

Because the best of devils come in the form of angels. 
The first day Jiyong saw her, it was raining.  
He was sitting in a small cafe, ordering coffee and trying to enjoy his day off. Jiyong ignores the excessive winks and the number the pretty waitress scribbles on the napkin beside him and notes how there's so much beauty in the rain. A flurry of raindrops patters against the glass window as the busy people of Seoul uselessly try to take cover from the rain with umbrellas and newspapers held above their heads. Why hide from such beauty, Jiyong wonders. He turns his gaze away from the window for a while and looks around the cafe. He knew he picked the right cafe. This one was small, cosy and had a warm homely aura around it. There was barely anyone there except for a few people. An old man in the corner of the room, two middle aged women eating cream cakes, and a few other people minding their own businesses. One person, however, was certainly not minding her own business. A female, and a pretty one at that, sits across the room from him. The girl has bright green eyes, and her wavy black hair is flowing down her sides and back. But what really sets Jiyong on edge, isn't what she looks like. It's what she's looking at. She's looking straight at him, not blinking, not looking away with her wide  eyes. For a moment, Jiyong is shocked. He doesn't know why she's looking at him, but then again, Jiyong doesn't know why he's staring straight back at her. He doesn't know why holding her gaze makes him feel so nervous and so safe at the same time. He doesn't know why he wants to run across the room and pull her in the warmest hug she'll ever feel. He doesn't know why he wants to hold her hand and tell her he'll protect her for as long as he'll live. But what he does know is that she's not looking at him with those wide, marble eyes anymore. She stands up, and its only then that Jiyong realizes what she's wearing. Despite the weather, she has a small dress on. It's pure white, with short sleeves and lace. Jiyong finds it slightly familiar, yet at the same time, he swears he's never seen it before. She walks through the room, not sparing a glance to him and goes through the door. Jiyong watches her walk out confused at her actions. He sees her through the window, getting soaked with the never ending rain and automatically walks out after her. He runs through the door, like a moth attracted to the light and exasperatedly searches for her. He looks left to right, desperately trying to find a white dress, and when he looks up the street, he finds her walking through a narrow alleyway. He runs upward, ignoring the dull pain in his legs and catches up with her almost immediately.
Without thinking, he grabs hold on to her arms and spins her around to look at him. Her wet dark hair whips him in the face as they both stand there soaked and she looks up at him, shocked, and still holding that same angry look in her eyes. 
For a moment, she doesn't say anything, and he doesn't either. Then, she jerks her arm away almost like he's stung her and Jiyong swears he can see fire in them bright green eyes. 
"What do you want?" She says angrily. Jiyong blinks. She spoke to him. She actually spoke to him. He wants to say something, anything, but his throat is all parched up and his mouth loses the ability to speak. 
"Don't you think you've done enough already?" She whispers so quietly he can barely hear. He watches, unable to speak as her eyes well up with glistening tears, refusing to fall. She stares up at him for a few more seconds, before turning around and walking away. 
And Jiyong is left there, staring after her silhouette while the rain falls to the ground, ignoring the drumming feeling in his chest and the dizzy feeling in his head. 
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