
Dark Horse

Kai's Pov

“Prince Kai ... why don’t we fool around for a bit” one of the ladies of the palace is practically begging for . “Prince Kim Jongin!” father yelled at me. “What?” i shot him an annoyed look. “You know if you keep this up it’s going to end badly. Nothing good comes out by being a player” why does my father always ruin the fun. “What would you know? You are so boring and the duties of the kingdom don’t interest me at all. Why don’t you let me be?” I kind of raised my voices a bit. I am sick and tired of him blabbering how i should live my life. “If you don’t change your ways you will never sit on the throne” my father warned me. “Good! I don’t want it” I started to walk off. “Jongin... One day you will have to pay a price for all you have done to those girls; I just hope it’s not heavy” my father warned me before he started to walk in the opposite direction. I lead the beauty into me room and let’s just say I really nailed her.


A few days later, riding around the forest with the wind blowing in my face, the fresh smell of the trees; isn’t just great. “Wow boy” I said as I slowed down my horse. I got off and looked for water for my horse. We both stopped at a beautiful river. I let my horse have a drink while I had a look around. “You’re not from around here” a sweet voice said from behind me. I turned around and my eyes lay on the most beautiful girl in front of me. “You’re beautiful” was all i can say as i just stared at her; pure milky skin, adoring brown eyes and dressed in white like a goddess. “Thank you” she smiled and then something was coming towards us from behind her. It was a white horse that seemed kind of different WAIT.... holy crap! It’s a UNICORN. The mysterious girl lifted her head pat its nose. “Hey Serenity” her smile became wider. “You want to pat her?” she offered. I reached my hand out and soon I felt the unicorn. It felt nice and gentle. “By the way who are you?” she asked. I looked at her and pulled my hand away from the unicorn. “I’m Prince Kai of the Jade Kingdom near here and you are?”  I answered her. “I am Lira the river spirit. But I have been longing to become human” she said. “Why?” “I guess it would make me feel more alive” she said as she bent down and stared at the water. I looked down to where she was looking. I saw my reflection but I couldn’t see her reflection. I guess that’s kinda what she meant. “How would you turn human? Like what would you have to do to turn human?” I asked her stepping closer towards her. “Well, I would have to find a human lover and marry him to turn human. However his heart would have to be pure. I don’t even knows what that means myself” she said but i took her hand and said “I would gladly marry you so you can become human”

So you wanna play with magic
Boy, you should know what you're falling for
Baby do you dare to do this

“Are you sure you want to do this because I’m a spirit with great power and if you and me don’t work out then there will be a huge backfire and it might cost more that you asked for” she warned me. She can’t really be serious but I can really see in her eyes that she really wants to be human. I guess it’s the least I can do to help her. “Please cherish me” she said and now she was in my arms. I know I should feel guilty but I really don’t.

Make me your Aphrodite
Make me your one and only


“But Prince Kai... Are you sure you want to do this?” She asked again. “Yes” I told her. “Then kiss me” and I did as she asked. As I did I felt this strange feeling flow through me. Once we parted i just stared at her. “I’m not human yet. I will only be human when we get married” she told me. “Come back with me. I will marry you instantly once we get back to my kingdom” I told her. I guess I really do want to be with her. “I can’t. Not yet. I’m still tied to this river. That kiss was so our souls are connected. I will come to your kingdom in a few days when I’m ready” she said. “I will stay with you then” I said. “Prince Kai...” “It’s Jongin” I told her. “Jongin, you have to go. You can’t stay. There are demons around here that would love to have you for dinner. You have to go” she told me with those sad eyes that don’t want me to leave. “Alright; I’ll go but if you don’t come back in the next few days I’ll be coming back to find you” i told her as i got on my own horse. She waved goodbye to me before disappearing back into the river.

The next day I was waiting patiently for Lira while pacing back and forth in my room. “Prince Kai... Are you ok? You look tense” lady Hyuna said as she stood in the doorway. “Huh? I’m fine” I told her. She closed the door and sat on the bed and gave my back a massage. “You really should stop” I told her. “But you look like you feel better” she said.

Everything was a blur. I woke up this morning with Hyuna lying next to me. Oh No! What have I done? Lira I’m sorry.


Lira's POV

Don’t make me your enemy, your enemy, your enemy

I was splashing my feet in the water when something didn’t feel right. This feeling in my heart doesn’t feel right. I took my feet out of the water and looked through the river. The river showed me an image of Jongin and this other woman sharing a kiss and doing other things. I splashed my hand into the water making that horrible image disappear. Why Jongin? Why? I love you. Streams of tear flowed down my cheek. As a spirit i do know how to cry. Sadness and anger filled me up and i felt i was changing. All I want now is to seek revenge. I looked back into the river and I had turned into something dark and with one last blink my eyes changed from hazel to blood red.


“Neigh!” I turned around and saw that Serenity had also turned dark.


She came up to me and it was like i could read her mind; like she was telling me it’s time for revenge. I got one her and we both headed for Jongin’s kingdom.


Kai's POV

She’s a beast
I call her Karma
She eats your heart out
Like Jeffrey Dahmer
Be careful
Try not to lead her on
Shawty’s heart was on steroids
Cause her love was so strong
You may fall in love
When you meet her
If you get the chance you better keep her
She's sweet as pie but if you break her heart
She'll turn cold as a freezer
That fairy tale ending with a knight in shining armor

“Demon! Demon!” I heard the guards say. I looked outside and saw the kingdom was bursting in flames and the sounds of screams filled my ears. I took my sword and ran outside. Everyone ran towards the castle gates. But something emerged from the fire. “Kai, Kai ,Kai or should I say Jongin” it said. I had a closer look. “Lira?” it really was her but she had turned dark. “It’s me alright. I told you not to play around with the power of a spirit. But you did. You betrayed me. So you and your kingdom will pay” her eyes were blood red and showed only anger and hatred; not like the time in at the river when they were loving and innocent. “I’m so sorry Lira” i tried to apologised but she let out one of those evil scary laughs. “You think an apology will fix everything. Just look at me JONGIN. Look at what you’ve made me become. I’m a demon now” she pointed her finger towards the castle. “Serenity, destroy the castle and everything in it” she said. A dark unicorn came rushing past us towards the castle. “Lira Please. I beg you stop!” i begged but her eyes shot back at me and became bigger. I felt something gripping my neck. It wasn’t choking me but i couldn’t move. “Shut up!” she yelled in my face. But then a smirk appeared across her face. “You know, for a person that is handsome, you have a pretty dark heart...” she said as she placed her hand on my chest. “How about we have a look at it?” I can feel her hand going into my chest. I felt her take hold of my heart and that was when the pain began. She pulled it out of my chest and I collapse to the floor feeling weak. I can see it in her hand. She squeezed it lightly and i screamed in pain. It hurt so much. Once the pain has eased down i saw her crying. “I’m so sorry Jongin. I still love you but you betrayed me so your life has to end” after that she squeezes my heart so tight. I was screaming in agony. My heart soon turned to dust and i was in deeper pain. Lira had turned into dust just before I closed my eyes forever.

So you wanna play with magic
Boy, you should know what you're falling for
Baby do you dare to do this
Cause I’m coming at you like a dark horse
Are you ready for, ready for
A perfect storm, perfect storm

Cause once you’re mine, once you’re mine
There’s no going back



Next oneshot is going to be with Chanyeol and it will my set in a modern reality

it should be up in a week or two

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