Chapter 4 - Risk

The Wolf and Red Riding Hood Who Fell in Love

Uhh.. Hello.. It seems like I'm back?? ouo   Sorry I was really busy this few days.. Or months?? Hehe... And I kept on losing my flashdisk, and stupidly I didn't learned and trying to make some backup datas.. So, I kept on writing the same chapter over and over again, and I was just have the time to published it today~  I'm so sorry eveyoneeee~~~ ; ; *bows*   I kept on checking my acc though, and I'm surprized that I got more than 50 subscribers for this fic.. Thank you very much everyoneee~~   yoghurtCAT loves you all~ <3   And again, sorry for not replying to any of your comment.. I know I've promised to reply to them but the same thing happened again.. yoghurtCAT is trembling in happiness and don't know what to write... TTuTT

Anyway, here's the chapter~~   hope you enjoy them, my dear readers~~ >uO


-Taehyung’s POV-

   “Eomma I’m off~” I waves my hand to Hope-eomma.

   “W-wait. Taehyungie, you’re alright?” he quickly ‘investigates’ me, like checking my heat, knocking on all of my body part, and even nearly take off my clothes~  Geez…

   “I’m alright, eomma, I’m alright~”

   “Don’t you lie~  I know you’re not alright. I’ll take the basket for today, you stay home.”

   “No no no no no no NO NO..!! It’s my job, so you can just stay home and cook more~”


   “NO. Hyung..” his face looks kinda shocked when I call him with hyung. Of course.. I’ve called him by eomma since our eomma died.. Eventhough he’s my hyung, he’s taking care of me like my eomma. To Kookie and Namjoon-hyung also..

   “…” he’s looking at the ground, not saying anything for some moments

   “E-err… Sorry for calling you by hyung again… I-“

   “-Aigoooo~!!! So my manliness has came back until you call me hyung again~??” he jumps excitedly, while doing the famous aegyo called flower petal. And his face… Errr…. Hard to describe… ._.a


   “So I can finally tries to flirt some girls here~ *whistle*  Omo!! Go, go, Taehyungie. Deliver the basket now~!!” he pushes me to the road, and I can’t do anything except being pushed by him..

   “Aish… Alright alright… I’m going~” I take my walk to leave. Atleast it’s better than being pushed like that. I don’t want my shoe’s sole ruined...

Oh great.. Here I am again, in front of this tree.. Taehyung, don’t you know that you’re expecting something impossible? He just left yesterday, and he might not came back.. Because of my fool mistake, he left..

   “Mr. Wolf… Where are you..?” I feel.. Something running down below my eyes.. Tears, eh? I’m crying? Pfftt… No way~  Why did I cry like this? There’s nothing much to be cried off… And.. How could I cry this bad? I haven’t cried like this since mom and dad gone.. I even laughs at Kookie when he falls from the tree and nearly break his legs. Just standing still looking at Hope-eomma trying to put down the fire that nearly burns our house. Eats Namjoon-hyung’s lunch when he went missing for two days. See? I didn’t cry that much.. So, is that mean, that wolf is as important as my parents for me? Mehh… How could it be possible..? We just met for less than a week, and I already cry like this because of him..? No way~   That sounds silly~  But, this? Aish.. I can’t believe that I can be such a wimp.. I’m a big boy! Well… Not that big though.. Err… I’m a litt-  Wa-wa-wait!! This can’t be taken… I’m a.. Medium sized boy? Nahh that sounds horrible… Crap. Whatever… -n-;

At first I was decided to take a seat at my usual place, but then, my feet just lead me to another direction. The other side of this tree, where that wolf used to sit. Yeah, used to..

   “Hmm Mr. Wolf.. What are you doing right now? Are you hunting or doing something fun? Can I come with you too…? Please… Answer me… Mr. Wolf…” ohh great.. I’m crying again.. How could it be? I’m a big b-  Err.. I don’t want to start to argue with myself again..

I kept on sitting by myself, and looking up at the sky sometimes. Ohh, the wind blows nicely.. I’m beginning to feel sleepy.. Like, really sleepy…

   “A little sleep won’t hurt isn’t it?” I let out a chuckle, and then slowly close my eyes. But not long after, I can hear a growl. A loud one. *gulps* And it seems like it wasn’t far from here… omo.. what is that..?? I opens my eyes slowly, and.. Oh crap oh crap oh crap OH CRAP!! There’s a bear, and sadly, it looks hungry.. Umm.. Maybe he smelled my basket full of foods? …no.. That bear is definitely staring at me!! Aaahhh what am I gonna do?? Why there’s a bear anyway?? Is this what every Red Riding Hood faced? Killed by a bear?? No no no no… It can’t be like this.. NO!! I haven’t met him again. I can’t accept the fact that I-  uhh wait.. He might not came back.. How stupid of me.. So, umm… I guess I’ll just sit here, waiting for the bear to kill me.. I’m sorry Hope-eomma, Namjoon-hyung, Kookie. If I can save a life of a wolf here, I’m gonna do it.. Yes. For him.. I closed my eyes, waiting for my life to end..

*gasp* W-what!!? I can feel something tackles me. Oh my.. Is it the bear..?? I’m lying if I said that I wasn’t scared. Yes, I’m absolutely scared!! But, wow.. This bear is surprisingly warm.. And, the body posture.. I can’t helped but finding myself laying my head on it’s broad shoulder, smelling it’s scent.. Ohh… Wait… Is it really the bear? I was just gonna open my eyes, before I heard that voice. That familiar voice..

   “Don’t open your eyes.” after that voice, I can feel that body putting me down to the ground, next to a tree. I want to open my eyes, but somehow, I just want to listen and not arguing with what that voice just said. So I keep my eyes shut, leaving the scenario builted in my head, with the help of my ears to catch any sounds around. Alright. I heard growls, the wind blows through the tree, the steps on the road, a loud banged sound like something big just fell to the ground, and another growls and ohh, it seems like the bear has run away.. And then, I heard another sound. Something, or someone, just dropped itself to the other side of this tree. This is the perfect time to confirm..

   “..Mr. Wolf..?” yes. Of course. I know that it wasn’t a mistake. The one who saved me was THAT wolf..

   “…” I can hear that he gets up, preparing himself to leave?

   “’re still mad at me..? I’m sorry okay.. Really, I’m sorry… I didn’t meant that..” ..I cried.. again.. I wonder when will I run out of tears? I cried all night, and cried again this morning, and now I cried again.. I’m such a crybaby…


   “Answer me, please.. Alright, how about this, I’m alright if you’re still mad at me, but atleast, answer me, you’re still mad or not?”

   “I… I’m not mad at you.. Never..”


   “I’m using that as an excuse so you will stay away from me..”

   “’re scared of dying..?”

   “No.. I’m scared at myself..”


   “I’m scared that I might made Jiminnie cried, I’m scared that I might leaved all of my responsibilities to Yoongi, I’m scared that I might not knowing myself anymore, but most of all, I’m scared that I might hurts the peoples that I loved.. Especially you..” my face suddenly blushes after he said that I’m one of the person that he loved.. But he.. Mr. Wolf.. He didn’t think of himself..

   “..Maybe, we should never met again..?” I never thought that those sentence will ever went out of my mouth before. Never. I know this’ll hurts both of us, but.. It’s for the sake of Mr. Wolf…

   “I.. I don’t know… I got a nightmare last night about what happened yesterday.. I don’t know how many nightmares will I got when I didn’t met you for like.. Forever..?”

   “umm well… Truth to be told, yesterday, I cried all day..”

   “Y-you do?? omo… I’m so sorry…”

   “Nahh it’s fine.. I’m just a crybaby… ;n;”

   “Seriously… But, really, I’m sorry…”

   “You got a nightmare about that too, right? So I guess it’s even~ kekeke”

   “I thought you said it’s fine~? *chuckles*”

   “It is, but because you kept on saying sorry, then it must’ve been a big problem, so, there~  you already got your lesson. Don’t messed up with Taehyung, the Red Riding Hood.. mwahahaha~”

   “Ohh, so Taehyung is your name?”

   “Hmm…?? Fffuuuuu!!! Why did I told you my nameee~!! Forget it forget it~  Or I’ll wash your brain..” …aish… ._.

   “Kekeke~  too late~  By the way, I’m Seokjin, but you can just call me Jin.”

   “So, Jin-sshi it is? Alright, since it seems like it’s impossible for me to brainwashed you, just call me Tae, ne?”

   “What’s with the formality, sheesh~  Just call me Jin, arra? And, I’m gonna call you Taetae, because it’s cuter~  hehe”

   “Jin-hyung then, because you’re older than me, right? I told you, call me Tae. End of transmission.”

   “W-wha-?? But Taetae is not much different with Tae..”

   “But it’s.. It sounds cute.. And I’m not cute, so I can’t take it~”

   “Who said that you’re not cute? I think you’re cute~”

   “..Aish..!! Stop making me blush… My face is hot…”

   “Eehh~  but I’m telling the truth, though..”

   “Like you ever saw my face~” I let out a chuckle..

   “I did~  kekeke”

   “W-wha-!? W-when??”

   “Should I mentioned it one by one, hmm? First time we met, when you suddenly leave and run, at the forest when you screams for donuts, and when you’re sleeping, and the one before~”

   “Mwo?? That’s a lot.. I haven’t seen your face for too much, though.. It’s sooo unfair~!!”

   “Then let it be~”

   “Huh? HUUUHH??”

   “Won’t you afraid if it might started the tale?”

   “But.. But.. I really want to see you.. With both of my eyes, staring at every inches of your face, not just in a glimpse.” I’m not gonna lie here. I’m blushing, like, madly.. >////<

   “The same here, but-“

   “You’re one of the most important person for me. Why can’t I? I’m willing to risk it.. But the main question is.. Will you?”

-Jin’s POV-

   “You’re one of the most important person for me. Why can’t I? I’m willing to risk it.. But the main question is.. Will you?” my heart suddenly beats faster. He’s right.. It won’t be such problem for the red riding hood, but me, the wolf..? I’m putting my life in danger if I did.. But.. I..

   “I-I… I-”

   “-Ohh crap..!! I’m sorry!! I shouldn’t be too selfish.. It’s the same like putting yourself in danger.. Ohh, I’m sorry, Jin-hyung~” ..this is the first time he called me by my name.. I smilled a bit. Why just a bit? Because I’m thinking right now. Should I, or should I not, the pros and the cons, the percentage of failure and starting the tale.. But mostly the last one.

   “Umm.. Jin-hyung, you alright?”

   “..A-ahh, y-yes I am.. Sorry for making you worried, Tae.”

   “Why the apologize? I supposed to be the one who apologize because of my selfish act before..”

   “No, no.. You don’t need to. I understand. So.. Let’s do it.”

   “H-huh? Do what??”

   “You want to see-  ahh I mean, stares at me, right? Then, come here~   I’ll give you a warm hug~ ^^” I can’t believe I said that.. I’m taking a really really big risk.. But, as I remember, there’s lots of proof that the curse was getting weaker. We might made it. Yeah. Who knows, right? I’m willing to take the risk as long as I can be with him. I’m sorry Yoongi and Jiminnie. Hyung is being selfish right now.. *chuckles*  Why am I even talking to myself~?

   “I do, b-but.. But.. You.. You-“

   “I’m willing to risk it. You are, then why can’t I? Let’s just pray that the curse is getting weaker, so the tale won’t started, ne?”

   “U-uhh.. N-ne… But, are you sure..? I mean, it was such a big leap, and what if we fall at the center, and-“

   “-You told me that you’re willing to risk it, right? Then just do it. I’m 100% ready here~”

   “..pfftt..!!” h-huh..??

   “Why did you laugh??”

   “The way you’re telling me to do it and saying that you’re ready, sounded like we’re gonna do ‘that’.” My face suddenly blushes. That kid, really…

   “You !! I’m not~!! *chuckles*”

   “Kekeke  I know, I know, I’m just kidding~  Icebreaker, because the situation was too serious and I can’t take a serious situation too much~ :3”

   “You, really… But it worked though~  and this is not an angst ff by the way.. *nods*”

   “Ne, ne.. I know, right? But, if we’re gonna do ‘it’, I’ll top~ :3” again, surprisingly I blushed.. What happened with me, blushing with that kind of joke??

   “Err… I’m not gonna continue that kind of talk. I don’t want it to be mature rated…” I can hear him laughing, soon followed by me. Ohh, wow, isn’t that’s just amazing how we can laughs freely like this, in the middle of talking about the risk of starting a tale? I guess that’s one of the sign that.. I should trust him.. No. I ‘must’ trust him. Maybe the curse IS getting weaker. Maybe I don’t need to die killed by Tae’s dongsaeng. Maybe Yoongi and Jimin will live happily. Maybe I can finally fall in love with him. Ohh wait, that last one was kinda wrong. The right one will be : Maybe I can finally show more of my love for him.

   “So.. Let’s do it carefully and cheerfully, ne?” I can feel his hand grabbed mine. The warm sensation when our skin touch. Ohh, just imagine how will it feels when we kissed..

   “Ne..” I take a deep breathe. Come on Jin. You can do this..


   “Uhh what??”

   “How about your brothers??”


   “Have you think about them?”

   “Of course.”

   “Then you did know that you’re risking their life too, right?”


   “Why? Why did you risk your life, and your brother’s life, only to see me, the stranger that you met a few days ago.”

   “Because you’re not just a stranger. You’re the stranger.. That I fell for…” …oww my cheeks are hot.. Another blush? Really, Jin…

   “..Y-you… “

   “What? I though you’re willing to risk it, right? Then come here, and let me embrace you~”

   “Alright.. I’ll walk there, ne?” I can hear the voice of his shoes stepping on the grass. Oh he’s on my right side now. Oh he’s getting closer now. Oh he’s in front of me now. Oh he just kissed me..

   “…” my jaw dropped in shocked. I was just thinking how good it’ll feels when he kissed me, and now he really kissed me!! He really did!! He kissed me!! Am I still on earth? Or I’ve fly high up in the sky? Oh wait no, wolves can’t fly.. That means… It’s real…

   “Hmm you’re surprised, eh? How’s my little surprise?” he grins, with that unsurprisingly cute face.

   “I’m… Not dreaming.. Right..?” I continue to stare at him. Head to toe, head to toe, but of course the one that catch my attention the most was his face.

   “You silly~  no you’re not~  should I kissed you again as a proof? kekeke”

   “Atleast you can tell me first if you’re going to kiss me. That was my first kiss, you know~”

   “That was my first too~  lucky you~”

   “I supposed to be the one who said that~” we let out a free laughs. Finally, we can see each other like this. It feels like we have broke the wall between us. The wall that stopped me from getting to know him more.

   “Oohh…” he investigates(?) me closely. Ahh too close~~!! >////<

   “W-what do you think you’re doing, huh??”

   “Hmm.. Hyung.. You’re pretty..”

   “Pfftt..!! Keuhahaha~!! Seriously~~  you called me pretty??”

   “But you ARE pretty~~   I can say handsome, but you’re definitely pretty~ uwu”

   “Should I.. Take that as a compliment?? Pfft..”

   “Of course you should~   I rarely giving compliments to people, though~ :<”

   “Stop. That. Overly. Innocent-looked. Face!! Why are you just so cute..?? ; ;”

   “Because I was borned cute~? Mwehee~~ *flips hair*”

   “No hairflips please.. No hairflips..”

   “Wae..?? :<”

   “Aaaahhh that face again… ; ;” I pulled his head to mine, pressing our lips together. He’s definitely surprised. But surprisingly, he didn’t pulled back, or push me. Well, it didn’t stay long, though. He pats my shoulder before he pushed me a bit, panting.

   “Sorry.. Need some air…” he grinned while making a v with his middle finger and index finger.

   “Ehh, it’s fine~~   surprised?”


   “I’m glad then~ c:”

   “Is this a revenge??”

   “I wouldn’t consider that as a revenge, though. How could a kiss became a revenge?”

   “Hmm… You’re right… Ohh~  Now now, can I get the hug you’ve promised before?”

   “Of co-  khh!!” w-what is this..? suddenly my head hurts, really bad. I can hear my own breathes. So heavy..

   “Y-yahh you’re alright, hyung?” he looks kinda worried.

   “I-I…” I’d love to say that I’m alright, but.. This… Hhh… What happened with me… The pain suddenly came to all over my body. It hurts.. It hurts really bad… Make it stop. Please. Please!! Make it stop!! It really hurts..!!

   “Hyung!!” he shakes my body gently, but I can barely look at him, with this condition. I can’t even maintain my sitting position. If he didn’t has his grips on me right now, I would’ve already fell to the ground. Ahh this is not good.. Now my vision gets blurred.. This is so painful… I’m trying to maintain my consciousness, but, it’s like the hardest thing ever for now.. Is it.. Indicates that the tale will started..?


   “Tae.. I..”

.. I’m sorry…


-To Be Continued-


Tehee~~   unexpected to be continue, eh?? :3   fufufu... sorry everyone~  as I said before, this story might end soon.. yes. MIGHT. so I MIGHT also change my mind though~ ouo   anyway, I'll try post the next chapter soon, hopefully.. I got it half done~  just hope that I won't lost my flashdisk again~ xD  kekeke

Again, thank you so much everyone.. *bows*


Oh oh oh, and I just made an account on ouo   So feel free to leave anything there~ kekeke   It's :   you can ask about me, or ask the characters on this fics, and yes that's included the wolf Jin and red riding hood Taehyung, and the other BTS members and the supports like Hansel and Gretel Minhyuk and Sungjae~ >u



EDIT : I got an important exam soon, and the load of homework from school just won't help.. I'll try to post the next chapter before my exam, but I can't promised too much.. the homework... TT TT   I'm sorry and wish me luck, everyone~~

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bluebird17 #1
Chapter 9: I really hope you update soon QnQ !!!!!!!!!!
Onepiece327 #2
Chapter 9: Ahh it's a nice read I hope you finish this beautiful story <3
Mai-ouo #3
Chapter 9: Update soon!!
Chapter 8: Update soooonnnn
Chapter 8: awwww cuute
Chapter 8: The fluffy, it's so cute. But the ending~! Update soon
Chapter 7: omfg more chapters juseyo--! :3