
You're perfect

Hi guys. I don't really know if I should do this fanfic. I'm thinking of giving up on it and leaving it to a very special friend here on asianfanfics. If I give up on this fanfic I'll give up on asianfanfics too. It hurts me but I'm too busy with work. For those reading The Mystery I already gave it to someone special to keep writing it for you guys. Don't worry she's really speacial to me, we write alike, have the same ideas, and she even helped me to find inspiration for this and my other fanfic. She's a very good friend to me. You can say we're really close like sisters, but we're not related, and even though I've never seen her in person. I know that I can trust her and she wont let me down. I trust her to do a good job on The Mystery. Please support her. If you wanna keep reading  The Mystery look for her. She's ParkJangKyo. Love you Dongsang. I trust you'll do a great job and that you'll make The Mystery better than it is. I already gave you the ideas for it. Fighting.


Don't think of this as a goodbye, I'll be back to see how you're all doing and to see if ParkJangKyo is doing a great job. Like I said this isn't a goodbye this is a "See You Later".


I Love You Guys. I'll miss you.


See You Later!!!!!!

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nana4ever #1
Chapter 1: I completely understand... You have to prioritize your life. So looking forward to readin what your friend writes... Please take care of yourself
opparisgay #2
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
ShineeBlack #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
kimipuys #4
update soon authornim!
marifelhojas #5
pls update soon