Chapter 5 part 1


Ah! I have this in two parts. It was getting too long and I said I will try to get this out by this week! Please enjoy! Yunjae happening in part 2!

Yunho hissed in annoyance when he felt sunlight hit the outside of his eyes. Was the sun always this strong? His head hurts, his body hurts, even thinking was hurting him. He opened his eyes and blinked at the sudden brightness of the room. He groaned loudly as he moved his head to the side to check the time. However, he didn't see the digital clock that usually sat on his desk, instead, his eyes were confronted with a single black lamp.

His breathing stopped as he stared at the unfamiliar room. In his room, the walls were plain white with random pictures of the vacations he went to when he was younger. This room was dark blue and black. The curtains were drawn open so Yunho could see the whole room without any extra light.

Where was he? More importantly, was he wearing clothes? Yunho felt his bottom half somewhat cold and he slowly lifted the covers to find himself . , , , , , , . Yunho shuddered, what happened last night? He ignored the pounding of his head as he turned his head to spot a mop of blonde hair next to him. Did he lose his ity without knowing it?! What time was it? Who was with him? How did he get here? Should he wake her up? He couldn't find his clothes, and this fact made him very upset.

Yunho decided that he was going to leave the woman alone, he needed to get out of there. Very slowly, even slower than a sloth, he pulled one of the sheets to cover his body. Succeeding, he tip toed out of the room. He walked down the long hallway, looking for any clues about the mysterious woman in his room. The walls had no personal pictures, only those that one would buy to have the house match.

Once in the living room, he saw a pair of familiar long legs, Changmin. He hurried over to his side, forgetting that the sheet was too big for him, he tripped and landed on Changmin.

“UUF! What the heck man!” Changmin gasped as he tried to regain his breath. He pushed his hyung off him, not caring where he landed. Yunho groaned as he collapsed on the coffee table. The bed sheet slipped further down his body. He pulled it up to his chest as he observed his companion. He was wearing clothes, the same as last night. He laid down with his head staring intently at Changmin. He felt like he did something mortifying, but he couldn't remember what. The light of the sun wasn't as strong here but the dizziness of falling unexpectedly had him a daze as he laid there staring at the younger. “Haha! You look like you want to die!” Changmin laughed at the dazed look he gave him.

“What happened last night? Where are we?” Yunho groaned. “Where are my clothes?”

“I have your clothes washed. Your suit and the clothes that Junsu let you borrow.” Yoochun entered the room with three water bottles. He tossed one to Changmin, who caught it effortlessly. He set the other one by Yunho's head. He didn't even look up. If he did, he might throw up. “I didn't know when you were going to wake up. I was about to give you some of my clothes. I'll go get them.”

So that's where his clothes went. But he still didn't know where he was. Every time he would try to think, his head felt like it would explode. It would be better to have someone explain everything to him.

“Oh yeah, We're at my house. Changmin didn't look like he could he take you out of there by himself. You were a fighter. We brought you here, like five hours ago. I would've figured that you would still be knocked out. I thought we might would have to take you to the hospital.” Yoochun shook his head and left the room.

“Changmin, there's a woman in Yoochun's room.” Yunho whispered at Changmin with wide eyes. “ I don't know how she got there. What did I do?”


Jaejoong looked up at the clock. It read 9:38 am. He was in group therapy, with the other occupants of the third floor. He sighed in internally. He wanted to meet Jung Yunho again. He watched in silence as the others in the circle would describe how they were feeling. He glared at the person next to him as they tried to hand him the stuffed bunny that would allow him to tell everyone what he was feeling. It was stupid, Jaejoong wanted to say. He turned his attention back to the clock. In a couple of hours, he would be allowed to and be by himself for the afternoon. He just had to deal with these idiots for the time being.


“Wait, wait, this is the best part!” Changmin roared with laughter as he held his phone in front of Yunho. He was sitting on the couch, a puddle of shame. When Yunho asked who the strange woman was in his room, Changmin shrugged and took his out his phone to show him the embarrassing moments that he committed last night. Yoochun returned with some sweatshirt and pants, and when Yunho asked him about the strange girl, Yoochun gave him a weird look and went to go investigate. So far, he hasn't came out of the room for the past ten minutes.

“Everyone made room for you to dance. You had your own circle and everything. Look! I didn't even know that they sold glow sticks, yet, somehow you are covered in them.” Yunho dropped his head in despair. Why did he drink it? He took a glance and grimaced as his past self was whipping his head back and forth with who knows how many glow sticks adorning his body. Was he just that stupid? “In this one, you were playing the floor is made of hot lava. I think you stepped on a couple of women when you tried to make a large leap up in the VIP section.” Changmin erupted in another fit of giggles.

“Please tell me that was all I did.... I don't think my pride can take anymore abuse.” Yunho sniffed.

“Ummm... I think that's about it... Well the really funny parts. Maybe two or three hours later you kept repeating someone's name, Jae? I wasn't sure.” Changmin shrugged. “You shouted a lot of things... Most of them weren't nice.” He scrunched up his nose. “You called me a giant food monster and wished that I will gain all the weight I never get and I die from being so fat.”

“Oh...” Jae? Who was that? “Yeah, then after we finally got you out of the club, you wanted to drive to go get some more food. I was all for it, but I don't trust you at the wheel, or myself. Thanks to you, I didn't get lucky. I had to take care of your drunk . Minho ditched us after a while... Luckily Yoochun was nicer and let us crash here.”

“So you don't know where the woman came from?”

“I don't know man, maybe you left and and bought yourself a hooker?”

“Don't say that!”

“Oh right, you're Mr. 26 year old . Or not, if you managed to do it.” Changmin put away his phone and got up. “I'm going to see what's for breakfast. Though I am curious about who is in the bedroom. Wanna go check?”

“No thanks, I just want to lay here on the couch and die.” If it was someone he slept with, he rather die than face the stranger.

“Whatever drama queen.” Changmin stretched his arms out as he walked into the hallway. Yunho didn't move when he heard Changmin laugh. He didn't care what happened now, he just wanted to be in a dark room where life can't get him. He pulled the sheets tighter over his head and was about to doze off when his phone rang. “What the ?!” The ringing made Yunho's head feel like it was about to split open. He jumped to the end of the other couch, to grab at the phone. The movement made his body groan in protest, but he would rather have silence than that horrible ringing, “Hello?”

“Yunho! Where are you? You missed an appointment with one of our clients. I had to talk to him instead. If you want to be the next owner, you should act like it! Otherwise I will find someone who will be more than capable to fill in. Also, you need to go check up on the hospital. I don't want to waste more time than necessary on that building. I will leave that to you. Don't be late to your next appointment. It's at four.” The man on the other line hung up.

“Wha?” Yunho stared at the blinking screen that announced the end of the phone call. The time read 10:57 am. He had to reread the time before he jumped up. He was late, really late. All of the sudden, he didn't even have a hangover. He didn't even bother changing. He would go to the site in the spare clothes. He could call someone to bring him another suit. He prayed that his keys were somewhere in Changmin's jacket. Luck was on his side when he found them dangling out of the right pocket. Not even bothering to alert the others that he was leaving, he ran out the door, letting it slam shut


“Did Yunho Hyung leave?” Yoochun went to peer out of the door when they heard the door shut.

“I don't really care... I do wonder though, why are you in a different wig today Junsu?” Changmin questioned the man still laying in between the sheets.

“I had to! Yunho hyung wouldn't be still! He also kept taking off his clothes. What else was I supposed to do! You fell asleep on the couch as soon as your body touched the cushions!” Junsu pouted. He pulled off the blonde wig.

“But why did you have to wear a wig?”

“I don't know! Maybe he has some kind of weird kink. But it made him settle down. One thing for sure is that I will never go hang out with drunk Yunho.” Junsu shuttered as he recalled having to wrestle Yunho restless body to the bed.

“He didn't do anything weird to you did he?” Yoochun asked as he looked over the half man.

“I'm okay. Once I had the wig on, he pretty much just did anything I asked him to.”

“Minho sure got lucky, he didn't have to suffer drunk Yunho.” Changmin shook his head. “I guess I have to go get ready for work. Wanna hang out later?”


Jaejoong stared at every car that passed by the hospital. He was finally released from group therapy and he was people watching like normal. However, today, he was watching for the car that Jung Yunho was driving. So far, there was no one. He pouted as he watched the sky. Two nurses passed by chattering. Jaejoong, couldn't help but hear what they were conversing about.

“Did you hear? They are finally going to expand the hospital. We can take in more patients. Also, we will get new workers. We need them, I can't spend half my day here, it is too much for a person.” the nurse sighed as she clutched her clipboard.

“I hope we can get some cute workers. I want meet someone before I grow old and only have a hoard of cats with me.” Her companion laughed. The walked down the hallway , still gossiping. Jaejoong rolled his eyes as he looked back down. If they get new workers, the least they could do is get someone who can make decent food. If not that, then some better food. Heck, if he wasn't trapped here he would go back and work for a restaurant in a town when he was twenty. He was sure that if he was blind, drunk, and stabbed in the stomach, he would still be able to make something a thousand times better than anything here.

He continued to stare down at the street. He then saw a silver car speed down the street. He couldn't make out the figure behind the wheel. The windows were too tinted. He then saw him park at the side of the street. Jaejoong stared incredulous as Yunho stumbled out of the car, wearing a sweatshirt and loose sweatpants. On his feet, he wore dress shoes. What was he wearing? He locked his car and ran inside without a backward glance. Wait. He's here! Jaejoong jumped up. Where should he wait. He didn't want to seem to eager. He didn't say anything to the other nurses about the forgotten bag so it was still in his room. He will go see him there. He went back to his room. He would wait for him there.


Yunho spat out the gum he was chewing when he entered the hospital. He was lucky that he carried around a packet of gum or mints in his car. It was important for him to always have nice smelling breath when he had a meeting with a client. Though, as far as looks go, the only thing decent in his attire was his dress shoes. Yunho wiggled his toes, yup, they were on the wrong foot. He checked his phone, it was almost dead. He needed to charge it. It was 11:15. Yoochun's house was pretty close to here.

He walked into the men's restroom. He should at least try to look presentable when he goes around the hospital. Though, there wasn't much he could do with the clothes he had on. He glared regretfully at the giant Micky Mouse that covered the sweatshirt. Why did he only noticed this now? He splashed water on his face to try to take off the hungover look.

After a deep breath, he walked out of the restroom. Walking up to the reception desk, he tried to keep an aura of being importance. “Hello, I am Jung Yunho, I need to make some inspections before we begin. I will try to be quick as to not bother you.” Yunho said this in one breath while looking straight ahead. He was glad that the desk semi-covered his torso.

“Oh, hello again, Yunho hyung!” A chipper reply greeted him.

“Taemin?” Yunho looked down at the younger male. “Oh, thank all that is holy that it is you here and not a female nurse.” Yunho dropped his head in gratitude.

“Yeah, I have reception duty for now. Is something wrong?” Taemin looked up at the man with worried eyes.

“Yes, I had a wild night, not on purpose!” Yunho made sure to tell Taemin. “And I have no idea where my clothes went. I sent for someone to bring me a suit. When he comes, can you tell him wait for me here?”

“Ah, yes, I will, don't worry about it. I'll make sure you get your clothes. Though, I do think that Micky mouse is pretty cute. Not sure if grown men can work it though.” Taemin chuckled. “Do you know your way around? Or do you want me to get someone to help you.”

“That's alright, I got it. Thank you Taemin. Oh,” Yunho remembered his dead phone, “You don't happen to have a charger for my phone. It seems like my battery died.”

“Yes, I have one. You can use it. Do you need your phone with you or can I charge it here while you work?” Taemin asked as he took Yunho's phone.

“It's fine. You can keep it here. I am not expecting any calls from anyone.” Yunho bowed gratefully to the other, he ran up the flight of stairs, he didn't want to be seen.


Once at the top floor, he stopped to regain his breath. He managed to make it up the stairwell without any problems. Only when he reached the top, did he remembered that he forgot his bag in one of the rooms. He walked to the end of the hallway to the last room he entered the day before. If he was correct, his stuff might be in there. Unless, that Kim Jaejoong turned in his bag. His hand froze on the door knob. If he did, then he should go check back with Taemin. On the other hand, since Taemin didn't mention anything about his bag, maybe it wasn't turned in after all.

Knocking twice. He was greeted byJaejoong's glare. His hair was mused and he looked like he just woken up. “Ah, I'm sorry, I was just looking for my bag, I left it here yesterday.” Yunho smiled at the smaller male.

Jaejoong pursed his lips, as in debating on wether he should let the man in, before he stepped away from the door to let him enter. Immediately, the headache that Yunho ignored until then, lessened. It was nice, dark, and cool in the room. The lights in the room were dim and Yunho basked in the low light as he collected his bag. He didn't want to leave the room. It felt nice, also, he was still in the sweats. He wondered when they were going to bring him his clothes. Yunho pretended to be looking through his bag. I wonder if he will let me hide here for a while. I can't let anyone see me in this embarrassing state. Here goes nothing.

“Your name is Kim Jaejoong right?” Yunho asked him. He knew it already, but he didn't want to seem weird, he had am unforgettable face and name.

A nod was given in return. “You won't mind if I um, stay in your room for a little bit?” Yunho gave him his best smile. It worked with the most rude clients. Jaejoong just stared at him. After a minute or two, when Yunho was beginning to feel awkward for holding up his smile. Jaejoong nodded.

Jaejoong sat on his bed in the fetal position with his face hidden. He couldn't believe it. He was in his room. Maybe it won't be that hard to be his friend. He was happy, but he couldn't let the other know about it. It would be weird. He froze in shock when the man gave him a warm smile. After collecting his senses he had got on his bed. What should he say? He hid his blushing cheeks from the other.

Yunho was sitting in the chair next to the bed. He had his eyes closed. It was nice here. Now he was a bit grateful for the lack of window.

“Why do you look like crap?” Great, that was so smooth Jaejoong.

Yunho looked up at the curious expression that Jaejoong wore. Should he explain it to him? Why not, he hated awkward silencees. “Well, after I left this place I got a call from a co worker...”


Minho locked the doors of his car and rolled his eyes at the skewed parking by his hyung. Minho had a black bag swinging behind him. It held Yunho's suit. He decided last night that he should just ditched the guys when they began to get everyone to do the conga. He wanted nothing of that. However, he felt like it was his duty to go and check up on them. He didn't want them to be late for work. His position wasn't as cumbersome or as important as the other two so he could slack off.

When he arrived to Yunho's apartment that morning, he saw one of their family workers outside walking out with a suit bag. He questioned him as to why he had it and once the worker explained to him, Minho decided that he will deliver it himself. He chuckled as he entered the lobby of the hospital, he wondered what state Yunho was in . If he had to get someone to bring him a suit, then Yunho and the others must have had a pretty crazy night. He walked up to the receptionist desk.

“Hello, I am looking for someone, you don't happen to know where he is by any chance?” Minho greeted the person behind the desk.

“I could check, what's his name?” Taemin looked up to meet the face of a very handsome man.

“Wow- I mean, his name is Jung Yunho.” Minho smiled at him. He was too distracted by the adorable face the young man had. He might be male, but I would still tap that. Minho decided.

“Right, He said someone was going to come to see him. Would you like it if I took it up for you?” Taemin asked. He wondered if the man was single. A female nurse walked up to the duo with a clipboard in her arms.

“Taemin, it is my turn at the desk, your class is waiting for you.” The nurse smiled at Minho warmly. “Hi”

“Oh, your right. I'll go right now. Thanks Sulli” Taemin got up to walk out. “I left a phone right there charging, so don't touch it. It's not mine.”

“Got it.” She saluted him as she sat down.

“Hi.” Hmmm, she was cute, but I think, that Taemin guy is cuter. “How about you show me where he is? Since you are about to have a class.” Minho looked Sulli up and down.

“Ah, yes, I'll take you.” Taemin blushed. They walked up the first flight of stairs in silence.

Might as well get to know this cutie. Minho shrugged. “So what class do you teach?” Minho inquired.

“I teach dance,” Taemin looked down shyly. “There are more young people here so I decided to teach them.”

“Really?” Minho looked taken aback, they would teach something like that here. In a mental hospital. From what he has seen in movies and books, all they do is go to therapy and sleep. It was nice to hear that they weren't bored out of their minds. “You won't mind if I check it out. That sounds interesting.”

“Umm, no, sure, I'm going to be in room 200.” He pointed it out to him. “The third floor is up that flight of stairs. I'll leave the door open.” Taemin nodded at the stairwell. “Also, be careful of the rail. If you lean on it too much, it will make you slip.” “I will.” Minho watched the younger male run into the room. He walked to the other stairwell.


Ah part 2 is almost finished. It was getting too long. I hope you enjoy!

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vampirequeen1999 #1
Chapter 7: i just discovered this story and i REALLY love it. the way you depict the characters and the plot is amazing ill wait for u:)
loveyunjae4ever #2
Chapter 7: I will not unsubscribe! Because i want to know what will happen next so please don't says that :'( i be waiting for you... ......
Chapter 6: Yay! 2Min!! kekeke! WHAT-ARE-YOU-DOING-IN-MY-ROOM-WITHOUT-PERMISSION!! Sounds a bit like me!!
leeyunjae #4
Chapter 6: OMG... yunjae moment... please more XD
and i´am really curious about what happened in jae´s past o.O

thank u & please update soon :)
Chapter 6: ahhh thanks so much for this update!! kehehe HoMin <33 andof course yunjae!! oh Kris and his artwork <333
mar1adyve5sa #6
Chapter 6: Ahh I want more yunjae. Can't for their cute and sweet moment later.
Didn't think I'll like it but damn I LOVE IT ALREADY!!!!!!
Loving all the couple pairing...Yunho and Changmin friendship is...I'm out of words (couldn't stop laughing at Homin part-I don't ship them in a romantic relationship kind more of a brotherly relationship-kawaii)
Hope karma give Go Ara a good slap. How on earth would you treat the JUNG YUNHO like her, aigoo she must've gone nuts.
More Yunjae moment please
foodiemin #8
Chapter 6: Yunjae please...cute 2min!!!
jrockanimecityxx #9
Please update!! I ask you!! Want...more...YunJae...!!
mar1adyve5sa #10
Chapter 5: update soon please. I want more of yunjae moment~