
Shot through the heart

“Jung Taekwoon! Are you listening to me??” N asked rather annoyed.

“Huh? What?” Taekwoon said snapping out of his daydream.

Taekwoon couldn’t stop thinking about that boy he saw at the hallway. Something like this has never happened to Jung Taekwoon before.

“What are you day dreaming about??” N asked.

They were in class waiting for their teacher to arrive.

“That boy. That boy we saw at the hallway,” Taekwoon said.

“You’re still thinking about him? Why??” N asked.

“I don’t know. I cant help myself,” Taekwoon said resting his forehead on the desk.

“You’re never the kind to think of someone that much,” N said.

N was right. He never had never been so attracted to someone before. Sure, he’s dated plenty of girls but he didn’t actually do it because he loved them. He did it because he felt the need to have a girlfriend. Plus, they were the ones that kept the relationship alive because, well, everyone wanted to date Taekwoon. He didn’t even feel anything when he broke up with them. They would cry asking Taekwoon to give them another chance, saying that they’ll change but honestly, Taekwoon wasn’t sure if it was their fault to begin with. He just got bored with them. Besides, it wasn’t like it was difficult for him to look for another girlfriend.

He sighed.

“I know. There’s something wrong with me,” Taekwoon said, his forehead still resting on the desk.


“Hyung! Tell me!” Hongbin said tugging Jaehwan’s arm.

“Ok, we made eye contact. He smiled at me. He started to walk towards me. I ran,” Jaehwan said munching on his food.

“He smiled at you??” Hongbin asked surprised, “The lion never smiles at anyone. He didn’t even smile when he was with his girlfriends.”

“How am I suppose to know why he smiled at me? Whatever it is, I don’t want anything to do with him,” Jaehwan said taking a sip out of his milk.

“Maybe he likes you,” Hongbin said.

Jaehwan chocked on his milk.

“You’re kidding right?” Jaehwan said.

“I don’t know. What other explanation can there be?” Hongbin said.

“I don’t know but whatever it is, I don’t want to be around Jung Taekwoon,” Jaehwan said shuddering upon thinking about their encounter earlier that day.

Hongbin nodded and focused on his food.

“Where is Ravi?” Jaehwan asked.

Hongbin shrugged.

“He probably is working on his songs again,” Hongbin said.

“Speaking of songs, I need to stay back after school today cause I need to practice those songs,” Jaehwan said pouting, “Miss Kim will really kill me this time if I don’t have those lyrics memorized.”

“That is your fault for not doing it on time,” Hongbin said with no sympathy.

“Kong ah,” Jaehwan said pouting and giving the younger his puppy dog eyes, “can you stay with-“

“No,” Hongbin answered before Jaehwan could finish his question. “I cant stay with you after school. I have a date with Hyukkie remember??”

“Oh yeah….” Jaehwan sighed. “And Ravi is busy today…I guess I will be all alone then,” Jaehwan said.

 “Well, Hyuk and I can stay with you…” Hongbin said.

“And what? I will be the third wheel? How about no. You guys go on your date. I’ll be fine,” Jaehwan said smiling.


Taekwoon sighed in relief when he saw that is textbook was still on his desk. He had left it earlier when school was over and was on the way home when he remembered about the book.

“Thank god its still here,” Taekwoon said as he walked out to the empty halls.

There was no one around considering school is over for the day. He suddenly heard singing. It was soft but he could hear it because the halls were empty and quite.

“Someone is still here?” Taekwoon said as he walked to where the sound came from.

Taekwoon traced that the source of the sound came from one of the rooms from the music department. He peered into each room through the small glass panel on the door. His eyes widen when he saw a familiar person in one of the rooms. He pressed his face on the glass panel and blinked several times to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming. He can feel his heartbeat increase. And then he heard him sing.

“So that was him singing. He has a nice voice,” Taekwoon said smiling like an idiot.

Taekwoon tried opening the door but it was locked from the inside and Taekwoon didn’t want disturb the other singing, so he just stood there watching the other sing. He found that surprisingly calming, especially with Jaehwan’s voice.

“I’ll wait here. He’ll have to come out eventually right?” Taekwoon said to himself and he sat down with back against the wall next to the room door that Jaehwan was in.

The sound of Jaehwan singing was lulling him to sleep that Taekwoon eventually passed out in front of the room.


“Finally! I got the lyrics of this song memorized,” Jaehwan said packing his things up.

He looked at his watch.

“Ha! And it only took two hours,” Jaehwan smiled.

He unlocked the door and walked out of the room but there was something on the floor that he saw from the corner of his eye. He jumped a little once he saw what it or rather who it was.

“Jung Taekwoon?? Why is he here??” Jaehwan asked himself.

He squatted so he could see what the other was doing until he realized that Taekwoon was fast asleep. Jaehwan stood up stared at Taekwoon again. He furrowed his eyebrows and then he turned around and headed home.


A.N. Hello everyone! I have bad news :( My semester has just started and its going to be a busy semester for me cause its my senior and I'm graduating! (Yay or nay? Mixed feelings ㅠㅠ) Anyways, that means that I will not have as much time to update. I will still update but just not as often as I did for my previous stories. I'm sorry ><

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Chapter 6: oh my god this story i had been waiting too long thhhhaaannnk u
Chapter 6: This story's so cute :( I'm so glad you came back to update it
Chapter 6: Omg she's alive
Chapter 6: Waaaaaaaaaah! You're back!
And it's gonna be an interesting weekend for both ken and leo ^^
Naughty himchan jejejejeje
Hope you update soon
Chapter 5: update plzzz :(
Chapter 5: sooo cute i love it ,your story always brings the happiness to me <3.
Nicoleobroi #7
Chapter 5: It is different and it is interesting. .plzz update soon
Chapter 5: Update eeeeeeeeeererer