1 - Complete

Thanks friends

You and your boyfriend, Minho when on a date. At night, you guys when to eat dinner in a cafe. 

Minho : Angel Lyn ah ~

You : Hmmm Nae. 

Minho : I think we should break up *look deeply in your eyes. 

You feel shock and sad at the same time. A few tears start to roll down your cheek. 

You : Why?? Did you have another girl??or am i not good enough for u?? 

Minho : I don't have any other girl than you. But i think we should break up. u are too good and too nice for me. 

You : But i love u. Didn't u love me Minho oppa?

Minho : I do love... u I love u soo much. But somehow i think u don't love me like i want a girl to love me. I dunno how to explain but i think u like someone else without u know. So now. . i give u chance to go to that man. 

You : But i love u. . only u oppa. 

u start to cry harder u try to wipe all you tear but it keep rolling and rolling down.

Minho : No. . Angel Lyn. . u dunno what's love mean. U try to love me cause i'm your first boyfriend. i'm the one that ask u out. u feel pity and try your heart to love me back. but i know deep in your heart u don't love me. 

With that last word he stand up. He start to walk out from the shop. But, He stop and said. .

Minho : One day, u will thank me because i let u go. 

Then he gone. 


U arrive at home with a red eyes. your parents start to worry when they look at u. 

Mom : Lyn ah ( Mianhe your name is quit long. . i need to shorten it. . mian again*bow*) is there something wrong. Why your eyes red dear??

You : Nothing mom. It just cold out there. 

U have to lie cause u don't want them to be worry. 

Mom: Okay, but if there something wrong tell me or your dad okay?

You nod and walk to your room. 

U sit on your bed and start to cry harder. A few minutes later h grab your phone and call your best friend. .

You: Hello ~ Chanyeol oppa. *sniff*(what is that sound call?)

Chanyeol: Oh Lyn ah Hello. Are u crying. . why? what happen? 

You: Oppa. . he.. he.. 

Chanyeol : Calm down first.. and tell me slowly no need to rush. 

You : He broke up with me*start crying again*

Chanyeol : Who?? Minho??

You : Nae *sob**sob*

Chanyeol : That boy. . . How dare he broke up with u. I will beat him up and make sure he go back to u. 

You : Oppa don't need to do that. He said he do that with a reason. A good reason for me *sob*

Chanyeol : Okay.. I won't do that cause u say so. But i might change my mind. Bye~

You :*sigh* bye oppa. 


(Chanyeol PoV)

- The next day-

I found Angel Lyn in an horrible state. Swollen eyes. Pale. She look very sick. 

All thank to. .

That Minho. . he think he can break my girl heart.. wait. . what did i just think my girl. 

Yah Chanyeol. . wake up. . she's your best friend not girlfriend. But why i feel that i want her to be more than my bestfriend?


(Third person PoV)

Chanyeol search for Minho everywhere during recess. 

At the toilet. No
Toilet. No
Classroom. No
Canteen. No
Library. No 

There's only one place that Chanyeol sti didn't check yet. 

School gym. 

Chanyeol go there. 

He found Minho is playing basketball. 

Chanyeol come to him in anger. 

Chanyeol grab his collar and puch him on the face. 


Minho : I -

Before Minho can explain he got anothe punch at his face. 

Chanyeol keep on beat him and Minho didn't fight. 


Sehun, Taemin, Kai and Tao come. 

They see the fight and quickly stop them. 

Taemin and Kai grab Minho. 

While, Tao and Sehun grab Chanyeol.

Sehun : Chanyeol hyung what happen?? Why did u do this hyung?

Chanyeol can't spek cause he soo angry. 

Minho : H-hyu-ung i *cough* i do this cause of u *cough* i know that u like Angel Lyn and i know she like u too. 

Chanyeol: What??

Minho : i can see in both of u guys eyes. Everytime u go near any girl. I can see she's jealous. And everytime she near me i can see u're jealous. 

Chanyeol: No.. i'm not. 

Minho : Yes u are. don't deny it. 

Chanyeol fall down and start to cry. 

(Chanyeol PoV)

He. . he do this for me. . and bet him. . i start to cry..


( Minho PoV)

It's hurt Chanyeol. It's hurt for me let her go. 

I love her soo much. 

But i know. i'm not the one that she like nor love. 

She like u. 

So i let her go for u. 

I know i should get beat up cause hurting her and that's why i didn't fight. 

I start to cry.

(Third person PoV)

While all the maknaes feel pity to their hyungs. 

Their thought:

I never now love will be this tough.


After that incident Minho and Chanyeol start to become more close. 


-2 month after the fight thing-

At the school. .

Minho : Yah Chanyeol. When will u confesed to her?

Chanyeol : I dunno.. i'm afraid she still heart broken. 

Minho : She's not. . Sehun said she's fine now. 

Chanyeol :*sigh* but i'm afraid. 

Minho take something from his bag. 

It's a chocolate and flower.

Minho : Here take this and go now. I hear she'll not come to school for a week cause of some competition thing. 

Chanyeol look at the man beside him. He feel very thankful cause he have a friend like him. 

Chanyeol: Thanks bro. 

Minho: No problem. 




Chanyeol start to search for Angel Lyn and he found her in the library. At the back of the library,sitting alone and reading something.

He go near her quietly. 

He tap her shoulder .

Angel Lyn turn and smile to him .

Chanyeol : Can i dit here ?

Angel Lyn nod .

(author PoV)

You : What do u do here chanyeol ?

Chanyeol : I -

Then , Chanyeol take out the flower and chocolate that Minho give .

Chanyeol : Can u be my girl ?

You were shock and couldn't talk propaly.

You ; I- I- I-

Chanyeol : It's okay if u don't want .

He start to stand up and ..

You : Yes , i will .

Chanyeol turn around .

Chanyeol : u will what ?

you : i will be your girl 

Chanyeol were shock and he hug u .

Chanyeol : Thanks angel lyn cause accept me .. and thanks minho cause let u go .

Now u know what's Minho mean by you'll thanks him one day .

A tear start to fall from your eyes .

You : th-Thanks minho *whisper*




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S0rry for the bad English *bow*



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Chapter 1: Aww Minho is so sweet ♡