
Change of Plans

Some were excited, some were calm.

It was a busy day in their school. Students were constantly walking through the hallway and classes were continuously being disturbed. Today was the day that all the seniors would visit the guidance counsellors to discuss their plans for the following year. The counsellors were there to make sure that everybody was graduating and that they all had plans and aspirations.

Kai was fidgeting around in his seat, waiting to be called to the guidance counsellor’s office. He was always eager to tell people about his plans for University. Kai was very excited for the next four years. He was ready to go see bigger and better things.

“Kim Jongin, it’s your turn,” A fellow classmate told him as he returned from the office.

Kai smiled and stood up before quickly leaving the classroom. He walked past the lockers and the gym, thinking about how he was soon to leave that school. He remembered the times he, Sungyeol and Ara would hide between lockers when they didn’t want to be amidst the large crowd of students. Those were his favourite times—when it was just those three, sitting around in a circle eating lunch. Kai smiled lightly before walking up to the guidance counsellor’s office and knocking on the door.

“Come in,” The counsellor invited.

Kai bowed before taking a seat on the chair placed for him. He took a quick glance around the room and noted that there were many pictures hung up. He noticed that they were all pictures of the counsellor’s family, well he assumed so.

“How are you doing today, Jongin?”

“I’m good, how about you?”

“I’m doing well, thank you. Okay so your grades are good so there’s no issue there,” The counsellor, Mr. Oh, nodded. “What are your plans for the next year, Jongin?”

“I want to study architecture,” Kai smiled and nodded at the same time.

“Ah, I see. Well, your courses all seem accurate. Let’s check with the universities recommendations, though.”

Their conversation continued on and soon, Kai found himself going back to class. The counsellor told Kai he was doing everything correctly. Kai was happy that the he approved of what he was doing. He walked back to class with a smile on his face, feeling even more excited for the following year.


“I wonder when we’ll get called,” Sungyeol said as he picked at the grass on the field.

Lunch time came and the three were sitting in a circle eating their food on the field outside. The weather was calm that day and everybody took this opportunity to spend some time outside. The topic of interest amongst all the seniors was the conferences.

“How was your session?” Ara asked Kai as she brought a water bottle up to .

“It was good,” Kai grinned. “Mr. Lee said that I’m doing everything right so far.”

“That’s good,” Sungyeol commented. “I have some questions I need to ask him.”

“Are you ready, Ara?” Kai asked.

“I guess…” Ara trailed off looking somewhere else.

Ara wasn’t ready. She didn’t know what to say when the counsellor would ask her what she wanted to do the next year. All Ara could confirm was that she was doing well in school. That was, of course, with immense studying.


The three turned to the source of the voice to find the one person Sungyeol and Kai detested the most: Nam Woohyun. He was a couple feet away from the three, waving his hand and smiling at Ara. It was normal for Woohyun to try to talk to Ara. It was even more normal for Woohyun to ask if she was free the following weekend, or even that very day.

Ara groaned, “He’s back.”

Sungyeol looked up at Woohyun, “We’re sort of busy right now, Woohyun. Come back some other time.”

“Or don’t come back at all,” Kai muttered loud enough for Woohyun to hear.

“I’d like to hear that from Ara herself,” Woohyun said as he nodded his head to Ara.

“Well she doesn’t want to speak with you,” Kai said as he stood up. “We go through this every day and you never get to speak to her. Why do you still bother?”

“It’s called true love,” Woohyun said as he stared at Ara.

Kai scoffed, “I’m sure it is.”

“Woohyun, I’m not in the mood. Just leave me alone,” Ara said, trying to show how annoyed she was.

“Fine,” Woohyun sighed in defeat. “I’ll be back tomorrow, though!”

“There’s no need for you to!” Kai yelled as he walked away. “He’s so annoying.”

“Why did you ever become friends with him?” Ara glared at Sungyeol.

“I thought he would be an okay guy!” Sungyeol exclaimed in defeat.

“Well he’s clearly not,” Ara stated before standing up.

“Where are you going?” Kai asked.

“To the bathroom,” She replied before quickly walking away.

“She’s such a grumpy girl,” Sungyeol shook his head as he watched his little sister’s back slowly disappear.

“How are you two twins?” Kai laughed.


“Lee Ara, it’s your turn.”

Ara looked up from her desk at the person calling her. She nodded her head before slipping out of her chair and walking out the door. Ara walked slowly, not really interested in what was to follow. She looked in classrooms at the students. She smiled slightly at the students that were dozing off.

“What are you smiling about?”

Ara was slightly startled at the sound of the voice. She turned around and blinked at the person before her. She sighed, not wanting to deal with Woohyun again.

“Nothing,” Ara looked away.

"That was beautiful,” Woohyun smiled.

“What?” Ara asked as she began walking.

“Your smile.”

Ara stopped walking and furrowed her eyebrows. She had never seen this soft side of Woohyun. She had never heard him say something about her looks before. She had actually never had a conversation with him. He just began pestering her that summer and never stopped. So she created an image for him. It was an image that Kai and Sungyeol agreed with.

She waited for a bit for Woohyun to appear next to her, but he didn’t. After a couple of moments, she turned around only to see him walking away.

“Maybe he’s not that bad,” She whispered to herself.

“Who’s not that bad?”

Ara, once again, became startled. She turned to find her brother looking down at her with big curious eyes.

“What is it with you people and scaring me?” Ara said as she brought her hand to her chest to calm her racing heart.

“Maybe you should pay more attention to your surroundings,” Sungyeol shrugged.

Ara ignored what he said, “What are you doing here anyway?”

“I’m going to the guidance counsellor. Did you already go?”

“I was on my way now.”

“I wonder how this will go,” Sungyeol said as she shoved his hands in his pockets.

Ara, on the other hand, fidgeted with hers nervously, “Me too.”


“Your grades are in good standing,” Mr. Lee commented.

“Yes,” Ara nodded in agreement.

“So what are your plans for next year?” He looked at her as she intertwined his fingers and rested his hands on the desk separating the two.

Ara opened to say something then closed it again. She didn’t really know what to say. She was just planning on going to university and hoping everything would work out. She was excited, though, she would say. She was excited to move on in her life with Kai and Sungyeol.

“Ara,” Mr. Lee called.

Ara shook her head to come out of her daze and looked up at Mrs. Lee, “Sorry.”

“So what are—” Mr. Lee was cut off by the sound of the fire alarm. “Oh, we should quickly go.”

Ara quickly stood up and followed Mr. Lee out the door. The two walked down the hallway and were about to turn the corner when Ara saw Woohyun from afar. He was standing near a fire alarm, staring at her. He had a small smile—nearly a grimace—on his face. Ara stared back at him, genuinely confused about his actions that day.

“Ara, what are you doing?” Mr. Lee asked as he looked back at Ara.

Ara turned to Mr. Lee before looking back to where Woohyun was but to her surprise he wasn’t there anymore. Ara frowned before turning her attention back to where she needed to go.

It was later that day that she found out that it was Woohyun who pulled the fire alarm. Everybody—including Ara—was shocked. Woohyun had never been one to create trouble, nor had he ever gotten suspended from school.

“I really can’t believe you wanted to be his friend,” Kai shook his head as he unlocked his locker.

“I know,” Sungyeol groaned, knowing he would never hear the end of that.

“He’s weird,” Ara said as she leaned against the locker next to Kai’s.

“You think?” Her brother asked.

“Ara, just promise me you’ll stay away from him. I don’t know what I would do if you two ever hooked up,” Kai said as he put his hand up to his heart.

Ara laughed and then hit Kai’s arm, “You’re a loser.”

And some were confused.

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Chapter 2: Omg Woohyun's so creepy O.O
I wonder what Ara's going to end up doing, I love her character <3
Why'd Woohyun pull the fire alarm anyway? What a weird nutcase
Chapter 1: The three of them have a very interesting friendship, I like it :)
I look forward to the next update, Ara's a very interesting character and I wonder how much of Hyunwoo Kai can tolerate
Great start~! :D