The Long Awaited Return

Ambivalence: Submerged

The cool breeze brushed over Heechul’s skin and his hair tickled his forehead. He was deep in thought, being alone on the balcony really helped him sort out these thoughts. He took a deep breath and leaned back. The new Super Junior house was really nice, even Hangeng moved back with them, so why is he feeling this way?

How did he get into this situation? How and why had he been so blind before? These were things Heechul was currently asking himself. He had to make a lot of choices, but he couldn’t make a choice without negative consequences. It was beyond frustrating.

His train of thought was broken by the sound of the door sliding open. He turned to see Siwon poking his head through the door. “Hey Chullie. Can I join you?” the man asked with a closed-eye smile. Heechul chuckled and motioned to the chair next to him. He took his cup from the table and took a sip of his tea.

“How are you Chullie? I know you haven’t been back for very long, but I’ve been wanting to talk with you,” Siwon stated, rubbing the back of his neck. Heechul hummed in response and took another sip, “What did you want to talk to me about?” “Well nothing in particular, I just wanted to talk.”

“Well, I am good; to answer your previous question. How are you Siwon?” He asked. Siwon hummed with a nod and a small smile, “I have been well, hyung. As much as you would like for me to keep it to myself; I missed you.” Heechul smiled at this, it made him feel really good now. Before he would have sighed and rolled his eyes, begging his junior not to say such things. But those were the times he had been torn between two men.

“How are you and Leeteuk, hyung?” Siwon asked as Heechul took a drink of his tea. Heechul spit out the tea, nearly choking on it, “What?” “Are you alright, hyung? Did I say something wrong?!” Siwon panicked and reached for the handkerchief he kept in his back pocket, handing it to the older man. Heechul took it and wiped his mouth.

“I don’t know, to be honest,” was all Heechul had to say to get Siwon to stop asking about it.

Siwon reached over and pinched his hyung’s cheek, “You’re still very cute, Chullie…” his voice trailed off and his hand slowly dropped to his side. Heechul looked over to him with concern in his eyes, “What’s wrong, Won?” “You don’t want to hear it, trust me,” Siwon said slowly. Heechul sighed and placed his hand on his bandmate’s shoulder reassuringly, “Tell me.”

The younger man took a deep breath and held it in for a bit before releasing it. “I… I still love you.. Now even more than before you left, Heechul.”

Heechul nodded in understanding.

“I know, Won. You know I love you.”


Leeteuk sat in one of the arm chairs and his eyes were locked onto the doors that lead out to the balcony. He could see his boyfriend sitting out there, talking with Siwon. He felt a bit of annoyance when the man touched his lovers cheek playfully. But after a few moments, when Heechul looked at him with those eyes.. that look.. and then he placed his hand on Siwon. He couldn’t take it, it hurt to see him so happy with his rival.


-1 week earlier-


Heechul and Leeteuk got onto the train, waving to their comrades and wishing them luck on the battlefield. After they settled into their seats, and uncomfortable silence fell over them.

Leeteuk didn’t like it at all and attempted to spark a conversation with his ‘lover’.

“Are you excited to go back to the Super Junior members?” he asked with a bright smile.

Heechul didn’t answer. He didn’t even look at him.

“Chullie?” Leeteuk asked with concern.

Heechul looked away, still silent.

After about an hour, Leeteuk decided to try again; “Heechul? Are you feeling well?”

The other just shifted in his seat and cleared his throat.

Leeteuk made a pouting face and attempted to look cute and peek at the other’s face.

Heechul just rolled his eyes and shifted once more, avoiding Leeteuk’s eyes.

Another hour passed by and instead of trying to talk, Leeteuk slowly placed his hand on Heechul’s.

Heechul quickly slid his hand out from under his and propped his chin on it, looking through the window; away from Leeteuk.


“Hello? Leeteuk? Are you even listening to me?” Donghae asked, waving his hand in front of Leeteuk’s face. Leeteuk shook the thoughts from his head and returned hi attention to Donghae. “Hm?” he hummed. Donghae grunted in frustration and playfully smacked the other’s shoulder, “You didn’t hear anything I said, did you?” Leeteuk shook his head shamefully. “Go figure,” the other said with a roll of the eyes, “What’s wrong, Teuk?”

Should he keep it to himself, or could he trust Donghae to keep it between them? He decided on the latter and began to confide in his friend. “You know how before we left, Heechul and I kinda started dating?” Leeteuk began. Donghae nodded with a hum. “Well he’s been ignoring me since we left the military base and I’m starting to get worried. Do you think he doesn’t love me anymore?” He asked with a heart-broken expression. The younger looked down in thought and after a moment of silence he shrugged his shoulders in defeat, “You should ask him, he hasn’t mentioned it to anyone that I know of.” “But he’ll just ignore me!” Leeteuk whined.


“You don’t love me in that way, Chullie! I’m in love with you,” Siwon said, the pain evident in his eyes. Heechul sighed in defeat, “Siwon, will you listen to me?” The younger nodded. “Will you keep this between us two?” Another nod. “You promise?” Another nod.

“I do love you in that way, Siwon, but right now I am trying to figure out how to break it off with Leeteuk,” Heechul trailed off. Siwon’s jaw hung and he looked at his hyung in disbelief. “I’m serious, Siwon!” Heechul said as he punched his friend’s arm.

I love Choi Siwon… not Park Jungsoo. This is really bad, he thought to himself.

A few hours passed as the two caught up and became friendlier, totally unaware of the watchful eyes on the other side of the doors. They would occasionally grab the other’s hand to release it and glance around to make sure no one had seen.

It was dark by the time they hand stood up and walked inside together. They felt a pair of eyes on them. They both looked up to see Leeteuk standing there, staring at them with a disapproving look. He his heels and quickly made his way to his room. The others could hear the door slam down the hall.

“Oh man,” Heechul groaned. Siwon patted his back wishing there was something he could do to help his hyung.

“SM said we could share rooms if we wanted,” Siwon offered, but Heechul shook his head, “Not now. Maybe after I’ve sorted things out. I’ll come see you later okay?” The younger nodded and headed down the hall to his own room.

Heechul made his way over to the kitchen area to find Shindong leaning against the counter, his head pointing towards the ceiling and his eyes closed. “Donghee?” Heechul said slowly. “Yeah, hyung?” the man said as he tilted his head to make eye contact. The older furrowed his brow, “What are you doing?” “Ah, trying to decide what I should drink. Soju, rum, or vodka,” Shindong said with a smile. Heechul laughed at his junior’s silliness. “I could go for some rum,” he suggested.

After an hour, both Shindong and Heechul were completely drunk, having drank the whole bottle of rum together. “We should get to bed,” Heechul slurred. Shindong hummed in agreement and stood up, only to topple over and land on his bottom. They both laughed, it was about 12 AM now and everyone was asleep, so they’d have to manage on their own.

Heechul helped his fallen comrade, barely being able to keep himself standing. They both wobbled down the hall and when they reached Shindong’s room, they parted ways, “Night Donghee!” “Mmm, night hyung,” the younger said as he collapsed onto his bed.

Heechul stumbled down the hall until he reached a familiar door. It was Siwon’s room. He opened the door and stumbled over to the bed where he could see Siwon’s chest rising and falling in a slow rhythm. He hummed quietly as he crawled into the man’s bed, wrapping his arms around the muscular waist of his bandmate.

Siwon woke up with a gasp as cold hands s their way around his waist, “What the…?” He turned his head to see a drunk Heechul smiling with his eyes closed. Nuzzling into his shoulder.

“Chullie?” Siwon whispered. “Shh,” Heechul pressed a finger to his lips, his eyes not opening. “Sleepy,” he slurred. “You shouldn’t be in here, hyung,” the other says reluctantly. “I said to be quiet,” Heechul said harshly as he sat up and opened his eyes. “Hyung-” Siwon is cut off by Heechul’s lips pressing firmly against his.

Heechul huffs and lays back down, “Now let me sleep.” Siwon grunts in protest but knows his hyung will not leave. 

Hello readers, though there are currently none, chapter one is finally here! I know what some of you may be thinking(or at least the ones who read the first fic), and I'm sorry to be messing with the TeukChul OTP, but I just have to! I hope you guys enjoy this fic; constructive critisism is HIGHLY appreciated!! <3 


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kungfuboy #1
Chapter 3: sound interesting...