Chapter 3


Two days later Yunho was having lunch with Changmin, the only one who can manage to keep up with Yunho's erratic work schedule. They were doing their usual routine that included talking about the future of the company and Yunho continuous complaining of Changmin's endless hunger.

Yunho has yet to mention to his parents about his break with Ara. The only one who knew about what had happened was Changmin, and he had no choice but to tell him.

“So, you and Ara are no longer together right?” Changmin asked as he stuffed his face with a handful of chips.


“Have you told your parents?”

“Not yet.... I still have to think of a back up plan so they won't disown me for doing that.”

“I don't think they will disown you... they might make you marry Ara anyways...” Changmin mused.

“I don't even want to hear that name, much less being in the same room as that vile woman.” Yunho pushed away his sandwich. He wasn't hungry anymore.

“You gonna eat that?” Changmin grabbed the sandwich without bothering for an answer. “You should hang out with me and Minho tonight, get your mind off of things.”

“I'm good, so no."

“Really? We were just going to go out to eat and hit the bars. I met a new friend, he works in one of the other branches of the business. He's gonna be there too.”

“Okay, what does that have to do with me? He might be mean like you so no thanks.” Yunho scoffed.

“Don't be like hyung, He is nice, but stupid. He has contacts with the top bars so we can get in the V.I.P section.” Changmin wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at the older male. “He is also a good singer so we could go karaoke later too.”

“I would rather not. I have paper work that I need to do tonight anyways.”

“Whatever, your loss.” Changmin shrugged.

Yunho's phone rang just as Yunho opened his mouth to retort. “Yes? Right now? On the other side of town? Okay, Yeah I know, Yes, I can finish it by tonight. Bye”

“Was that your father?”

“Yeah, apparently a hospital on the other side of town is wanting to expand the building so I have to go check it out to see where we can expand it. Though I didn't know that we also managed hospitals.” Yunho stood up from behind his desk. He picked up his bag and began to insert his work in it.

“We just have that one, actually it's the one where I picked you up from...” Changmin reclined back in his chair as he watched the other man fumble with his work. “It was more of a front to look good. I don't think they really care for it. Maybe that's why your father never mentioned it. It isn't that important.”

“I guess you're right, I'll see you tomorrow.”

“Bye loser.” Changmin waved to Yunho's retreating back.


When he arrived to the hospital he walked around the entire building to take the measurements. The building itself wasn't that high, only about three stories high and not that big. It was more like the size of an apartment complex. While Yunho was walking around he spotted a group of patients all clad in light blue pajamas at the back of the building. They were all scattered all around inside the fence.

Yunho felt a slight pang of pity in his heart. The people wandering around in the garden all look defeated. They were like animals in a cage. They were not allowed to wander around the world like they wished, instead they are ushered in a building and not let out. Some of the people were sitting on the benches and talking to one another. They didn't look as upset as some of the others.

Yunho walked the length of the building watching them. At the back of the building, the fence was covered in large, green, lush bushes. He lifted the leaves to observe the fence that it was covering. He needed to make sure that all of the hospital was secure.

What he didn't expect was to see a young person sleeping underneath all the leaves. He stared at the body in font of him. The person wore the same pajamas as the others, however, unlike most of the others who were talking to each other, he just laid on the ground with their back to Yunho.

Yunho opened his mouth to alert the other of his presence but stopped when the other person groaned and turned to face his direction. The person's features on made Yunho wonder if the person was male or female. They had short hair that settled around their face making it look round, eyelashes that were brushed the tops of their cheeks, and pale skin. Yunho thought that the person looked like a doll with perfect skin except he spotted a small freckle a little underneath his left cheek.

Yunho lifted the bush up higher to get a better look at the other. He sighed in slight disappointment when he spotted the others adam apple. It was a male. He rested his head against the fence and got a better grip on the bush to steady himself when he felt himself fall forward.

“” Yunho cursed as he accidentally held onto a thorn filled branch. He recoiled in pain, let the bush go, making the whole plant shake. He stood up, nursing his left hand. Checking it for any signs of blood, he picked up his bag and left to go inside the hospital.


It was six in the afternoon and it was his turn to go with the group to go out to the garden in the back of the building. It was a warm day and Jaejoong enjoyed the warm wind that gently blew. All the others sat at the picnic tables while the nurses watched over them.

Jaejoong walked over to the very edge of the garden and laid down on the grass. This was his spot. There was roses that grew all around the back. Jaejoong liked the yellow roses the best so he every time they were let out he would go and lay near the flowers to relax. The warm rays of the sun warmed his usual cold body, making him drowsy and he soon fell asleep.


Jaejoong felt something touch his face lightly. He jumped up in shock and looked around. There was no one around. The nurses looked at him in alarm but he shrugged them off. He looked down at his lap and saw some of the rose petals had fallen off the bush. He frowned at the wind. It wasn't strong enough to knock off the petals. The roses were also just barely blooming and are at their healthiest stage.

He looked around himself before lying back on the ground and closing his eyes. He touched his cheek lightly. Goosebumps rose on his arm. That rose petal felt different, somehow...


Yunho walked down the hallways of the hospital with a young, dark haired, male nurse. He was helping him explore the rest of the hospital. Yunho looked at the pale white walls in distaste. He didn't like the empty look the place had. The workers seem nice enough but the atmosphere was suffocating.

“Be careful on these steps,” The young man, Taemin, Yunho glanced down at his name tag, said. “The rail wobbles a bit so if you forget you could become unbalanced and fall. That is something we don't want to happen around here again.”

“Right, fix stairs.” Yunho wrote down on his clipboard. Even though his father wanted him to see the dimensions of the building, Yunho wanted to fix it up as well.

“The rooms up here on the third floor are empty right now. They're outside. You can check out the rooms now.”

“Thank you Taemin.” Yunho nodded at him. He started at the closest room, room 310. He entered the room and was surprised to find that unlike the rest of the hospital, the rooms look more alive. In the room was a colorful quilt on the bed. Flowers decorated the room and pictures were scattered around the room. There was a window as well and because of this, there was no great need to turn on the light. The sun was shining in to illuminate everything.

This pleased Yunho as he went to measure the rooms. At least the patients here were surrounded by loving people. Yunho glanced at one of the vases of wild flowers. That reminded him of the vase of roses that he left a few days earlier. He wondered where it was now. He glanced around at all the flowers but noticed that none of the flowers were roses so Yunho left after he was done. The previous floors had few rooms and looked unoccupied. Now that he saw that these rooms had paitents, he wanted to see if he could find the person that recived his roses.

The remaining rooms were all in similar fashion. Though none of them were had his roses. They probably threw them out... Yunho mused as he opened the last door. Taemin was right behind him waiting for him to finish. Taemin's phone began to buzz.

Yunho turned around to stare curiously at Taemin. “What? Again? How many times is it now? Right, I'll be there in a moment.” Taemin snapped his phone shut. “Sorry, One of our patients, Kyuhyun, is going through an episode right now.”

Yunho nodded at him as Taemin sped walked backwards while still talking. “When you are done here, you can come back the same way that you came!” Taemin called out to him before he turned and ran out of sight.

Yunho stared at the space where the man disappeared for a moment before shaking his head. “Need more staff and stronger medicine.” Yunho wrote down.

He opened the door and felt his heart plummet. This room, unlike the others, was sad. There was nothing in the room that showed that there was anyone in the room. Maybe the room is unoccupied? Yunho went back to the door to check if there was a name on the door. “Kim Jaejoong” Yunho muttered to himself. He then walked back into the room. He the light, this room didn't have a window. This made the room seem even more gloomy than usual. He took the measurements of the room and was about to leave when he spotted his roses sitting on the small desk in the corner of the room.

Yunho went to the roses to inspect them better. He saw the silver ribbon that held the roses together was tied around the vase. He lifted the roses up to make sure they were the same. A slip of paper slid from underneath the vase and floated down to the floor. He bent down to pick up the paper.

Yunho froze as he heard voices coming from the hallway. He quickly slipped the paper back under the vase. He didn't want to be caught. He picked his clipboard off of the desk.

“What are you doing?” A cold voice spoke to him. , did he see me? Yunho's eyes widen and he slowly turned around to face the occupant of the room.

“Noth- Nothing. I was just surveying the room.” Yunho felt his face flush at being caught snooping. Turing to the voice, he was surprised to see the same man from the garden.

“Why?” The young man pushed back his midnight colored hair to glare at Yunho in suspicion.

“Um, We are going to make this place bigger so I needed to take measurements...” Yunho drifted off as the other male, Jaejoong, Yunho guessed he was the person that the room belonged to, walked over to his bed and sat down. Still staring at him, Yunho backed away and laughed awkwardly.

Jaejoong pulled the covers over his body, while still staring at the other. “Well I think I am done here.” Yunho coughed.

The other nodded closing his eyes. “My name is Yunho by the way.”

“Jaejoong” He answered shortly, turning away from Yunho. “Turn off the lights.” Yunho turned off the lights as he exited the room.

“Nice to meet you Jaejoong”


Jaejoong coughed when he heard the door shut. Sticking his tongue out he reached over to his bedside table and opened the drawer. He pulled out a water bottle and drank a large gulp. He went red. It had been a long time since he spoke to someone else in the last couple of weeks. He even forgot how his voice sounded like. He cleared his throat again before putting down the bottle of water.

Jaejoong stared in the dark room, he didn't like that he was in a room with no window. He stared at the dark ceiling until his eyes adjusted. He rolled to his side and stared at his flowers. He glanced down and spotted a dark object near the flowers. He reached over above his head and pressed a button that a small light near his bed. It was a bag.

It was probably that Yunho guy's bag. Jaejoong thought as he picked up the brown bag and walked back to his bed. He sat down and just stared at it. Should he give it back? Jaejoong sighed as he slipped his slippers back on. He shuffled down to his door and stuck his head out the doorway. He looked up at the clock. It was 7:15. Should he try to go and see if he could catch him?

Before he could even decide on going. One of the nurses came around the corner and spotted him. “Ah, Jaejoong, you have your appointment with the counselor in five minutes. You should get going.” She carried a tray of food and walked into a room, leaving him alone again.

Jaejoong slipped his head back into his room and went to his drawer and laid the bag in the bottom drawer. If he didn't hide the bag then the nurses would take it away from him. He wanted to see what was inside the bag first. What? He was bored.

“GET THAT DISGUSTING CRAP AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!” Jaejoong's ears, as well as the rest of the hallway, were filled with the sound of an angry male when he stepped out of his room.

“Kibum, you need to eat something,” The nurse spoke softly to him. The door was left open so unforturnatly he heard everything.

“YOU HAVE TO MAKE ME!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE FAT!!!” The sound of the objects clattering on the ground was heard as Jaejoong walked by. That man was always causing some kind of drama when they brought him food. Jaejoong shook his head. Yeah the food here, but that was is just too much. Food is food, no matter how bland it is.

He peered into the room to see the food they brought him. Jaejoong scrunched up his face when he saw that Kibum had covered his body with his blanket and screaming into the bed. The nurse sighed loudly and she walked up to the male, stepping over the fallen food.

I could make something better, that “food” looks better on the ground. He shook his head once more before he continued down the hall.


Yunho waved farewell to Taemin as he walked out of the hospital. He patted his side to make sure he got everything. His eyes widen as he realized that his bag was still in his hospital. He turned around and began to walk back inside. His phone rang and he quickly answered it, thinking that it was his father.

“Hello?” Yunho asked as he stopped walking.

“YUNHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” A voice shrieked over the line.

Yunho jerked his head back from the sudden noise. “What the heck Changmin????” Yunho roared back.

“I AM TOO DRUNK RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!” Yunho held the phone away from his face as Changmin's screamed back. There was music in the background.

“What do you want me to do about it?”


“Why the are you drunk right now? It's like 7:40”


“I don't want to. I forgot something in the hospital, you just stay there.” Yunho huffed.


A Chorus of “YUNHO, YUNHO” was heard in the background.

“Gah! Fine, where are you?”

“CASSIOPIA CLUB!!!!!! GOOGLE IT !!!” Changmin hung up.

“Ugh, Why do I even bother with those idiots?”


Changmin pressed the end button on his phone and Junsu quickly reached over to the car's radio and lowered the volume.

“Did it work?” Minho asked from the back seat of the Audi. They were parked in front of the club. There was barely anyone at the entrance, after all it wasn't even eight. Who the drinks this early?

Changmin scoffed. “Obviously.” He gave himself a small pat on the back for his intelligence. “Now all we have to do is get him drunk and loosen up, then we can party.”

Chapter 4 will come out sometime later this week. It still isn't finished! These chapters are getting longer and longer everytime. Thank you for all the subscribers and comments! ^^

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vampirequeen1999 #1
Chapter 7: i just discovered this story and i REALLY love it. the way you depict the characters and the plot is amazing ill wait for u:)
loveyunjae4ever #2
Chapter 7: I will not unsubscribe! Because i want to know what will happen next so please don't says that :'( i be waiting for you... ......
Chapter 6: Yay! 2Min!! kekeke! WHAT-ARE-YOU-DOING-IN-MY-ROOM-WITHOUT-PERMISSION!! Sounds a bit like me!!
leeyunjae #4
Chapter 6: OMG... yunjae moment... please more XD
and i´am really curious about what happened in jae´s past o.O

thank u & please update soon :)
Chapter 6: ahhh thanks so much for this update!! kehehe HoMin <33 andof course yunjae!! oh Kris and his artwork <333
mar1adyve5sa #6
Chapter 6: Ahh I want more yunjae. Can't for their cute and sweet moment later.
Didn't think I'll like it but damn I LOVE IT ALREADY!!!!!!
Loving all the couple pairing...Yunho and Changmin friendship is...I'm out of words (couldn't stop laughing at Homin part-I don't ship them in a romantic relationship kind more of a brotherly relationship-kawaii)
Hope karma give Go Ara a good slap. How on earth would you treat the JUNG YUNHO like her, aigoo she must've gone nuts.
More Yunjae moment please
foodiemin #8
Chapter 6: Yunjae please...cute 2min!!!
jrockanimecityxx #9
Please update!! I ask you!! Want...more...YunJae...!!
mar1adyve5sa #10
Chapter 5: update soon please. I want more of yunjae moment~