
When Past and Present Collide
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"You need to move on.. you can't love me.."

"What do you mean I can't love you? did I do something wrong?"

"No, but you need to move on, forget me, leave and don't look back"

"No I cant do that."

"Fine if you won't then I will, Good bye"

I watch as he walks away from me After everything we have been through this is how it all ends I can't let him go! I won't let him go!

"STOP! you can't just walk away! I love you and  always will! you can't just tell me to forget you because I can't. I won't"

He turns around "well you need to forget me because the moment I step through those doors everything we had, everything we shared will be erased not only from my mind, but my heart."

"Is it that easy to forget me? LOOK AT ME! Look into my eyes and tell me you dont love me!" I could feel the tears fall down my face I couldn't take this anymore

He turned around and walked up to me.



He looked into my eyes



"Remember, what I'm about to say.. You made me say it. I don't love you, I never did. So you can stop with your pointless fairytales and open your damn eyes." 

"Liar! Liar! Your lying! I know you love me, I felt it... I know you did too"

"Like I said, open your eyes. Your the only one crying right now. You were a waste of time. I wish I never took on this bet."

I grabbed hold of his arm as he started to walk away

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