oo1 - Prologue

I Can't Protect You
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Chapter One


I slung my school bag over my shoulder and took a black camera bag from under my desk, placing it on top of my desk soon after.
It was around 15:30 pm (3:30) at the moment. All of my classmates have either gone home or to their respected clubs. Ultimately leaving me alone and to myself in the quiet classroom.
I ped the biggest opening on top of my black camera bag before lifting the cover up. Inside was a black DSLR canon camera. I pulled it up and off of the padded bag. I then ped the front pocket of the bag before taking out a strap to attach to my camera so I can hang it around my neck.
By the time I was done setting up my camera, cleaning the lense, and laying is around my neck, it seems another thrity minutes had gone by. The sun was not as high as it was in the mid of day, but the sun was still visibly in the sky.
I zipped up all my bags after placing everything away. I looked out towards the opened windows beside my desk and looked into the warm colored sky. I unlatched the window's lock and slid it open. The cool fall air rushed in, it was quite warm out as the winter season, fortunately, had not dawned upon us yet.
I placed my hands on both sides of my camera before lifting it up and holding it up towards the sun and warm sky. I adjusted the lens carefully before quickly snapping a picture. After I slowly lowered my camera back down as it just hung around my neck. I placed my hands upon the open window sill as a I closed my eyes.
The cool autumn breeze blew in as it swept my hair over my shoulder.
I stood there for a moment...or two, just enjoying the subtle disruption of the wind breaking the silence.
After a minute or so, I re-opened my eyes and grrabbed my messenger bag and cameron holder before heading out of the class, not caring much for the window srill being opened.

I walked along the side walk as I headed down the path way that would lead me home. I live at the far end of town so it takes
But, the last thing I want  to do is go home. So, I want to do something that will serve as a distraction. All I want it to kill a bit of time, no harm done, right?
So as I walked down the side walk, in my peripheral vision, I noticed a side pathway into the public park. Without hesitation I my heel heading into the area.

I found myself at a small children's playground in the center of the park. I leisurely walked over to one of the swings and sat down as I placed my bags next to me. I swung back and forth using my feet as I looked down onto the sand beneathe the swing set.
I sighed a bit to myself as I picked my head up and started to swing much higher now. I looked to the setting sun as I hooked my arms around the chains of the swing before holding my camera up to my eye (a/n: remember, she still does have her camera hanging around

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iceprincess231 #2
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
10006442 #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^