Final. ( Part One.)

☆ Like a Movie ☆

Tittle;  Like a Movie. 

Character; Oh Sehun and Xi Luhan. (Mention of the other members) 

Couples that are present; HunHan, ChanBaek, a little bit of Sekai and XiuHan, and XiuChen. 

Genre; Romance. 



'I..I love you, Kita-san!'

'U-Utakata-kun? I-I love you too!'

The sound of two people confessing to each other maybe a little bit cheesy towards Sehun. Because, why would those two know that they loved each other and they would cry? As the matter of fact, love is not painful as it looks. All you need is tell the person you're in love with and there -BAM- the sound effect most of the movies would applied in the movies. The sweet sound effects.

Sehun watched as if he already saw the movie before. His eyes filled with boredom and impatient to end the movie. But Sehun was the only one who's bored. Everyone was in awe and their eyes water in the scene when Kita, the girl in the movie, told the guy, Utakata, that she was sick. Heart disease. It was painful. Painful that love can't be so fair.

"Why can't love be so fair?!" Chanyeol hollered. Sehun rolled his eyes in response but the others did the opposite, they cried more. Love can be fair, Sehun thought. Compromise your relationship with the other person and don't hide secrets towards them.

Chanyeol once again burst into tears when the scene were the girl called was in the hospital, hopelessly and lifeless. The guy cried besides the girl while holding her hand. It was the worst thing Sehun saw and he was about to stand up when a pair of arms wrap around his shoulder. He wants to get away from the grip but Jongin tighten his grip on the younger.

Later then, when the girl finally wakes up from her slumber after the operation. She saw a note saying the boy was out to buy something. Sehun sighed in boredom as Jongin lean his head on his shoulder. He heard the tan guy sniff and scooted a bit closer towards him. How can they be so touched by that note? It was just a note!?

The movie is half to it's end when Sehun finally get rid of Jongin. Kyungsoo saw the latter hugging Sehun. He decided to pull the tan dancer into his arms and snuggle him closer.

When the movie ends, Yixing the lights that were off from the beginning of the movie. They all laughed to each other as they recall all the scene they cried.

Chanyeol was the first one to burst into tears, followed by Luhan and Baekhyun. Then, it's was like the tears that the three shed were contagious as all the members burst into tears.

A grumble sound made them stop from laughing. All eyes were landed on Chanyeol, who was grinning ear to ear. "I'm hungry. Anyone up for some snacks?" Everyone agrees.

A few minutes of preparation of Chanyeol's homemade kimchi ramyun was taking the last of Sehun's impatient attitude. He stormed out of the living room to his room. He quickly open the door and recall the scene that bugs him a lot.

When the movie ends, he caught someone staring at him. He got this skill that when someone stare at him, he'll find those gaze and meet them with his dangerous gaze. As he looked at his left, he saw a pair of doe eyes looking at him. It was Luhan. It was his Luhan.

He didn't plaster any more emotions as he stare blankly at the older. It's either Luhan would turn away or let the staring contest until he looks away. But Luhan didn't. It took a moment when Sehun felt someone weird on his chest.

Da-bum Da-bum Da-bum.

He blinks mentally. And continue to stare the older. As Luhan plastered a smile, a tugged on Sehun's chest was born and he was sure it felt weird.

He was confused and all he could think of is Luhan and their happy moments. He smiled at the thought then shakes his head. Why would Luhan suddenly appeared in his mind? He likes his hyung. He knew he likes him. But, whenever he said he likes the older, a blood would rise to his cheeks.

Does he like Luhan more than just his hyung? Impossible, Sehun thought. He knew that he likes his hyung more than that.

Sehun was old enough to know if he's in love or not. Chanyeol taught him when the giant found out that he was crushing on Baekhyun. He felt so alive to know Baekhyun felt the exact same feelings towards the giant though he kept it as a secret.

Sehun bites his lower lip and he thought thoroughly about liking Luhan. Sure, Luhan is handsome and have some unique talents. And he's cute. Sehun flushed at the thought of calling his hyung as a 'Cute.' Somethings wrong with the word. Whenever Sehun would think about that word, blood would rise in his cheeks again.

Then, it hits him. It really does hit him. He doesn't like Luhan. Seeing Luhan locking his eyes towards him and didn't looked away until he does, though. He loves the older. He loves Luhan. He loves him more than just a hyung either friend.

Sehun smiles in the thought of falling in love with the other. 'It's just like a movie.' He said, ironically, it does looks like a movie. Being frustrated at him and finally found the answer. 'A movie that would be more interesting that those crappy romantic movies we watched.' He thought as he let out a soft chuckles.


Luhan was worried. He looked troubled when he entered Xiumin's room. He helplessly shakes his head and thought for a brief moment. Okay, he was caught. He didn't turned away when the younger looked back at him with the same expression as he watched the movie, pissed. Sehun was pissed about the movie. He knew Sehun wasn't the romantic type. But he found some cute hobbies that the younger would secrete whenever he's not interested or bored.

Sehun would abruptly would tell the person to stop or send some death glared. Luhan laughed at expression whenever Sehun was being teased for being a baby. They remembered the time when Sehun was asked to say, 'Hwaiting, EXO.' The latter started to muffled some few words as tears rolled down on his cheeks.

But, why is Sehun would looked at him like that? Luhan knew his sweet Sehun when Luhan would looked at him lovely, and Sehun would smiles at him. Even if it was just a small smile, he acknowledge the thought of the younger trying his best to smiles.

Xiumin noticed the troubled deer that walking around in their shared room. "What's up with you?" He asked as he slid down his phone. Luhan's lips twitch into a smiles and shakes his head to response.

Xiumin, who didn't looked satisfied in his respond, went to his side and grab his shoulder. "Sehun again?" He asked, knowingly the answer would be correct. He knew Luhan was in love with the younger since the two met. He was desperately wants to help the other but whenever he tried to, Luhan would plead that he shouldn't.

"He looked at me." Luhan said, cutting the trance in Xiumin's mind. Xiumin's eyes blinks as if he's waiting for the other to continue. "He looked at me like he was pissed." Luhan continue. His voice were so hoarsely as tears started to formed in his eyes. Xiumin sighed, knowing the answer would be about Sehun but it surprise him that Luhan complains about Sehun looking at him.

"Sehunnie is pissed because of the movie, Lu-ge." He said in a soft tone. "Maybe he was just pissed about it and when he felt someone was staring at him, -hopefully, you were staring at him- he looked at that direction without changing his poker face." Xiumin explained. Even though, he knew, for the love of god, Luhan would still gonna whined about it over and over again to him.

Xiumin couldn't help but to wrap his arms around the other and hugged him until he's calmed. He helped him as well, though. When he was having problem with Chen. Feeling a bit aroused to the troller as it becoming his hobby, Luhan helped him to realize he was indeed in love with Chen. Luhan needs him now, all he can do is huggle Luhan in his arms until he heard no whimpering or sniffing sounds. 



Sehun went out of his bedroom with a goofy smiles as he approached the giant in the couch. Seating besides the giant made the giant flinched. Why was Sehun happy after waking up? Does that means that something good happened?

Sehun wasn't in the mood to looked at Chanyeol and wondered why he was staring at him like he was a ghost or something. Chanyeol ignored the urged to ask the younger. His eyes went to the screen that brights the living room.

Sehun, on the other side, was fidgeting. How can he tell the other that he was in love with him? Should he say it straight with a smile? Or a blank expression.

Sehun's eyes flicker when the door, that he was waiting for, opened. Sehun waited for the person he was waiting to come out. A few seconds, the person came out. Sehun was happy to see the expression Luhan plastered on his face when he was Sehun was waiting for him.

Luhan was happy to see the maknae too, but what troubles him that, why he was so happy? Oh no, Luhan thought.

"Hyung," Sehun said, causing Luhan to look at him with his half-lidded eyes. Xiumin woke him up saying he needs to go outside and see who's waiting. Indeed, Sehun was waiting.

Sehun's heart ached when he saw how adorable Luhan would be. Knowing he's in love, he couldn't help but to think that this guy in front of him, much more prettier that any girls would hovered on him. He would definitely gonna choose this deer.

"Let's go out." Sehun pauses. Clasping his hands cause of being sweaty. "I'll treat you some bubble tea." This time, Luhan's face lit up hearing the younger would treat him. But wait, it is legal, right?

Luhan nodded his head and went outside. Sehun smiles in relief. "I'll tell him on the shop." He said to himself. Gaining some confidence when the thought of a half-awake Luhan came to his mind. He slightly smirked at the images and went to his room. He's gotta be prepare or else, the movie won't have an awesome ending.

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Nikluhan #1

Nikluhan #2
I Love U Hunhan