First encounter


Lay wrapped his scarf tighter around his neck. The winter wind was so cold and so strong that it almost blew him off his feet.  The crossing light signaled for pedestrians to cross and Lay walked silently along with the bustling crowd. He took out his phone right as a tall figure came rushing by. Causing him to drop his phone, the figure bumped into Lay. "Hey!" he shouted, agitated at the stranger. "Sorry!" the person yelled back, turning around briefly to see what had happened. Lay sighed and picked his phone off the concrete. A person should have more decency than to run off when they've bumped into a stranger. People these days, it's like they don't care for anyone but themselves. Lay sighed again as he saw what condition his phone was in. It's screen was cracked beyond repair and the phone itself was barely functional. Great, now I've got to buy a new one. Could this day get any worse?


After a tiring day's work (Lay had to put up with both Baekhyun and Chanyeol both chatting constantly beside him, they gave him quite a headache) Lay decided to stop by a coffee shop to relax. He waited in line impatiently for he knew his flatemate would question him for hours on end if he arrived home late. "Next." Lay walked up to the counter.

"Hello sir, what would you like today?"

"One caramel macchiato to go. And please make it quick, I have something to attend to."

"Sure thing, we'll have it done in five minutes."

"Thank you."

"Name please?"

"Uhh, Lay."

"Please wait over there to collect your order." Lay obliged but was shocked when a booming voice started to yell. "Kris! Get your out here and make some coffee! I'm not paying you to clean the floor in the same spot for ten minutes!" A silence filled the cafe as everyone looked around for this 'Kris'


"Coming!" A tall man burst through the door whilst trying to tie his apron on. "Wow Xiumin, could you have been anymore impatient?" 

"Shut up and get to work." Kris turned to the list of orders when something, or rather someone, caught his eye. His eyes widened at the sight of a familiar stranger. Kris quickly went back to work as he tried to finish making a drink without drawing any attention to himself. Once done, he called out the name of the customer. "Lay? A caramel macchiato for Lay?" "Here" Kris turned to the customer. It was the same person that Kris had bumped into at the crossing. So your name is Lay, huh? Lay hurriedly put away his phone but not before Kris saw what had happened to it. Immediately, a wave of guilt rushed over Kris as he handed over the drink. I wonder if he remembers me. "Have we met before?" Lay's head perked up. "No, I don't think so." "Oh, my bad then. Here's your drink." Lay bowed his head in a 'thank you' gesture and left the cafe.

Kris watched as Lay left the store, eyes following him until Lay was out of sight. "What are you staring at?"


"You were cranning your neck and almost fell over the counter trying to stare at something."

"What? Really?"

Xiumin nodded. "Well? What was it? Or who were you staring at?"

Kris shook his head. "It was nothing. I thought I saw someone I knew."



"Whatever. Just get back to work." Once Kris' shift finished, he rushed out the cafe to the nearest department store.


The next day found Kris waiting at the first crossing where he first encountered Lay. At exactly 7 hours, 43 minutes and 13 seconds (yes, Kris did count every second) Kris saw a short figure walking over. "Excuse me, Lay-sshi!" Lay, who had been trying to see if his broken phone could still play music or not, raised his head up at the mention of his name. He saw a tall man waving his hands frantically and shouting, "Lay-sshi! Lay-sshi!" Lay looked around, wondering if the stranger was talking to someone else. But then he realised that Lay wasn't a common korean name. Hell, it wasn't even a common english name. A little bit afraid and confused, he walked over to the tall man. Lay realised it was the same person whom was working at the coffee shop he went to yesterday. Lay cleared his throat. "Were you looking for me?" The tall figure turned around to face him. It was the first time Lay had seen this person up close and never before had he seen such a handsome face. To put it, it was simply flawless. "Oh yeah, I was looking for you." The stranger handed Lay a bag and Lay raised an eyebrow. 

"W-who are you?"

"Me? Oh, yes me. I work at the coffee shop you went to yesterday. I was also the person who bumped into you at the crossing."

Lay remembered the cashier screaming something about a 'Kris' and concluded that the man before him was Kris. Lay hesitantly grabbed the bag and peered inside. His eyes widened and he nearly dropped the bag. "H-how did you know I needed a new phone?"

Kris grinned. "I saw your phone at the cafe yesterday and thought that I might be the cause of it." 

"Thank yo-"

"No problem! I-I mean, it's okay." Lay smiled and his dimples showed. Kris thought they were the cutest things to ever exist on the planet (except for maybe Lay himself) and he started to blush.

"But this is too much. Take it back or at least let me repay you." Lay said, taking out his wallet. "How much was this?"

"No, no, no, it's okay. It's sort of a present.."

Lay thought that it was strange that a stranger he met yesterday would give him a new phone. Kris must be living in piles of money, he thought, how else can he be able to afford such a thing? "But I would really like to repay you."

"I guess there is a way.." Lay urged Kris to go on. "Are you able to stop by the cafe tonight? Maybe we can talk for a bit?" Kris started to talk faster "Unless you're busy in which case that is totally fine 'cause we can go another time, unless you want to pay me back in another way, but not by money, I mea-"

"Sure, I'll stop by the cafe tonight." Lay grinned. Oh my god, your dimples asdfghjkl 

"O-okay then. I'll see you tonight." 

"Bye...Kris." Lay said as he walked off, waving behind him. Kris waved back and quickly walked in the opposite direction. He couldn't wait to tell Xiumin about this.


"You're finally here! How long does it take to- you got a new phone already?" Baekhyun said as he turned around on his chair.

"No, well, technically yes, but I didn't buy it. Someone bought it for me this morning."

"What? Did you just say someone bought you a new  phone? You have an admirer, hyung~" 

"Yah! Shut up, you midget"

"You're no taller than me..."

"Taller by a few centimeters so you can't talk."

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I think it's funny how you've got an admirer. I mean, how could anyone fall for you? Makes me laugh thinking about it."

"I thought the same thing when Chanyeol asked you out.."

"YAH! DON'T YOU TALK ABOUT MY LOVE LIFE LIKE THAT!" Baekhyun huffed. "Ugh, anyway, what does she look like? Must be pretty rich to be able to afford a new phone straight off the bat."

"First of all, it's a he and he's ta-"


"What the heck Baek? You're gay so how can you talk?"

"I never imagined you to turn out gay, that's just why I'm shocked."

"I don't know if I like him yet. I mean he's nice and all bu-"

""Oh you like him alright. I can see if in your eyes when you talk about him."

"Oh, so now you're a love expert just because you have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I am. Got a problem with it?" The two spent the rest of the day bickering and arguing if Chanyeol or Kris would be the better partner. By the time Lay's shift finished, Lay felt absolutely exhausted but he knew he couldn't miss out on his little ' date' with Kris. "Baekhyun-ah, I've got to go now."

"Ooooo, another date with Kris, eh? Make sure you at least get to second base." Lay threw a stapler at Baekhyun's head and walked out the door."


Kris checked his watch 7:15pm He served a customer and checked again 7:17pm. Does he have a late night shift? I probably should've given him my number. Did he get into an accident? What if he's in the hospital right now? "Kris, stop panicking. He'll be here soon. Go sit at that table near the window, it's got a great view of the park at night"

"Hyung, are you sure you-"

"Yes, I'll be fine without you. I told you that Luhan's going to be helping me tonight."

"Hyung, can you-"

"Yes, I'll give you some privacy."

"Hyung, are you-"

"YES. I AM SURE THAT YOU CAN EAT FOR FREE. Lord, how many questions are you  going to ask?"

"Sorry, hyung."

Xiumin rolled his eyes. "Just...just go sit over there and don't talk to me until your date comes." Kris was about to say something about Lay not being his date but decided not to as he was sure it'd just anger Xiumin. He walked over to the table and drummed his fingers on the table, anxiously waiting for Lay to arrive.


A few moments later, Lay walked in holding a box. Kris stood up and waved him over. He pulled a chair out for Lay and sat opposite from him. "You aren't working tonight?"

"Ahh, no. Xiumin hyung let me off today."


"Oh, I forgot you didn't know who he was. Xiumin's the owner of this place. He's the one working at the coffee counter with the blue apron." Lay looked over and saw the same man who had been yelling at Kris the first day they met.


Kris and Lay talked for hours, often about the things the had in common. They liked hip-hop music, basketball, had annoying and loud flatmates, liked chocolate ice cream but hated chocolate itself, the list went on. By the time they ran out of things to talk about, they had finished four cups of coffee each and had a mountain of plates stacked up next to them. Lay looked at his phone. "I should go now, it's nearly 12 and my flatmate's probably wondering where I've gone."

"It's too late to walk, let me drive you."

"Oh, thank you." Lay smiled and they said thank you to Xiumin and walked to Kris' car.


The two walked in silence as they made their way to Lay's apartment. the car trip was eventful as the two sung their hearts out to songs that were played on the radio. The silence that surrounded them was so different to the previous atmosphere in the car. They arrived at Lay's apartment and Lay unlocked the door. He stood at the door facing Kris. "Oh, I forgot. Here, I bought something for you." Lay handed Kris a box and smiled at the ground.

"You didn't have to!"

"No, I wanted to. I need to repay you back with something worthwhile at least."

"But spending time was the most worthwhile thing I've ever done." Kris immediately regret what he said. 

Lay laughed, "Same goes for me." Kris smiled. For the first time since they've met, Lay saw him smile. When Kris smiled, his eyes turned into half-circles and his gums and teeth show. Lay thought he had the cutest gummy smile ever, Kris though differently. "Thank you Lay. For everything you've done for me tonight."

"Please call me Yixing."


"Yixing. That's my real name. Zhang Yixing."

The last part was barely audible but Kris still heard it. "Then call me Yifan. Wu Yifan."

"I prefer Yifan over Kris."

"Well, that's a first."

"Glad to be the first then." They both laughed in unison. The two stood in silence, but it wasn't an awkard silence, it was more a "I-had-a-great-time-with-you-tonight-and-I-hope-we-can-do-it-again-sometime-and-did-I-mention-that-you're-pretty-cute?" kind of silence. Lay decided that they both needed some sleep and broke the silence. "I guess you should get going then."

"Yeah, I guess I should."

"Do you want me to walk you back to your car?"

"No, it's fine. Thanks again."

"Thanks to you too."

"Good night, Yixing."

"Night, Yifan." Lay closed the door and Kris walked off.


Once he got back into his car, Kris opened Lay's present. It was a leather jacket and a woolen scarf. It came with a note that read "You looked a bit chilly when we met, thought you might need something other than a hot drink to keep you warm. Love from Lay Yixing <3










A/N   I know this is a bit short for a oneshot but it was meant to be an actual story  but I decided on a oneshot instead. Sorry for any spelling errors etc. I was thinking on making side oneshots/stories for the other pairings mentioned in this story (Baekyeol/Xiuhan) plus other EXO ships but I don't know if  I should. Please comment if you'd like other oneshots/stories about other EXO ships or if you'd like a continued story on Kray~ Hope you've enjoyed this ^.^




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Chapter 1: sequal PLEASE!!!!! It's so cute<3
Chapter 1: Haha this is pretty cute ♡
Chapter 1: Awww please continue the kray ♥
seriina #4
Chapter 1: I like all the gay-ness in this! :D
Chapter 1: it was a good read :D
i hope it was longer tho.
Chapter 1: Sequal...sequal
Chapter 1: yixing is just too innocent, yifan is just too nervous, baekhyun is just too self-confident, and xiumin is just to busy HAHAHA
I like this part >> "It's a he? OHMYGOD, YOU'RE TURNING GAY?"

"What the heck Baek? You're gay so how can you talk?" || HAHAHA I can't stop~
39kinki #8
Chapter 1: I like the story and definitely hoping for more Kray stories!!
exotaeng_ss #9
Chapter 1: I like this very very very much!
Keep making good fanfics authornim~
I like the idea~ keep going~^=^!