Say Something

Say Something

B-Bomb quietly danced to the depressing playlist he had on his iPod, which was connected to the stereo system in the large practice room.

“He’s been like this for weeks…he hasn’t eaten a real meal in days either.” He heard his friend, U-Kwon, say. “Can you blame him? I would probably act just like he is if that happened to me. Wouldn’t you?” Jaehyo, his other friend, said. “But he just isolates himself. He doesn’t talk…he doesn’t smile…he just dances in there for hours on end.” U-Kwon spoke again.

B-Bomb tried to ignore them, turning his attention to the song as tears grew in his eyes. Just ignore them... B-Bomb thought to himself. His dancing grew more and more sharp, his movement quick and his breathe becoming faster and faster.

“How does he hold up?” Jaehyo asked.

I don’t. B-Bomb thought and fell to his knees. His cries of pain echoed throughout the practice room. Jaehyo and U-Kwon quickly burst through the door and ran to his side. Jaehyo put an arm on his back as he cried into his shoulder. “I-It hurts.” He cried out and sobbed. “I know, I know. Come on, you need some rest.” U-Kwon said as him and Jaehyo helped B-Bomb up. They silently left the room with the sorrowful ballad still playing throughout the now empty room.


B-Bomb hasn’t always been like this…something happened to make him feel this way. Something beyond the point of traumatization. Beyond the point of heartbreak.

And B-Bomb felt guilty for all of it.

Of course, it wasn’t his fault. He had no control over what happened, but it wasn’t an accident. Fate was simply not on his side that day... Either of their sides that day…


“Hyojin! Hyojin! I finally have a day off! Let’s do something fun today!” Proclaimed an excited B-Bomb to his girlfriend, Lee Hyojin.

“Like what?” She asked half-heartedly. “Hmm…let’s go to the park!” He said, pointing his index finger in the air. Hyojin sighed, but agreed. She knew B-Bomb rarely had days off anymore, so she decided to make him happy and agree. “Okay, let’s go.” She said and stood up.

“Great! You shower right quick, then I will, alright?” He asked and kissed her forehead. She smiled an empty smile and closed her eyes. “Okay.” She said and headed to the bathroom. B-Bomb sighed in content, happy to be able to spend a day with his girlfriend. He sat on the couch and closed his eyes, deciding to get a few more minutes of rest before getting ready.


Once B-Bomb was finished showering, he went to his bedroom to change. He knew Hyojin was in the living room of their small apartment, but he suddenly heard the front door open and close. He looked up curiously. “Hyojin?” He asked. After he quickly put on his jeans and plaid, button up shirt, he walked to the living room. Hyojin wasn’t there.

“Hyojin? Hyojin, where did you go?” B-Bomb spoke aloud. Left on the couch was a small picture frame with black ink written on it. He silently picked it up and read.

I’m sorry.

That was it? What did that mean? He looked at the two pictures in the frame. One was a picture of him and Hyojin, smiling happily from the time they took a trip to Paris. The other was a picture of Hyojin smiling, but it was different. Her smile was cold and empty. B-Bomb also noticed her tear-stained cheeks and red eyes. It was barely noticeable, but it was there.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Was this supposed to tell him where she went? Suddenly, he grew panicked. The worst scenarios of where she was filled his head and he dropped the picture frame. He quickly put on his shoes and ran out the front door.


B-Bomb ran down the sidewalk of his neighborhood that leaded to Main Street. Once he arrived at the intersection between his street and Main Street, he looked around, trying to find his girlfriend. He spotted her at the crosswalk, looking down at her feet.

“Hyojin!” He shouted and ran to her. She quickly looked up at him with wide eyes. He kept his eyes on her, coming closer and closer. She looked around with a panicked expression on her face. Tears grew in her eyes as he finally reached her.

“Are you okay? You had me worried sick! I didn’t-“ B-Bomb started, but Hyojin cut him off. “I’m sorry.” She whispered as she softly touched his cheek. B-Bomb furrowed his eyes and spoke “Sorry? Why are you-“ “I love you.” She said and turned around.

“Hyojin, what are you doing?” B-Bomb asked as a pit grew in his stomach. He saw a car speeding down the street, not showing any intention of stopping. Then, Hyojin did the unexpected.

She swiftly ran into the street.

B-Bomb’s eyes went wide as he tried to grab her, but his fingers barely missed her arm, grazing the soft fabric of her cotton sweater. She turned to B-Bomb with a smile on her face and waved slowly.

“HYOJIN NO!” He shouted at the top of his lungs, but it was too late. The car had already hit her now lifeless body.

Lee Hyojin was dead.


It was on a cold winter day that Hyojin’s funeral was held. They had already attended the church service, where B-Bomb spoke in his nice suit in front of Hyojin’s friends and family. After that came the burial, where he had heard way too many “Things like this are always hard.” And “I am so sorry, she was a great person.” With the occasional “God bless.”

But he didn’t want to hear those things. He wanted his beautiful Hyojin back. He didn’t want to be greeted by people that he didn’t know in an uncomfortable suit. He didn’t want her to be dead.

Before Hyojin’s casket was put in the ground, B-Bomb ran to it and sobbed, not being able to hold back his tears. He kneeled down and put his arms on top of her casket, trying to feel his girlfriend’s warmth one last time.

“I’m sorry Hyojin.” He cried with everyone watching him, “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. Don’t leave me…please…” B-Bomb whimpered the last part.

It wasn’t until Hyojin’s mother came and pulled him away that he let go of her casket. “No…Hyojin.” B-Bomb said. “Why? WHY? WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME? WHY DIDN’T YOU LET ME SAVE YOU!?” He shouted as her casket was lowered.


“Why didn’t I save you?” He whispered on his knees.


Thank you all for reading this! I hope you enjoyed it :) Feedback is appreciated :) Thanks!

Also, for those who choose to participate in my one shot contest, here is the question:

What is the name of my first One shot?

I put in on private already so don't try to go to my stories and check, haha. Good luck! :)

Thanks for Reading! 


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Chapter 1: i love this... T.T
Chapter 1: I'm literally in tears by reading this. Amazing story! Love it.
Lizzietran #3
Chapter 1: So why did she kill herself? ;(