Who Knows


This is pure fiction. Who knows...


Hi, just call me May because I was born in June and no this is not my story. Well maybe this is "my story" but this has nothing to do with me. I'm just a witness, an expectator in the unfolding of a story too beautiful not to be told. So here I am breaking the vow of secrecy I'm expected to keep. Shhhh...this is only between you and me, right? I don't even know if someone will be interested enough to read this so...but if someone might be, I just wanna warn you that what you will be reading is based on my own perspective which may include my own interpretation on things and my imagination running wild. But I'll try to keep it as raw as possible by just relaying what I saw and heard as it is. Im not promising anything though because what's fun in that?


It all started when I got involved in the creation of a new idol group...


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LightOfTruth #1
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^