Chapter 18 - Champions

Romance in High School

[about 3 hours later]


The fourth and last alarm rang, signalling the end of our treasure hunt.

"Please report back to the basketball court by 7 tonight, finishing your dinner and everything, ready for the next activity!" Mr Yang's voice boomed through the island using the speakers located around. 

"Woots finally come on let's go!" Seungri stretched his arms while yawning before placing his arms round CL's neck.

I could have sworn CL blushed from the slight contact. And it was the first time I'm seeing such a genuine smile from that little womanizer to a woman.

"Babe look look look can I fanboy over them and ship them so hard?" I nudged Dara as I whispered in her ear making her giggle.

"Haven't I told you yet? CL actually admitted that she's falling for Seungri to me! Eeks! Come on let's fangirl over them hahahahaha!" She laughed in my ears. 

"I can swear on my life that Seungri is falling in love with her too just look at that smile!" I whispered back to Dara while pointing at Seungri who was helping CL stand up. 

"Come on guys! Are you guys lazy or what come on we have to find our way back!" CL urged us as she held on to Seungri's hand never letting go. 

"Ya guys get up pigs!" Seungri said while holding on to CL's hand as well.

"Alright alright you two lovebirds haish let's go!" I remarked as I stood up.

"What. Did you call us?" CL looked at me threateningly while Seungri glared at me.

Wow the power of those two can kill.

"Nothing! He was referring to us!" Baby girl saved me. I breathed a sigh of relief before adding,

"Or are you guys too shy to hide the fact that you both like each other hmm?"

Oh . I'm really going to die now. 

"Kwon Jiyong. Get ready to die." CL and Seungri said together. 

I could almost see CL brandishing a knife and Seungri preparing his gun.

"RUN DARA RUN!" I shouted as we both ran away from them, laughing loudly with the fuming couple behind us. 

[15 minutes later, back at the basketball court] 


"Why do you guys look so tired?" 

"I don't want to talk about it if not those two might just kill me." GD panted, pointing towards CL and Seungri who glanced at us menacingly. 

"Erm... Okay." I scratched my head while Bom ran towards CL and hugged her tightly.

"CL are you okay why do you look so angry who angered you tell me I'll get revenge for you!" Bom nodded at CL while CL glared at GD. 

My god is GD going to be killed tonight. 

Suddenly the static of a mic startled us as we jolted in our places.

"Ehm ehm. Testing testing." Mr Yang tried out the mic before doing a headcount.

"Hope you guys enjoyed today's game yeah? Good job to every single one of you! It was really really nice to see you guys through the CCTVs I have sort of managed to put around the island."

"My god why is he so rich?" Daesung whispered in my ear while I laughed.

"Cus he's Mr Yang, that's why." Bom replied Daesung. Apparently his whisper turned out to be really loud, and everyone bursted out into laughter.

"Hahahaha very funny Daesung. Okay so I'm going to introduce the winners before you guys can go ahead and have more food if you like, then we'll proceed to our next activity, yeah?"

"YEAH!!!!" The whole class responded enthusiastically.

"Okay so the winner for today's game isssss drumroll please! 

#teamhotties! Which includes TOP, Bom, Minzy and Daesung! Congratulations! I'll pass you guys your prizes later~"

"Woohoo! Go #teamhotties!" Minzy and Bom hi-fived while me and Daesung did a bro-fist. 

"Second prize goes to drumroll again please!

#teamcuties!!! Dara, GD, CL, and Seungri!" 

"Whoohoo!" Dara and GD hugged each other while we gawked at them with our eyes wide open. 

"Oh and may I add, congrats to the new couple, Dara and GD!" Mr Yang announced over the speakers while me, Bom, Daesung and Minzy stood there stunned until Minzy and Bom started hopping around like no one's business. 

"OMIGOD THIS IS SO AWESOMEEEEEE MY SHIPS ARE FINALLY FLYING COME ON JUST THAT 1 MORE SHIP RIRIN COME ON COME ONNNNN" Bom shouted excitedly while Minzy shared the joy by jumping around and shouting whoops of joy while the rest of us facepalmed at the hyperactivity of that Bom and Minzy. My Bom. 

"ehm ehm. Anyway, go on and enjoy some more food, and in 20 minutes time I will start on the next activity here, do you understand, class?" Mr Yang asked raising an eyebrow at the class.

"YES SIR!" The class shouted commando style before giggling and dispersing to their own groups to have more food.

"Eh eh eh so tell me how did it happen ehhhhh?" Bom nudged Dara while I nudged GD, getting them to spill all the juicy gossip.

After all the commotion over Dara and GD was over, we got some more food, especially corn, for Bom. <3

[20 minutes later]

"Hope that was enough to fill all you piggy bellies! Anyway, our second activity today will be...." Mr Yang paused for a while.

"Erm hope you guys aren't too tired but we will be having a competition! A singing competition in fact! Form your own groups and sign up on this form here! Every single person over here must join do you understand me? Tonight you guys will use this time to plan and practise, and we will hold the competition tomorrow after lunch! Good luck and have fun~" Mr Yang finished before passing the form to one of our classmates, asking her to pass it around. 


"YEAH BOM! We girls are going to rock the stage okay." CL added with that fierce charisma of hers. 

"Come on let's go sign up now!" Dara pulled her little group towards wherever that form was while we were just standing here trying to make sense of everything. 

"Wait so they're challenging us? Pft such an unfair fight. We'll win of course that goes without saying." Taeyang commented while Daesung nodded.

"Come on guys we need to win! I'm not called Seungri for no reason!" Seungri added while we rushed to fill in the form, feeling all pumped up and ready to roll. 


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Chapter 23: Update pls ~.~
Jcubestar #2
Chapter 7: update!!!!!!!!!!!!
haneul024 #3
Chapter 23: Please update topbom momen please hehehe
Jcubestar #4
Chapter 23: lol bom teasement
Chapter 23: Yehey~ TopBom in the House~!~!
auroramikaela #6
Chapter 23: Bom can you say " i like you Top,, do you like me.....????"
And Top will say " yesss,, i like you too "
Jcubestar #7
Chapter 22: NiCe but u could add more exciting bits to the daemin part
iluvbom #8
Chapter 21: Good story
auroramikaela #9
Chapter 21: Woooooooo... the next challenge....
Chapter 19: Update soon authornim!!