyungsoo walked in and sat on the couch in the living room. Kai took a seat next to him. 

I was watching intently, as Kyungsoo pulled out his laptop, and other devices and gadgets out of his satchel bag.

He plugged a few chords into the wall and some into each other. Then, he took my phone and opened the back of it. He took out the battery and the microchip under it. He put the chip into a flash drive that was in the laptop. He then started to click away at the keyboard. 

While that was happening,  Kai looked blank and clueless. 

"Kai", I called to him. He quickly swung his head to face me.

"Yeah?", he replied. 

"You know the unknown number that called?"

"The kidnapper, right?", he asked as he nodded to my previous comment.

"It w-was.... it was Jessica...."

"No ing way", he said in disbelief. 

"Jessica, the one from performing arts class?", Kyungsoo joined in on the conversation, still tapping at the keyboard. 

"Yeah, that Jessica", was all I could say. 

"Why in the ing hell would she take your kids?", Kai asked. 

"She asked me out two years ago, thinking I'd say yes. But she was a , a hoe. So I rejected her. And till now, she's held a grudge". 

"Well, even back then, she was a sick and twisted ", Kai said bluntly. 

"Are the children okay?", Kyungsoo asked in concern. 

"When I got the call, Jessica put Junmin, the older one, on the phone". I paused to take a deep breath. My thoughts were really getting to me. "He said that he and Minsung were tied up".

"That is ed up in the head", Kai stated.

"Okay, I finally got passed the encryption code", Kyungsoo said.

"Kyung, what exactly does that mean?", Kai asked.

"Jessica purposely hid her number and it's location using an encryption code. If you use a counteracting code that overpowers her code, you can locate her phone using the chip in her phone, which has the call history of the call she made to Sehun. That's why I needed Sehun's chip to be scanned, and that's why I had to find a counteracting code that would break through hers. But I must say, this girl has had some serious schooling in technological encryption and coding". 

"Kyung, sweetie,  that's great, but where is she?", Kai asked, hoping for the main answer.

"She's in the abandoned warehouse behind the park, just 15 minutes from here", he replied with wide eyes. 

"Is something wrong?", Luhan asked.

"No, it's just that the warehouse they're in is scary. When I was younger, I was dared to go in there, and those mean bullies locked me in there. I thought I'd die in there. It was ominous and dark. About 30 minutes after I was trapped, I heard the iron bar lock shaking, as if someone was trying to open it. I was sobbing and crying, muttering my prayers. When the doors opened, it was boy who came in and saved me. And his name was Kai".

"Kyung,  you had to share that?", Kai said in embarrassment. 

"Yeah, stupid. That's the story of how we met".

"Okay, whatever. Let's go and take that son of a down!", Kai said with anticipation. 

"Kai, what if she has people helping her? What if the four of us aren't enough to fight her, or them?", Kyungsoo asked, expecting the worst. 

"I'm already ahead of you", Kai said with a smirk.

Kyungsoo,  Luhan and I were totally confused at that point. 

Kai stood up and went to the front door. He opened it and whistled. 

"Dammit, Jongin!", Kyungsoo shouted. "Don't whistle at night!"

Kai came walking back into the living room with a proud smile on his face.

"For 's sake, Jongin. At least close the ing door", I told him.

"Wait for it", Kai said as he held up his index finger.

Then, a bunch of people came in through the door, talking loudly. I recognized all of them. Baekhyun and Chanyeol being the loudest of them, walked in first. Followed by them was Xiumin and Chen, then Lay and Suho, then Tao and Kris.

Kai sat there, chuckling with pride.

All of a sudden,  Bakhyun came stomping to the couch.

"Why did we have to find out about your kids through Xiumin?!", Baekhyun said, offended. 

"I'm sorry", Luhan said sincerely. 

"It's okay", Baekhyun said kindly. "I want a damn explanation from Oh Sehun who don't tell us !"

"Why are you so jumpy, Mr. Byuntae?", I said to him. Baekhyun gasped. 

"Did you call me a ert?!", he questioned hysterically. 

"If you understand our language, then yes", I replied bluntly. 

"You sassy bastard!", he said loudly.

"Baek, calm down", Chanyeol said in his low voice.

Chanyeol started to walk towards me. He whispered to me.

"Baek's pregnant..."  My jaw dropped. "His hormones are messed up so if you're wondering why he's acting like this, now you know".

"Holy ", I managed to say. "Well, we all knew that you two would be the first to have children the natural way", I added with a grin.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?", Chanyeol asked. Though, I already know that he understood what I'd said.

"That your boyfriend is a hypocrite", I answered. 

"What?", Chanyeol asked, confused. 

"Nobody knows about his pregnancy, do they?", I asked as I felt a sly smirk creep across my face.

Chanyeol could only shake his head. 

"Baekhyun", I called. "Would you like to share anything with us?" I asked in an interrogative manner.

"About my in pain and me limping today because Chanyeol doesn't understand what it means to be gentle,  or me being pregnant?", he blurted out without thought. I couldn't help but to facepalm, along with everyone else here, especially Chanyeol. 

"Baekhyun,  we were going to surprise everyone later in the pregnancy", Chanyeol said, trying to calm himself down. 

"Hey, ers!", Kai shouted. "Let's focus on the damn task at hand,  which is to save Junmin and Minsung!"

"Kai's right", Tao said in support. 

"Thank you, Tao!", Kai said in acknowledgement. 

"Well then, let's kick some female !", Chanyeol cheered. 

"Let's go get that ! Nobody messes with my family!", Xiumin  shouted. 


Nobody's POV

They all got into their cars and headed to the abandoned warehouse.  It was a fifteen minute drive, as Kyungsoo said it'd be. None of them knew what was to come, but all they knew was that it wasn't gonna be pretty.














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*Bows apologetically*

I'm sorry for this late update! I thought I'd have more time to write and update, since it's my summer vacation. But no... something called 'summer school' had to be invented. Other than that, I honestly have no excuse... I had writer's block, meaning that I was completely blank and empty. I had no ideas for this chapter so I pretty much improvised and wrote some random stuff. And I also apologize for this chapter being so short. Thank you to the loyal readers who have been so patient and have been anticipating the story update! And also, I was SO sad to see the lack of comments for the previous chapter(s). The lack of comments didn't motivate me to write/update any sooner, so I kind of took my time on this. I hope that I get tons of comments for this chapter. But again, I'm so sorry for this late update. The next chapter is already partially written, so I'll put it up soon. Don't worry,  the next few chapters are already planned and thought out, so I'll update very soon, no doubt. Please COMMENT, subscribe, and upvote! Thank you! And by the way, your comments are greatly appreciated and motivates me to update faster. If the comment section gets a lot of comments, I'll give you a double update! So please comment! Thank you!


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Chapter 27: hey. hey ... hey . .. . . ....
thank you for making me sad and they were happy too wow how could you do this
Chapter 14: It's such a great story, but somehow we need to get into reality in fiction. I mean, they're too young, underage ppl can't pass to board the plane without their parents' permission, so with the hotel.
I think it would be great of you make them knew each other at their current age now as in ur fanfic (14/16), but they started to get more passion as time passed at least when they hit their 18.
I'm sorry, but since I already love this story of urs, so I think I shud give a feedback in a while :)
GuiWang_Lover123 #3
Chapter 28: Omg Author!! You just killed me when you made them die. I'm crying so badly right now !!please update.
kaisooluver #4
Chapter 27: Oooh Kaisoo get it on!
How could you do this to me my username is kaisooluver and you making Kyungsoo have cancer! Fluff you!
You better lock your doors and windows at night girl.
Chapter 28: Was a a a a a a :( why man why :( it is so sad just reading it by myself and just imagining that happening! I'm pretty sure kaisooluver gunna go to ur house and hit u hahah
Chapter 27: Author nim I know u can imagine me laughing like I did last time like crazy. .. even though we discussed this chapter together I couldn't stop crying when Kyung soo was like I can't believe it... u should watch out for kaisooluver to come to ur house hahahaah
Chapter 28: I cried author-nim T.T this is so sad, wae did you kill them *sobbing mess*
zhudie_foreves #8
Chapter 26: Omg! Pregnancy hormones, yes please lol >_< . They ARE going to have an interesting family!! Please Update!!
kaisooluver #9
Chapter 26: Stupid bish you make me cry and laugh at the same time. But I loved it. Keep it up author-nim
kaisooluver #10
Chapter 25: UPDATE! I know we're you live!
Ya but I must agree with kpopfandomluver what is mausoleum?