
Teenage Dream
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[posted @ 1:02 AM / unedited / wc: 2010]


The sunlight shined through the crack in Jina's window and she could feel a frown grace her face. She yawned and stretched, her toes peaking out from the bottom of her blanket. Sitting up, she grabbed her phone on the nightstand next to her and checked her messages.


To: Lovebug

From: Chanbaby

yah, jinnie, lovebug, waaake up! let's meet at the coffee shop, 10AM sharp.

don't be late! or i won't forgive you, hehe.

hurry, hurry. i miss you :c.

Sent at 9:00AM


Jina laughed before replying with a quick okay to her obnoxious best friend, Park Chanyeol. What possessed the male to call her lovebug, she will never know. Biting her bottom lip, she swung her legs over the bed and walked to the bathroom. Even though Chanyeol bothered her to no end when they first met, she couldn't help but to baby him. She loved feelings he gave her, the feeling of being needed. Staring at herself in the mirror, she began her daily morning routine before applying simple makeup. "Not too shabby," she thought to herself as she walked to her closet.


Deciding on a distressed olive sweater, a pair of tapestry shorts with a leather waistband and her light brown ankle boots, Jina quickly got dressed. She made her way to her jewelry and picked out a simple gold triangle necklace before making her way downstairs.


Arriving to downstairs, she was greeted by her mother’s back. "Mornin' mom," she said, hugging her mom from behind and stealing an apple slice that was probably being cut for her younger brother, Jimin, and his friend, Baekhyun. Her mother, who was in her late 40s, was a such a softie when it came to her first child. There was nothing Jina could do wrong in her mother’s eyes.


"Good morning sweetie," her mom said, grabbing another apple to cut, "Surprised seeing you up." Jina laughed before replying and leaning against the counter, "Chanyeol wants to meet up today."


"Ahh, Chanyeol, he's a sweet boy. You know, your father and I are still a little upset that things did not work out that well between you two." her mom said. Jina thought back to the time when she and Chanyeol had dated, it lasted a year but they both knew it was more of a friendship than a romantic relationship. “I wish you would start dating again Jinnie, it would be nice to see you out of the house more often.” Jina gasped and place her hand over her heart dramatically, “So you don’t want me here mother?” A small pout made its way onto her face as her mom chuckled. “ It was simply a joke honey. But, what about that boy Junho that you’re always with at the dance studio, or maybe even Bongyoung?” Jina groaned, Junho and Bongyoung were just two guys who she often danced with at one of her favorite studios, 1MILLION. “Mom, I’m pretty sure Bongyoung already has his eyes on someone, plus we’re strictly friends!” Jina exclaimed as she began to munch on another apple piece.


“Well, I still think that Junho would be a perfect boy for you,” her mom stated, stealing her apple slice and popping it into .


"Nuh-uh! I'm a perfect boy for noona," Baekhyun said, beaming up at Jina as he jumped off the third step of the stairs and quickly jogged to her. She laughed and pushed herself off the counter and nodded at her mom before ruffling Baekhyun's hair.


"Yeah mom, Baekhyun's great for me," she said, smiling. Jimin walked into the room and pushed his older sister's hand away from his friend, frowning. "Don't touch him, you have cooties," he stated.


Jina rolled her eyes before stealing another apple slice, "Sure I do Ji, sure," she laughed and waved towards her mom and Baekhyun, "Bye guys, see you later." Grabbing her purse, Jina walked out the door and made her way to the coffee shop not to far from her house. She pulled out her phone and checked the time. "9:45AM, earlier than usual," she thought with a smile.



Jina arrived at the coffee shop with five minutes to spare. After surveying the place, she walked to the counter and ordered her favorite drink, an iced green tea latte. She sat down by window, keeping an eye out for her beloved best friend.


"An iced green tea latte for Jina," the worker called, setting her drink on the counter. The said girl stood up and retrieved her drink. After thanking the worker with a sweet smile, she returned back to her table and pulled out her phone. Checking the time, she opened her camera and sent Chanyeol a quick video.


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060815 - td // bless for this beautiful poster from anna aka yellingsoo. chapter two is on it's way!


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Chapter 1: ohh, i smell trouble already! i feel hooked already. i can't wait to see how this party goes!!
Chapter 2: Oh, interesting start~ XD
Chapter 1: Good first chapter! I'd like to see how she meets Se Hunnie~~~~~ :D