Secret Spot

Secret Spot

Kyuhyun's POV


I silently cursed at myself as I ran towards the library, trying to escape the rain that seemed to start falling during his walk. Great. This was just great. Why me of all people? At this rate, I'd get soaked to the bone and probably would get sick. Leeteuk-hyung would probably scold me for not bringing an umbrella when I got home. 

Despite it raining, I smiled a little. No matter, at least I would be able to go to my special spot. It was the one place in the library that was calm, with a comfy chair with a lamp post right behind it that provided perfect lighting. And not to mention, it was always quiet there. I don't know how, but it just was. Also, there was a desk to use to work on homework or something. It was the perfect place in all of the huge library.

The reason I had to go to the library-and through this rain-was to check out a book for an assignment due the next day at school. Now, normally, I'm not really the type of guy that waits to the last minute to finish things, but in this case, yeah.

I finally reached the librar and happily walked inside. 

I stopped cold. It was so... deserted here. Seriously, there was no one here besides the librarian lady. Creepy, but I shrugged it off and walked up to her desk.

"Excuse me, but can you please help me fid the book I'm looking for?" I asked politely and said the name of the book.

"Sure, just one second." She started typing away on her computer and then she smiled. "Looks like we have one left. Come with me."

I followed her to where the book was supposedly to be, but as she looked for it, she frowned. "I'm sorry, but it seems that the book is not here. Maybe someone just picked it up." 

"It's okay.." I was disappointed. Sighing, I walked to the secret spot and froze on my tracks when I saw someone sitting in my chair. Stranger. Who was this person? How did she find this spot? Yes, it was a she. And a beautiful she at that. Her small figure sat gracefully on the chair, her eyes scanning the book she was reading quite fast. 

It was then did I realize what she was reading. My book. The book I desperately needed for class. And she had it.

What to do?! Eottoke?!  

" anneyong." I cleared my throat.

She jumped. Well, that was an understatement. She more like let out a small scream and fell out of her chair. She looked aorund and saw me, of which she started glaring at, but then that anger turned into astonishment.

I let out a soft chuckle. "I didn't know that I was that good looking," I joked.

She sowled and glared at me again. "I wasn't staring at you becuase of that!" she hissed. "I was just wondering how you managed to find my secret spot."

"Your secret spot?! This is my secret spot!" I shot back.

"What?! It's mine!"

"No, it's mine!"

"No, it's mine!"






"Yes! Argh, damn you!" she spat at me. She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. "I thought I was the only one who knew about this place."

"I thought the same too," I said quietly. "I wonder what this means..."

Silent passed as a thought suddenly occurred to me. "What's your name?"

She looked up, startled, but answered anyway. "Kim Minji. And yours?"

"Cho Kyuhyun. Actually, the reason I came here was to read that very book you have in your hands," I said sheepishly. 

Minji looked down at the book she still had in her hands and chuckled, holding it out for me to take. "Take it. I already read it a couple of times." She scratched her head, smiling sheepishly.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "Eh?! You have?! Then can you help me with my assignment?" I asked eagerly.

She paused for a moment, then nodded. "Sure, why not?"

Not realizing it, I smiled. This would certainly be interesting.


We were working hard for quite a while. She certainly made things interesting and we were done really quick, much to my disappointment.

She...interested me. She was very knowledgeable and really nice. I wouldn't a girl like her. I lightly chuckled at myself. Aren't I getting ahead of myself?

"What's so funny?" she inquired.

"Nothing," I smoothly said.

She rolled her eyes. "Well anyway, I think we're done here. What's my payment?" She grinned.


"Well you can't honestly expect for me to help you without anything in return," she said innocently.

Hm, cunning, isn't she? Well, I had no money on me... "Will this do?" I murmured lightly and pecked her on the lips.

She blushed furiously, and that made her even more cute. But that look soon disappeared and was replaced with a mischievous. "Too small. Still need more payment."

I laughed out loud. "Well, that won't be much of a problem."And so, 

I brought my lips down to meet hers.


I know, I epically failed at this. =.= My deepest apologies. It's not my best work, and I still hope you liked it. Comment~

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Waaahh cutie cutie :-)
hahaha nice my favorite part of the school is library haha
hahaha nice my favorite part of the is library haha
OMG This is so so cute! ><
what's with your fail? this is really nice YEAAAAH! i love this :D
mysteriousaura209 #6
hi unnie!!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the addition :3 Like, seriously. I wanna go to a library now XD
maui_maui #8
What? You didn't fail!!! I love this, A LOT!!! :D
Awww, cute (: I love it!!! Don't worry, I understand ^^ I still am in love with it :3
JungWoojae #10
should be longer!