:: Introduction ::

☀~☁~☂~☃~ LLC's Time Machine of Love ; One-Shot Shop Now Closed ☀~☁~☂~☃


Yan Yan, Yanni, fixed the passengers' seats as nicely as she could. She couldn't help but let a bright smile light her face. Today was the day: the first day of their time machine. She was so excited to travel to different times and laugh or cry and learn about other people's love stories. She been dreaming long and hard about this, and now her dreams finally come true.

Pan Pan, Panni, strove over her way, fiddling with her red uniform skirt, with deep scowl on her face. Yanni didn't see why, though. She thought that their uniforms were just the right length, the red skirt reaching just above the knee and with a red blazer covering the white button down shirt underneath. 

But then again, Panni never was the type to wear skirts.

Despite the other's sour mood, Yanni exclaimed happily, "Panni, aren't you excited?"

Panni pointed at the skirt with distaste. "About this, no," The sides of lifted a little, "But about this time traveling thing, yes."

Yanni squealed and clapped her hands. "Me too! Can you believe it? We're traveling through time."

"Yeah," Panni snorted, "And getting into people's business. Isn't it rude to be watching people without them knowing?"

"Well, no. Those people have purchased tickets from us, and by dong that, they basically agree to people seeing their love story."

Panni would've scowled again - she hated being proved wrong - but this was her best friend. She was used to it. So instead, she reached into her tote bag and fished out four packs of tissues. She handed two of them to Yanni, and was rewarded with a confused stare. "Tissues just in case. You never know what we'll come across," she pointed out, "And plus, I knew you would forget yours."

Yanni blushed. She knew it was true. The three packs of tissues she was supposed to bring were at her home, sitting all alone on her bedside table. She smiled sheepishly and muttered a quick thanks before taking the tissues from her hands and stuffing them into her own bag.

The captain and operator of the machine Lanni, Yanni's mother, walked up to them proudly, her heels clicking on the tile floor. Lanni gave them a grin and said, "Hello girls. It's nice you coil accompany us, Panni."

Panni bowed a full 90 degrees and nodded. "It's no trouble at all, auntie Lanni."

Lanni smiled in delight. "Alright, those doors," she pointed over to the stainless steel doors:

"They're going to open any second now. When they do, people are going to start to pile in. I want Yanni to take their tickets and review their application, and I want Panni to guide them to their seats inside the machine. I'll be inside setting up for the first take off. We're going back 10 years in time, girls!"

Panni's eyes widened, "10 years?! That's a long time!"

"Can the machine really go that far? Are we prepared enough?" Yanni asked, being the worrywart that she was.

Lanni nodded reassuringly. "I'm sure it will."

Just then, the steel doors opened doubtlessly and a crowd of people piled in and started to line up in a straight line.

Yanni let out a breath and nodded her head with determination. "Alright, it's time to start."  




People sure were surprised to find out that the "Time Machine" was just an airplane, and some even rebelled and demanded for their money back saying how they were just being tricked for their money. But all was well when Lanni decided to show them around to the pilot's headquarters where a strange machine stood at the corner of the room.

Yes, there were still people who were reluctant, but Lanni showed them. As soon as the clock rang at 10:00 am, she fired up the machine and told everyone to take their seats and fasten their seatbelts. As soon as everyone was buckled up, the plane lifted off of the ground and pretty soon it was heading off into what looked like a wormhole.



LOL, teaser much? xD No, this seriously is a part of the whole "Oneshot Shop" thing. We have a whole plot layed out: we're going to be in the story, too, but as "flight attendants" not appliers. By the way, this is Yanni, and this is my color and side~


It'll be more fun this way! ^^ [By the way, this is Panni-chaan(: This'll be my color and side from now on ^^]Don't worry, the first oneshot will be coming out soon! ^^ We just need auntie to proofread what I wrote, then Yanni will start her oneshots!


This will be the both of "talking", and we just wanted to say to keep the requests coming~! ^^


Thank you all~


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From minrin-ah and me:<br />
it's ok~ we'll wait patiently ^-^ in case your wondering we live near each other =))
ilahyouFOREVER #2
Aww, no worries. Having no internet a LOT. We shall be waiting!!!
I applied for a oneshot~ hope you receive it ^-^
missinvisible #4
Awww asfdg;kasfhjdl~ what is this- it's too cute c": Seungri haven't forgotten the promise :3 Funny at the part he thought Young Jin is a VIP :P LOVE THISSSS. Just gotta save this page! :D Thank you in advance for thiiiiiis \n__n/ Hwaiting guys~
I've applied for a ticket via email^^<br />
I've applied for a ticket via email! Good luck!
ilahyouFOREVER #7
I've applied for a ticket through e-mail.<br />
And quite a teaser the teaser is. Hahaha. <br />
I can't wait. ^___^
I have applied for a ticket via email. Looking forward to the once-in-a-life-time ride^^
I applied via e-mail~<br />
the name is Yang Minrin :D<br />
thank you ^-^
I applied via email! :) <br />
Thank you thank you~ hehe :3