Unexpected Call

In the Distance

Lee Shin's eyes lit up when he saw his phone. Private number calling.

'Jagiya, I told you to call me on Skype, it's cheaper that way,' he said with a chuckle before picking up the phone with a grin from ear to ear. He had missed her.

When Gyu Won didn't respond on the phone, Shin logged onto his laptop. One new message. Gyu Won says: Shin-ah, how was your flight? Is it nice weather there?

'Gyu Won-ah, why aren't you talking?' he asked, before adding, 'I just saw your Skype message!'

To his surprise, Samantha's voice answered, 'Hey Shin, it's your other favourite girl, Sammy! Forget about her, you got a new life to live here! I'll see you later, okay?' Before he could answer, she hung up.

Lee Shin frowned. He couldn't help but feel like Samantha thought there was something going on between them. And why did she call? He already knew he was going to see her later; they had arranged to grab coffee tomorrow. With a shrug, Shin turned back to his laptop and grinned as soon as he saw Gyu Won was calling through Skype. It was so good to see Gyu Won's face! 

Gyu Won was teaching Shin some English when Shin's apartment door burst open and the next thing Shin knew, Samantha's arms were wrapped tightly around his neck. 'Is this Gyu Won?' Sammy asked energetically, not waiting for an answer. 'Don't worry about Shin, I'm gonna take care of this darling! Actually... you might want to worry because I might just steal him from you!' she said with a wink.

Both Shin and Gyu Won frowned in confusion, and just as Shin did, he noticed his own cardigan on Samantha's arms.

'Why are you wearing my clothes?' he whispered to her urgently.

'Just making myself at home!' she replied, dropping a nightbag on the floor and flopping onto his bed. Shin looked at her in horror and quickly turned back around to his computer screen. Before he could excuse himself to fix whatever was going on in his room, Gyu Won hung up.

Shin's eyes widened. He hoped Gyu Won hadn't misunderstood! But first, he had to fix the situation in his room. He turned from his computer.

'Okay Sammy, we need to talk. What is going on?'

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Wendy-1977 #1
Spread yongshin love😍
Sheimen23 #2
Chapter 13: Love your story...thanks for spreading the Dooley love...
Starligthangelcnblue #3
Chapter 13: aishh jinjja wae i really loved the story by the way congrats and i be waiting for another story of yours
ratriana #4
Chapter 13: it,s really end huhhh,i wait for next your story
Hawaali #5
Chapter 13: Oh i guess it is lol well thanks authornim fighting
Hawaali #6
Chapter 13: Oh i guess its not finished yey thx
Starligthangelcnblue #7
Chapter 12: andwe my shinhye is jealous
Hawaali #8
Chapter 12: Well thanks but is it over yet well I hope their misunderstanding is over and start of new chapter of wedding bells and making babies hehehehe what am I thinking lol
ratriana #9
Chapter 12: thanks it,s going to be happy chapter,can,t wait next
Hawaali #10
Chapter 11: Thanks for spoiler well it makes me happy thanks fighting authornim