Chapter 3

Will There Still Be Hope ?
It's 12pm and you woke up naturally. Rubbed your eyes and took your phone up. You received a message from ilhoon.
"Hey baby. It's morning and I bet you still not up yet. Wake up soon ! I will be coming over later. Love you <3<3 See you later !"
You smiled and replied.
"Hi oppa ! I'm awake now ! Alright ! I love you too and see you later ^^"
You went to wash up and went down. You saw your mum is sitting on the sofa and watching tv.
"MUM !" You went to hug her.
"Oh Eunhee. Why ?" She asked.
"Nothing. You just came back today ?" You asked.
"Yup. Why ? Doesn't want to see me ?" Your mum joked.
"No ! Why would I ? So where's dad ?" You went to get the packet of fresh milk out.
"He's in the room sleeping. It's tiring for him to have business trip in Singapore while accompany me whenever he has the time." She said.
"Ahh so did you have fun in Singapore ?" You took a sip.
"Hmm it's warm everyday over there unlike Korea but it's good. Makes you sweat a lot, more healthier !" She said.
" So mum I bet you sweat a lot while shopping around uh ? Btw I will be going out with oppa later." You inform her first.
"Alright. Anw how's Ilhoon these days ? Haven't been seeing him for awhile. Do ask him to come home and eat dinner with us one day." Your mum said.
"I will tell him and see when he is free. Don't mind if I ask BTOB to come too right mum ?" You asked.
"Yup. More people, more enjoyable." Your mum smiled.
1pm, someone pressed your door bell. You went to open the door and see someone precious standing there. And it's Jung Ilhoon, your lovely awesome boyfriend. 
"Hey baby." Ilhoon kissed you.
"Hi oppa ! You are early. I haven't even start preparing yet !" You said.
"It's okay. I will wait for you." Ilhoon said.
You smiled. Your mum turned her head towards the door and see Ilhoon.
"Oh hi Ilhoon my future son-in-law !" Your mum called.
"Hello mother-in-law ! How are you ?" Ilhoon greeted.
"I'm fine. How about you ?" Your mum asked.
"I'm fine too." Ilhoon replied.
"Why keep standing there ? Come on in and sit down." Your mum invited in.
"Thank you." He thanked. "Come on go get ready. Just wear something casual alright ?" Ilhoon smiled.
You went to prepare leaving Ilhoon alone behind in the living room.
"Have you enjoyed your trip ?" Ilhoon asked.
"Yup. It's warm over there." Mrs Choi replied.
As Ilhoon and your mum are chatting, you are almost done for prepare. You are done preparing and went down to find Ilhoon and your mum.
"Oppa, we can get going now." You said.
"Ne !" Ilhoon replied. "We will be going off now. Take care and see you again." Ilhoon smiled.
"Ne my beloved son-in-law !" Your mum smiled. 
"Omma, goodbye." You waved to your mum and went out of the house.
You guys hopped in and ilhoon starting to drive off.
"Oppa, where are we going ?" You asked.
"We are going to a park and ride bicycles." Ilhoon said.
"Ah okay !" You looked out the window.
After awhile, you guys reached a park. Ilhoon parked his car and you guys dropped off. You saw a lot of peoples riding bicycles.
"Erm oppa, we are here to ride bicycles ?" You asked.
"Yup. Let's go !" Ilhoon holded your hand.
"Ilhoon went to rent a double bike and walked up to you. 
"Let's ride now together." Ilhoon smiled.
You two went up to the bicycle and rode it good from the start. You holded your leg up to let Ilhoon padded himself. Ilhoon felt something not right, he took a quick peek behind.
"Ya Choi Eunhee ! Why are you letting me to peddle myself ?" Ilhoon pouted.
"Hahaha oppa, just for a while please ? I'm tired." You joked.
"Ppali ! If we fell on the ground, don't blame me alright." Ilhoon warned.
"Hahaha oppa, you won't let me fall you know because i'm your precious." You smiled.
"That's what you said. Be caution !" Ilhoon smirked.
Ilhoon purposely make crazy turns to scare me. I just laughed off and start peddling with him.
After riding it for few hours, Ilhoon returned back to the rental shop. After returning, you two walked to a bench holding hands and sat down. 
"Do you want ice cream ?" Ilhoon asked.
"Hmm yes ! Strawberry flavor please." You smiled.
"Okay. Wait for me here. I will be back fast !" Ilhoon said and went to buy.
"Thank you oppa !" You shouted.  
After 20 mins, Ilhoon is back with yours and his ice cream in his both hand.
"Here's your strawberry flavor ice cream." Ilhoon smiled.
"Thank you oppa !" You took it and it.
You two finished it in no time.
"Ahhhh it's so delicious !" You said to Ilhoon.
"Hahaha so now baby where do you want to go now ?" Ilhoon asked.
"Oppa. Why not we go and take neo-print ?" You smiled.
"Hmm alright. Let's go !" Ilhoon agreed.
You two went to the nearest arcade to take neo-print. You two posed weirdly and happily. After 15mins of taking including decorating it, you guys are done.
There's 50 of it, you guys decided that each take 25.
"Oppa, I want this and this and that." You pointed out which you want.
"Ya ! Let me have the chance to choose too !" Ilhoon pouted.
"Okay okay oppa. Let you choose now." You give in.
Ilhoon choose it happily like a small kid. You just kept laughing at him.
"What are you laughing at ?" Ilhoon asked raising his eyebrow.
"Nothing nothing ! What a cute boyfriend I have ?" You smiled widely.
"Baby, it's your turn to choose." Ilhoon said.
You continue to choose and left the rest to Ilhoon. After that, Ilhoon drove you home. While on your way home, you slowly fell asleep comfortably. Ilhoon peeked and smile.
*Why are you so cute and pretty when you are asleep ?* Ilhoon thought.
Ilhoon reached your house, he woke you up.
"Oh reached eh ?" You rubbed your eyes.
"Yup. You look like you are very tired ! Go in and have some rest but go have shower first alright ?" Ilhoon said.
"Alright oppa ! Goodnight and I love you ! Have a safe trip back !" You wished.
"I will ! Goodnight and love you too !" Ilhoon kissed your forehead and went back to his car.
Ilhoon fly you a kiss and drive off. You waved your right hand as he goes further. After seeing him going far, you took your key and open your door to enter. You went back to your room straight and lay on your bed.
"Ahhhh I'm so tired !" You screamed.
You took out the neo-print you took with Ilhoon just now and look at it.
*Did my oppa always being so handsome ?* you thought.
"Ahhh shall go bath now !" You went to take your towel and went into washroom.
After 15misns, you came out from the washroom and lay on your bed. You smiled as you stare into ceiling. In no time, you fell asleep soundly.
Hi ! Hope this chapter is okay hahaha because didn't have the mood to think because of school T.T
I miss my workplace a lot and I will be dropping by there soon hahaha can't wait eventho I just like days after I left there xD
Hehehehe enjoy ^^
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nice story ^^
Chapter 3: Will you continue the story or not?