
Coffee Anyone?

Hello! ^^ Sorry it's been forever! Been busy with school (I graduated college!) plus I was trying to focus on my zombie fanfic (and other fics that started pouring from my fingers). I also had a hard time figuring out how these two would get together.



“And then I put my arms around his waist. Then he asked me, well he almost did but I couldn’t wait so I said yes and kissed him.” Ryeowook make a sound between a giggle and a squeal then continued. “It was so wonderful Hyukjae!”

“You’re cute. I’m so happy for you!” Hyukjae exclaimed to his friend but sighed internally. His best friend was now officially dating Henry. And he was with Donghae. Not with with him. Nope. Because Donghae was…not slow. More like clueless. And maybe a little bit slow.

It was starting to frustrate Hyukjae.

“Thanks.” Ryeowook gushed. “So, that’s my story and I’m sure you’ll hear more later but tell me about you. I’ve noticed your frequent absence from the dorm.” Ryeowook pointed out.

“I, uh, have been hanging out with Donghae a lot recently.” Hyukjae admitted. What he didn’t admit is that the main reason the two hung out so much was because Donghae wanted to plot, as Donghae called it, on Henry and Ryeowook. It was more like spying. Donghae really wanted to get the two together.

“Oh really? What do you guys do?” Ryeowook asked curious.

“Nothing much. But I can tell you that I have seen my fair share of movies.” Hyukjae laughed. It was true. Donghae would call or text Hyukjae asking him if he could hang out to “plot” but Donghae didn’t have the best focus and would take Hyukjae to the movies or something else Donghae found to be entertaining.

“That sounds like fun.” Ryeowook smiled. “Hey, maybe the four of us can go see one sometime.” He suggested.

“A movie? Together?” Hyukjae asked.

“Of course! It’ll be fun.” Ryeowook encouraged.

“Sure. I guess it would.” Said looking awkwardly into his coffee.

It was starting to really frustrate Hyukjae.

He would hang out with Donghae, go over to his house, be dragged to some place Donghae wanted to go to. He had fun and Donghae would be really close and (chummy) with him but never anything else.

It would always be “Hyukjae this” and “Hyukjae that” or “Hyukjae lets go see a movie” or “Hyukie are you hungry?”. Never anything more.

And lately it was more like “Sorry Hyukie, I’m busy” and “Work called again, Sorry Hyukie”.

It had been awhile since Hyukjae had been in a relationship. The last real one he had been in was with his best friend Sungmin. Sure he had dated a few girls after they broke up but he knew deep down that he was gay and he could never find anyone else he could be happy with.

When he first met Donghae he thought he was funny and a little bit crazy, but he liked that about him. Hyukjae found that he liked everything about him. Among many things, one of his favorite was that Donghae would make him smile no matter what. Just thinking about him put a smile on his face. If Hyukjae was worried about something, Donghae was always there to cheer him up.

He doesn’t know when it happened, but somewhere along the way he fell for Lee Donghae.

Two weeks had passed by and nothing was going nowhere far. So Henry and Ryeowook decided to take matters into their own hands.

“We know that Hyukjae is all for being with Donghae right?” Henry  asked after dinner one night.

“Yeah.” Ryeowook answered.

“So, all we need to do is to grab Donghae’s attention. I don’t know if he’s acting clueless or if he is really clueless. Now what should we do get his attention…” Henry pondered as he watched Ryeowook twirl his hair in his fingers. “That’s It!” Henry jumped out of his seat and pointed to Ryeowook.

“What’s it Henli?”

The next day, Ryeowook and Henry stole Hyukjae for the day. Before they went along with their plans, Henry made sure Donghae was working and would be busy.

They went shopping, bought Hyukjae new clothes, and went to a hair stylist.

“I don’t know about this you two.” Hyukjae admitted nervously while he was sitting in the salon chair.

“Don’t worry Hyukjae.” Henry told him comfortingly.

“Hyuk, everything will be fine.” Ryeowook told him.

“Wook. My hair now is dark brown. Dark. Brown.” He stared at his hair in the mirror across from him. “I’m not so sure about this.” He repeated nervously.

“I’ll knock you out and dye it myself if you don’t stop.” Ryeowook said suddenly.

Hyukjae’s eyes widened and he turned to face the mirror not wanting to face Ryeowook’s wrath.

An hour or so later Henry and Ryeowook were standing behind him complimenting his new hair. “Wow, it really does look great. Good call Henli.”

“Wait. So this was your idea?” Hyukjae turned around in the salon chair in disbelief.

“Yeah, uh, I thought you needed a change. They’re always nice you know.” Henry said sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. “So, you in for dinner Hyukjae?”

“I can’t. I promised Donghae I’d hang out with him tonight.” Hyukjae sighed.

“Alright, see ya later!” Ryeowook waved happily and started walking to the door with Henry in hand.

“Where are you two going?” Hyukjae asked confused.

“On a date.” Ryeowook sang. “Have fun with Donghae!”

Later that evening, as planned, Hyukjae went over to Donghae’s place to hang out as usual.

Donghae walked in and when he saw someone on his couch with unfamiliar hair color he dropped his work bag and ran to his room. Hyukjae who was sitting on the couch was wondering what the hell just happened.

Meanwhile, in Donghae’s room, he was making a call to his best friend. “Henli,” he whispered, “There’s someone in the dorm.”

“Yeah, who is it?” Henry asked.

“I’m not sure but their hair is so blond it’s almost white.” Donghae told him in a hurry.

“Really?” Henry asked uninterested and obviously not paying attention.

“Henli! Are you even listening to a thing I’m saying?” he spoke harshly into the receiver.

“Hyung, just go see for yourself who it is. I’m busy at the moment.” Henry told him with a whiny voice.

“Fine, tell Wookie I said hi.” He took the phone away from his ear as he did he could hear Henry ask him something about how he knew Ryeowook was there before he hung up the phone.

Donghae took a minute to gather up his courage to see who was in his house. He creeped around the corner and whoever it was in the room sure made himself comfortable. He was even watching TV and had grabbed a bag of chips!

Donghae brought out his cell phone again and decided to give Hyukjae a call to tell him that they would have to hang out another night because he needed to take care of an intruder. But soon after he dialed, the man in the living room’s phone rang also.

“Yeoboseyo?” Donghae heard the man on the couch say with a familiar voice as it also came out from the receiver. “Donghae? You know I heard and saw you come in, right?” Donghae didn’t answer. “Are you trying to scare me?”

“Are you trying to scare me?!” Donghae shouted. He was standing right behind Hyukjae now and gave him quiet the shock.

“Geez, Hae. You scared me. What? What are you looking at me like that for?” he asked him nervously.

Donghae stared and pointed a bit more before he said, “Y-your hair. It it’s different.”

“Does it look bad? I told Ryeowook it wasn’t a good idea.” Hyukjae muttered while playing with a strand of his newly platinum blond hair.

“It. Looks. AWESOME!” Donghae suddenly got excited and his eyes lit up.

“You think so?” Hyukjae asked shyly.

“Hey, you wanna go out? We can show the world your new hair.” Donghae said excitedly.

“If you want to. Where should we go?” Hyukjae asked.

“Hrm, let’s go to the mall. There’s a lot of people there.” Donghae hurried to his room to grab his wallet and grabbed Hyukjae’s wrist and ran out the door.

Donghae had fun going shopping with Hyukjae. He enjoyed showing off Hyukjae’s new hair to his friends even if none of them knew Hyukjae. What he couldn’t figure out though was why he wanted to pull Hyukjae closer whenever he caught someone stripping him down with their eyes.

Two weeks went by and Hyukjae and Donghae were still dancing around each other. Donghae would be busy with work and couldn’t spend as much time as he wanted to with Hyukjae. Hyukjae on the other hand only worked part time and had more free time than he wanted. He wasn’t sure what to do with that free time so he used that privilege Donghae gave him to use his dorm and would hang out there by himself.

One night, Hyukjae was in Donghae’s dorm waiting for him to come home. Henry was out with Ryeowook which left Hyukjae all alone.

He was watching a drama which had reminded him of so many things. He turned off the TV but he couldn’t escape the swirling thoughts inside his head.

He was reminded of the breakup with Sungmin. Him and Sungmin were friends now, but he was still in pain from the breakup all those years ago. He hadn’t felt confident since.

Then he remembered his family. After Sungmin, his family pretty much disowned him and kicked him out of the house for him to live on his own. It was Ryeowook who took him in. His parents left him alone and never called to say hi or ask how he was doing. Hyukjae started to wonder if they even worried or cared about him anymore.

He felt alone.

He had friends yes and he had made some new ones along the way but he felt lonely. Ryeowook was closest person to him and the closest thing he had to a family, but even now he had Henry.

There was something Hyukjae felt was missing and he didn’t feel whole inside. He kept trying to fill up the emptiness with activities like dancing, running, and hanging out with Donghae but the emptiness was still painfully there. Stabbing at him each day. He tried ignoring it. Most of the time it worked.

Tonight was a reminder of just how alone he was and he started to fall apart.

When Donghae came home it was late. “Sorry I’m late Hyukie. It took longer than I expected. Did you watch a movie?” but when he looked over at Hyukjae he was on the couch sleeping.

Donghae sat down next to him and moved Hyukjae’s blond hair out of his eyes. As dim as the lighting was he noticed that there were tear streaks on his face. “Oh Hyukie. What happened? What made you so sad?” Donghae asked even though the sleeping male couldn’t hear him.

He picked up the elder man and brought him to his room. He wanted to be there for Hyukjae when he woke up so he decided that he could sleep with him. He didn’t want his friend to be alone.

When Hyukjae woke up in the morning he was in Donghae’s bed. Donghae was gone but the sheets ruffled next to him let him know he had been there.

“What happened?” Hyukjae asked himself while rubbing the back of his head. Then he remembered something from last night.


“Donghae?” Hyukjae asked when he woke up. ‘Wasn’t I on the couch?’ he thought sleepily to himself.

“Hyukie? It’s 3:43 go back to sleep.” Donghae mumbled moving his arm over Hyukjae trying to make him lay back down.

“Donghae, what am I doing here?” Hyukjae asked needing to know the situation before falling back to sleep.

“I moved you. Didn’t want you to be alone.” He mumbled again.

Hyukjae smiled happy to know someone was here for him and before he went back to sleep he could’ve sworn he heard Donghae mumble, “Don’t cry.”

~~~End Flashback~~~

Hyukjae sighed. Donghae had brought him to his bed, but why?

“Oh Hyukie, you’re awake! I made you breakfast. I hope you like it.” Donghae exclaimed walking in the room with a tray in his hands and food enough for four people. Pancakes, sausage, eggs, hash browns. The works.

Hyukjae’s mouth started to water. “Smells good.” Was all he could say.

After he had finished his first helping and was going for his second he asked Donghae, “why did you do this?”

“I wanted you to be happy.” Donghae said simply causing Hyukjae to blush as he continued eating.

After he finished eating, which was more than half the food Donghae had prepared (Donghae ate the rest), he attempted to leave.

“Won’t you stay Hyukie?” he asked with a pout on his face.

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt.” He said slowly contemplating what Donghae was offering.

Donghae had called in earlier before breakfast and called off work saying he had a family emergency so they had all day together. Donghae asked for Hyukjae to stay over again even though last night was totally unplanned.

The two went out and had fun but at the end of the day all Hyukjae could think of was how alone he was. Donghae was there but he could never be with him the way he truly wanted to be.

He wanted so desperately to reach out and grab the others hand. But he was scared. He wanted nothing more than to walk into his embrace. He wanted to feel loved, by Donghae.

Again, that night Hyukjae started crying but this time he wasn’t conscious. He was having a bad dream and couldn’t wake up.

They two were sleeping on Donghae’s bed because Donghae suggested that it would be best plus Donghae pleaded saying he didn’t want to be alone and Hyukjae couldn’t resist so Donghae ended up comforting the unconscious Hyukjae until his sobs turned to muffled whimpers. Soon Hyukjae was soundly back asleep as Donghae held him in his arms and worried about him until he himself fell asleep.

Donghae made breakfast again and the two boys ate together at the kitchen table. Afterwards they went to Donghae’s bed and lounged in their pajamas not wanting to do a thing today because they were worn out from yesterday.

 “Did you know Henli can play the violin?” Donghae asked after moments of silence between the two.

“Really?” Hyukjae asked staring at the wall in front of him.

“Yup. Did you also know that he’s Canadian.”

“Yeah, I think Ryeowook told me. Why are we talking about Henli?” Hyukjae asked.

“Because I wanted to get your mind off of whatever it is you were thinking of.” Donghae told him honestly.

“Then let’s talk about you.” Hyukjae offered since he would much rather know more about Donghae than Donghae’s best friend Henry.

“My dad died not too long ago.” Donghae said quietly and unexpectedly.

Hyukjae’s eyes widened and he looked over at Donghae who was starting down at the bed below them with glossy eyes. “Oh, Hae.” Hyukjae murmured. Hyukjae wasn’t expecting something so personal from Donghae when he suggested that they talk about him.

“It’s okay.” He sniffled.

“It’s obviously not okay. Come here.” Hyukjae said opening up his arms to which Donghae crawled into.

“I miss him so much Hyukie.” Donghae cried pressing his face to Hyukjae’s chest. Hyukjae patted Donghae’s back as he cried and soaked his shirt with his tears, but Hyukjae didn’t care.

“I know.” He said comfortingly. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to bring something up like this.” He apologized even though it was Donghae who brought it up.

“I-It’s okay. Henli told me I should talk to someone else about it. I would always cry to him but all he could do was hold me until I stopped. He never knew what to say.” Donghae did his best not to start crying his eyes out. He couldn’t help it though as tears were now streaming down his face.

“It’s okay Hae.” Hyukjae whispered. “I’m here now.”

Donghae barley heard him over his own sobs but knew just from Hyukjae’s actions. He held on to those words and he let lose everything he had been holding inside for years.

Hyukjae, being a sympathetic crier, cried with Donghae. They both cried out tears they had been holding within and sobs into each other’s shoulder holding onto their shirts for dear life. They fell asleep in each other’s arms and slept through the day.

It was Henry who had found them when he came home that night. When the two boys woke up they were a little shock to be in each other’s arms and blush instantly when they realized Henry had seen them together like that.

Hyukjae left with little words. Neither him nor Donghae could sleep that night but that was partly because they slept through the day. As Hyukjae worked on something to distract himself from his thoughts, Donghae was laying in his bed thinking about the events that happened in the beginning of the day.

After those nights things almost went back to the way things were only Hyukjae felt more depressed and Donghae was more swamped with work. They couldn’t help it though. (The two secretly longed to see each other.)

Ryeowook noticed how down Hyukjae had been lately. They hadn’t hung out as much as they used to and Hyukjae wasn’t at home all too much but Ryeowook still noticed. He was perceptive like that.

“What’s wrong Hyuk? Is everything alright?” Ryeowook sat on the couch and asked Hyukjae when the two happened to be home together at the same time.

“I’m fine.” Hyukjae told him with a sigh.

“How’s Donghae been? I haven’t talked to him lately.” Ryeowook asked, choosing his words carefully.

“He’s good, Wook, but he’s been busier with work. He still tries to take me out to the movies or something though. Even if he has to cancel.” Hyukjae said with a half smile mumbling the last part more to himself.

“Well that’s good. Are you guys doing okay?” Ryeowook asked.

Hyukjae gave Ryeowook a funny look. “Yeah, we’re okay. Why are you asking so many question? Are you planning something?” Hyukjae looked at him skeptically.

“What?! What are you talking about? I’m just asking. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you or Donghae for that matter.” Ryeowook said in a huff.

“Whatever you say Wook.” Hyukjae rolled his eyes and looked back to the TV.

“Can’t I be concerned?” Ryeowook muttered as he walked to the kitchen.

“Henli,” Ryeowook whined to his boyfriend a few nights later.

“What is it Wookie?” Henry asked looking up from his sheet music.

“I’m worried about Hyukjae. He doesn’t seem so well.” Ryeowook pouted.

“Really?” Henry asked although he was more focused on his new song he was writing secretly for Ryeowook.

“Have you talked to Donghae lately?” Ryeowook pried.

“Yeah, he called yesterday. He said he’s been really busy. He said something about Hyukjae but I can’t quite recall what it was he said.” Henry told him, biting his lip and tilting his head toward his music.

“Henli, I think Hyukie is lonely. Is there any way we can give Donghae some free time?” Ryeowook asked slowly stepping  closer to Henry’s desk.

Despite Ryeowook trying to be stealthy Henry quickly covered his papers. “I’ll see what I can do Wookie, now go busy yourself. I’m working.” He tried shooing his boyfriend off.

“But Henli! Won’t you let me see it? I know you’re working on something.” Ryeowook whined.

“I’ve already told you it’s a surprise, now shoo!”

Henry decided he would talk to his friend. He knew there was something deeper than a close friendship going on between the two ever since he had caught the two sleeping together even if Donghae tried denying anything. Also Henry couldn’t see his Ryeowook worry anymore (or pestering him).

Henry was picking up some of his things to bring to Ryeowook’s apartment and Donghae happened to be off work for the night. Hyukjae wasn’t there either for he had prior engagements. (sulking in his room)

“So,” he started, “how’s Hyukjae?”

“Hyukie is good, but he seems to be down lately. I’m worried.” Donghae told him with a frown. “I hardly see him anymore.” He pouted.

“Maybe he misses you. You seem to be working a lot lately.” Henry suggested.

“Misses me?” Donghae blinked. ‘If he misses me then why isn’t he here?’ Donghae thought to himself as he crossed his arms.

“It is possible for you to be missed Hae. I miss you too.” Henry told him.

“Then why don’t we hang out more?” Donghae asked.

“That’s not the point. I don’t know if you’ve really noticed but Hyukjae hasn’t been himself lately. Ryeowook’s been really worried.” Henry told him.

“Then, what should we do?” Donghae asked looking expectantly at Henry.

“I don’t think this is something that we can handle.” Henry told him.

“What do you mean, Henry?” Donghae asked clearly confused.

“This is something only you can do.” Henry clarified as he pointed at his friend.

“Why me?” Donghae asked still confused.

“Well, first of all Hyukjae doesn’t know me that well and Ryeowook has already tried talking to him. You’re the only one who can make him really smile from the heart. You’re probably the only one who can bring him out of this.” Henry tried explaining.

It was obvious that Donghae was trying to process all this, so Henry decided to make things more clear for him. “Hyukjae likes you.”

“What? How do you know?” Donghae asked.

“It’s obvious Donghae. You like him too.” Henry said.

Donghae’s eyes widened as if something was about to hit him or something had already hit him. His heart started hammering against his ribs just as it would when Hyukjae would look at him a certain way or when they would brush hands while they were walking.

“You love him. I can tell.” Henry said confidently.

“L-love him? I don’t love hi—” Donghae stuttered looking down and away at the floor.

Henry glared at his friend cutting him off. “Donghae. Have you ever been in love before?”

Donghae quickly composed himself. “Nope. Why?” he asked with a smile.

“Then how do know you’re not in love now?” Henry questioned.

“I…don’t?” Donghae asked as if he was being quizzed.

“Aish! You’re hopeless!” Henry threw his hands up in the air in frustration. He finally had enough of his clueless friend and left.

Yes, Donghae was clueless and he himself would admit it. With Henry gone he thought about it more. He now saw the signs. The gentle touches, the soft smiles, and the (trying to be) secretive glances. Donghae mentally slapped himself for not noticing it sooner.

Before today he would have denied liking Hyukjae, but as clueless as he was he couldn’t help those feelings he had. He thought it was just because he enjoyed hanging out with Hyukjae and making Hyukjae laugh and watching his smile and letting him know he should smile truly even if he didn’t like his gums showing because he looked best that way.

Well, actually, Donghae already sorta knew for a while that he had fallen for his best friend’s boyfriend’s best friend. He had pushed his feelings aside because he was afraid of rejection. He was afraid of losing his best friend. It was only until Henry pointed it out that he finally realized.

He loved Hyukjae.

He couldn’t deny it any longer.

Donghae then decided he would put his feelings to action. No matter what Hyukjae felt.

The next day after Donghae’s resolve he went to go see Hyukjae.

“Hey Donghae.” Hyukjae casually greeted just as he usually would.

Donghae wasn’t sure why, but the words that were on the way out of his mouth died in his throat as he now stared at Hyukjae who was looking at him curiously.

“Donghae?” Hyukjae waved his hand in his face. “Dooonghaaaaaeee.”

“Uh, H-hyukie. H-hello.” He stuttered and cursed himself for doing so.

“Are you feeling okay?” Hyukjae quickly put the back of his hand to his friend’s forehead. “You feel kinda warm. Are you sure we should hang out today?” Hyukjae asked.

Donghae couldn’t help but admire the concerned look in Hyukjae’s eyes. He grabbed his friend’s hand from his forehead and dropped it to both their sides interlinking their fingers. “I’m fine.” Donghae said quietly.

“I’m not so sure about that.” Hyukjae looked at him and contemplated something. He tugged on Donghae’s hand that was interlinked with his and started walking. “Let’s go.”

“Where are we going?” Donghae asked excitedly as Hyukjae dragged him.

“Home.” Hyukjae stated.

“What?! B-but, what about the movies?” Donghae pouted.

“That can wait. You’re sick and you need rest. We’ve seen enough movies anyways.” He looked over to his pouting friend. “I’ll make you soup.”

Donghae looked over as well and saw that Hyukjae was softly smiling at him. “Okay.” He gave in. If Hyukjae was going to treat him then he shouldn’t pass this opportunity up and say no.

They went to Donghae’s apartment and Hyukjae laid him down in bed. “Now stay here. I’ll be back with some soup.” He ordered.

Donghae sat happily in his bed as he waited for Hyukjae. After about fifteen minutes, Hyukjae came back with a steaming bowl of soup and some orange juice.

“You didn’t have to do this for me.” Donghae said.

Hyukjae smiled weakly. “What are friends for?”

“For hanging out and having fun. You’re taking care of me.” Donghae pointed out as he crossed his arms and pouted.

Hyukjae stumbled. He expected Donghae to just smile back. “Well, w-who else would?” Hyukjae asked hoping Donghae couldn’t see how nervous he was.

“I could have called Henli. I could have taken care of myself.” Donghae watched as Hyukjae’s face redden. “But you insisted on taking care of me.”

“Here’s your soup.” Hyukjae sat on the bed next to Donghae and set the soup in his hands.

Since they were side by side Donghae took the closeness of their proximity to his advantage. He leaned over and lightly kissed Hyukjae on the cheek. “Thank you Hyukie.”

A few weeks went by with Donghae showing more affection whenever they were together. Hyukjae would freeze in place and blush a deep red. Donghae would sometimes and other times he would apologize for embarrassing him.

It is on a cool fall night when Hyukjae is in front of Donghae’s apartment door. He’s about to knock but wonders if he should just go home. He wasn’t sure if Donghae was teasing him or not and he couldn’t take it anymore.

Hyukjae turned around and was about to walk home when Donghae opened the door. “Hyukjae? Where’re you going?” he asked curiously.

“I think I’ll head home Donghae. I’m just not feeling up to it tonight.” Hyukjae said as he stared at the floor.

“Why not? Are you sick?” Donghae asked as he stepped outside and shut the door behind him.

“No, I’m just…tired.” Hyukjae sighed.

“We can lay on my bed.” Donghae offered in an almost suggestive voice.

“I’ll just go home.” Hyukjae said and started making his descent.

Donghae stood frozen in place as he watched Hyukjae walk away. Hyukjae was now on the sidewalks and he hadn’t turned around.

Donghae wasn’t sure exactly why Hyukjae had decided to go home instead of hanging out and he didn’t care why. He just couldn’t stand seeing Hyukjae walked away from him.

Donghae started running down the stairs as it started to rain. Within minutes it was pouring and Donghae was now running towards Hyukjae shouting his name.

Hyukjae turned around when he heard his name being called. “Donghae?” he asked. “What are you doing?”

“I’m not letting you leave, Hyukjae.” Donghae said now only a few steps away.

“Why not?” Hyukjae asked not sure what else to say.

“Because I want you to be with me forever. I never wanna let you go. I cannot image my life without you. I’ve never said this out loud because I’ve been afraid that you would reject me but Hyukjae…I love you.” Donghae said as he tried to raise his voice over the pounding rain.

As the rain continued soaking their clothes, they stared at each other. Donghae stared to see how Hyukjae would react. Hyukjae stared at Donghae in shock. “You what?” he whispered not believing what he heard thinking that it could have been a dream.

“I love you.” Donghae smiled. “Ha, I love you!” he shouted. “and I want the world to know. I LOVE LEE HYUKJAE!”  Donghae shouted into the skies cupping his hands around his mouth to project his voice.

Hyukjae stared blankly at his friend. He almost asked him if he had gone mad but then realized on more than one level what Donghae was saying. “You love me?” he asked. Donghae nodded happily. “You love me.” Hyukjae stated this time as he started to smile.

“Yes, I love you.” Donghae moved a step closer. “and I’m sorry it took me so long to realize. Do you forgive me?” he asked.

They were mere inches apart from each other and Hyukjae felt his vocal chords close up a little. “Yeah,” he said quietly.

Donghae suddenly hugged Hyukjae and laughed. Happy and elated that he got that off his chest.

“Come on,” Donghae said and dragged Hyukjae to his apartment.

As they ran Hyukjae tried putting together what was going on. Donghae had just confessed to him. He had been waiting for this day to happen for a while now so why was he so tongue tied and in shock.

They reached the stairs and Donghae stopped underneath them out of the way from the rain. Donghae faced Hyukjae and grabbed his shoulders.

“D-donghae,” Hyukjae stuttered looking toward the ground. “I just want to say that I…” Hyukjae started to say. He took in a deep breath then looked up into Donghae’s eyes. “…I love you too.”

Donghae broke into another smile. “Really Hyukie?”

“Yes,” Hyukjae smiled as well.

“Then can I ask you one thing?”

“What’s that?” Hyukjae asked tilting his head to the side in confusion.

“Can I kiss you?” Donghae asked as he cupped Hyukjae’s face. Hyukjae’s throat finally closed up on him and he couldn’t trust himself to speak so he nodded his head. Donghae smiled and leaned closer. Hyukjae couldn’t help but move closer himself.

Finally their lips touched. At first it was soft and everything they imagined it would be then things started to get heated. They hadn’t realized how much they wanted this, how much they needed this.

Donghae broke the kiss and grabbed Hyukjae’s hand pulling him up the stairs back into the apartment.

As soon as they were on the level the apartment was on, Donghae turned around and started to kiss Hyukjae again. They walked blindly as they kissed trying to make it to the door.

After a couple attempts, Hyukjae opened the door for them. After the door shut and they were both inside, Donghae started ing Hyukjae’s shirt.

“D-donghae! What’re you doing?” Hyukjae asked breathlessly while Donghae was busy kissing his neck.

“You’re wet. Don’t want you to get sick.” He said between his heavy breathing and successfully stripped Hyukjae of his shirt then looked at him with an dark glint in his eyes. “You don’t want me to get a cold either, do you?” he asked deviously.

Hyukjae blushed madly but started ing Donghae, while crashing their lips back together.

Later they were both laying on Donghae’s bed spent from earlier activities. The patter of rain could still be heard from outside. Donghae looked over at Hyukjae and sighed contently. Hyukjae smiled and blushed as he move closer to Donghae and cuddled inside his embrace.

“Hyukjae, will you be my boyfriend?” Donghae asked.

“You’re asking me this now?” Hyukjae laughed.

“Yes,” Donghae said seriously but with a smile.

“Of course, Lee Donghae.” Hyukjae smiled back and claimed what was now his.



Well, I hoped you liked it. I have one more bonus chapter for you guys, so please be as pacient as you have been for the last chapter. Thanks for reading!

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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 2: Awwww love thiss story so muchhh
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 1: this is totally cuuuuuteee and i like it~~~
aww cute ^^ thanks for sharing
exoderp #4
awww this is so cute <3 these are two of my favorite couples :D
Bunny_Muddles #5
CUTE! Gah! Eunhae is the cutest couple EVER cause they're so ... childlike, haha! Thanks for the update! So worth it ^_^ Fighting! <3
I love your story !!!! ^^
eunhae *-* you updated! <3
it has been a long time ouo
dkwbekxndkkaksa eunhaaaaae <3 hehez /spazzing
Haha, so cute :P
MujaELFClouds #9
It's cute :3