


I still remember, the day we met. It was a really cold day in autumn, I was on my way to my Art class, I was so late and distracted, I hit a guy on my way, the impact was so strong that I fell and all my papers and books fell all over the floor. When I look up, I see this tall guy, with slanted eyes, blonde straight hair, he was really handsome. I felt like I was looking at an angel who fell from the sky. The guy looked at me and smiled, I couldn’t breathe when I saw that smile. “Are you alright?” he said and he extended his hand to help me stand up. “Yeah, I’m alright. I’m sorry I didn’t see you, it’s just that I’m late for my class.” I said and I grabbed his hand to stand up. “Don’t worry. What’s your name?” he said. I bend down to pick up my papers and books and I look at him and I answered “Lee Ji Eun,and you?” “Wu Yi Fan also known as Kris. Nice to meet you Ji Eun” he said while he bend down to help me pick up my stuff. “Yeah, nice to meet you too Kris” I said. He looked at me, he gave me the papers he picked up and he said “Didn’t you say you were late for class?” I answered “Oh that’s right, I had already forgotten about that.” I stood up and I started running. I looked back and said “Nice to meet you Kris, we will see each other again, right?” Kris looked at me and said “Of course, see you later.”

From that moment, I felt a really big connection with Kris. Who would have imagined that meeting Kris would change my life completely.

And here I am, in the funeral home, looking at Kris’s photo, while my tears continue to fall down my cheeks and the thought of me being alone is continuing to float in my head. My boyfriend Kris died in a car accident on August 15, 2005. He was on his way to a basketball practice. He was distracted listening to music and dancing when he got the impact by a drunk driver. I would give anything to save him and to have him here by my side, smiling and joking around like he always did. But it’s too late, he’s not here anymore.

That day when I got out of the funeral home, I saw Kris. My reaction was to hug him. How was it possible that Kris was in front of me? He pushes me away and says “What’s wrong with you?” and he keeps walking. I didn’t know what was happening, why didn’t he recognize me? Why was he here? Suddenly a guy of about twenty five years appears in front of me and he says “it feels good to see someone you love that just died, right?” I asked, “Who are you?” He answers “I’m Myungsoo, or Time, whatever you want to call me, and I came to grant you a wish to go back in time.” I looked at him and said “You are crazy, that’s not possible.” He looks at me and says, “I already gave you one proof, you saw Kris. But of course humans need like 3 proofs to believe in me.” Suddenly everything started to shake like an earthquake and everything around me started to change. “What’s happening?” I shouted, scared of what I was seeing. “We are time traveling and we have just arrived to the past.” When I raised my eyes I saw dinosaurs in the distance, a small village or what I think was people all and doing a ritual, a lot of vegetation and the world looked really strange in my eyes. He looks at me and says “Do you still don’t believe me?” I answer “What did you just do? What is this?” He answers, “The past.” And suddenly there’s another earthquake and everything around me started to change again. The man got closer to me and said “And now this is the future. Do you believe me now?” I looked at him and I said, “Yes, I do believe you now. But, why are you here? What do you want from me?” He smiled and answered, “I only want to grant you an opportunity to change your life.” I look at him and said “How?” He answered  “Well I can grant you the wish to go back in time and save Kris’s life, but I want something in exchange for that.” My thoughts were, what does he want from me? I have nothing to offer. I finally opened my mouth and said “what do you want in exchange for my wish?” He answered, “Your life.” I was surprised of what he was asking for; I didn’t know what to say. He saw how surprised I was and he said “You have 2 hours to think about it.” And he sends me back to the present.

In those two hours, I was thinking of what to do. Every kind of thoughts was floating up in my mind, will I save him? Will I really change everything if I go back? Finally, I took a decision. I waited until Time showed up again. When he appeared he asks me “What are you going to do?” I answer “I want to go back in time, I want to change everything.” He looks at me, he smiles and says “Have a good trip and I hope you can do everything you want to. Good luck.”

I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was at the College Cafeteria. I quickly looked for a newspaper to see the date. It was August 8, 2005. I was impressed; I had really traveled in time. In that moment, Kris enters the cafeteria and looks at me and says “Excuse me; I need to get one of those newspapers.” I moved, but quickly I though why doesn’t he recognize me? Just when I was going to stop Kris, I felt something vibrating on my pocket. I put my hand inside my pocket, and I grabbed a cellular. When I looked to see who was calling, I quickly answer and say “Hey you Myungsoo, what did you do? Why can’t Kris recognize me?” Time says, “What the heavens grant me to give you was to travel in time, not that Kris could recognize you.” I was so mad, without listening to what he was saying, I hung up the phone and tears started falling down my cheeks. What is this? This isn’t fair, how am I supposed to change the future if Kris doesn’t recognize me? Those were the thoughts that were floating in my mind. I was so frustrated that I didn’t know what to do.

Time appears right in front of me and he says, “You didn’t even let me finish what I had to say to you.” I looked at him and said “What? What do you have to say to me?” Time looked at me and said, “Kris won’t be able to recognize you in these 7 days they granted me to give you. But, if you work hard you can accomplish what you want. You can save his life.” I looked at him and asked “How am I supposed to do that?” he answered, “I can’t tell you, you have to find the answer yourself.” And he disappeared. I stood there, thinking, mad and crying in the cafeteria. Suddenly, I put my hand in my pockets and I took out a piece of paper. I open it and I saw that it’s a piece of news of Kris’s accident. When I saw that, an idea came to my mind. I have to be Kris’s friend so I can protect him during these 7 days that I’m here. And in the last day, I try to convince him not to go to the basketball practice. So I set out to look for Kris and I introduce myself.

During those days we became really good friends. We would have fun together; we would talk, study and even go to different places together. In the 6th day, we went to a store and I stood there looking at a necklace that had a clock on it, it was really pretty but I didn’t have any money to buy it so I kept walking. Kris stayed in the store a little bit longer. When Kris left the shop he says to me that he needs to go to a basketball practice and he asks me if I want to go with him. I answered “yeah, sure.”

In the practice, I had to go to the bathroom so I told Kris to wait for me. Kris grabs my bag and opens it and he puts the necklace I really liked inside but he finds the piece of paper that had the news of his death. When I came back from the bathroom, he says “What’s this?” I look at his hand and say “That’s nothing… umm” Kris interrupts me and says “Are you a stalker or what?” I said “No, I’m not a stalker. I am from the future, I know it’s difficult to believe it, but tomorrow you are going to have a car accident and you are going to die. Please, don’t go to the practice tomorrow.” Kris answers me “Are you crazy or what? Get out! I don’t want to see you again.” I didn’t know what else to say, so I got out of there quickly. When I was looking for my cellular I saw Kris’s gift and I couldn’t help but to cry again.

On the 7th day, I was watching him all the time and also watching what hour it was. When he gets out of his house, he gets on his way to the practice and he’s going to cross the street, the drunk driver was on his way and he was going to impact Kris. But I couldn’t let that happened so the only thing that came to my mind to do was to run and get in front of the car. The car impacts me really hard, I flew through the air and my head impacts on the road. My blood was all over the road. Kris heard the impact and he turned around and when he saw that I was on the floor he started to run to where I was. He holds me and started to call out my name. His tears were falling on my face, I wanted to answer him so badly but I couldn’t, I was trapped inside my own body. The driver got out of the car and disappeared from the scene.

The ambulance and the police arrived to the scene. The ambulance took me to the hospital; Kris went with me to the hospital. I was still alive in the ambulance, but once we arrived to the hospital my heart stopped beating. The doctor declared me dead and Kris was torned apart. He couldn’t believe that I would sacrifice myself to save his life. I was by his side, like a ghost, of course.

I asked Time a favor, that Kris could see me just one more time. Time granted me that last wish. When Kris went to sleep, I got inside his dream and I told him how much I loved him, I asked him to forgive me because I wasn’t going to be there with him anymore and I told him to promise me that he would remake his life again. Kris promised me and he told me that he loves me a lot and that he was really sorry for not believing me. In that moment, the heavens were calling me, it was time for me to leave, I told Kris that everything was going to be alright.I gave him a kiss, Kris's hand reached up to hold the back of my head gently as he responded to my kiss. After we pulled away from each other, I waved goodbye and he saw me walking into the light. When Kris got up that morning he whispered my name and began to cry.

The news of Kris’s death changed into the news of Lee Ji Eun: The heroe that saves Wu Yi Fan. Kris went to the funeral home and said his goodbye to me. While I was being buried, a lot of tears started falling down his cheeks and he whispered “Ji Eun, I will keep my promise.”

Myungsoo told me that everything would be alright. And that’s how it is, I am not on earth anymore but I still can watch Kris from heaven and I’m happy with that. Years pass and Kris became a famous basketball player. He never got married but he adopted a beautiful girl who looked a lot like me. He even gave her my name. Every year Kris took his beautiful daughter to the cemetery to bring me flowers and to just visit me.

I am really happy that I saved his life. And I hope that I could reunite with him again here in Heaven.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. 

Ft Island inspired me to write this short story.

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Chapter 1: Emm, this story just like FTIsland-Severely mv, are you inspired by that?