A playful kiss

A playful kiss

                                                  A playful kiss




A year has already passed since Kris and Tao started dating. Like any other couple, they fight, they brake up but every time they end up next to each other.


‘’Do you remember our last fight?’’, Tao asked.


‘’Yeah’’, Kris answers back with a grin on his face. ‘’It was when you asked me to buy a Gucci bag that guess what…you already had it.’’


Tao puts a sad look on his morning face which turns immediately into a smiling face and adds: ‘’And who ended up buying it anyway? YOU!’’


‘’Alright, alright. This was because I didn’t want you to be mad at me without a reason. And now tell me, what do you want for breakfast? Pancakes?’’


Tao nods and suddenly gives Kris a kiss on his cheeks. ‘’You know that I love you, right?’’


Kris instantly blushes and while putting on his T-shirt he mumbles four words which made Tao’s morning a beautiful one: ‘’I love you too!’’


40 minutes later…


‘’Tao, come downstairs!’’ Kris shouts from the kitchen, but Tao doesn’t answer.


‘’Tao, I finished making the pancakes!’’ but still no answer and Kris decides to go upstairs in their bedroom when Tao suddenly jumps behind him.


‘’Hey, you scared me.’’


‘’I didn’t want that but guess what. I have two tickets to the movie!’’ Tao happily jumps up and down in front of Kris.


‘’How come?’’


‘’Well, I wanted to make you a surprise so I bought them.’’


‘’You bought something? You?!’’ Kris started laughing but Tao was visibly not amused.


‘’I’ll just return them and that’s it.’’


‘’Baby, I was joking.’’ and Kris gives Tao a kiss. ‘’I’ll come pick you up from home when I’ll finish working, ok?’’ Tao nods with a smile on his face.

14 hours later…


‘’The movie was great, baby.’’ Kris stated.


‘’I’m glad you enjoyed it but I have one more surprise for you.’’


‘’What? Tell me.’’


‘’A kiss.’’ Tao smiled.




And so another day has passed…

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MizzPeel0007 #1
Chapter 1: Very cute indeed.
KaTxXx #2
Chapter 1: It is soooo cute!!!! OMG!!!! *.*
Ilovecolors #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^