

“No.” Leo replied simply; his volume so low that Ken nearly missed his answer. The younger man stared blankly, only realizing what his hyung had said when the older man stood to walk back to his room.

“Wait!” Ken stumbled to get up from his position on the floor “Wait!...hyung!” but all he received was the door slam in his face “why!?” Ken cried, his forehead thumping against the wooden door

“Go away” Leo instructed from the other side

“But, hyung!”

“So noisy.” Was Leo’s only reply before slipping under his covers.

On the other side of the door, ken groaned begrudgingly making his way back towards the living room and sulking into the couch silently. He glared at Hongbin who let out a snigger at his Ken’s predicament.

“Shut up” Ken pouted

Ravi snorted from his place on the couch “did you really think he’d say yes?”

“No” Ken lied; Maybe, he thought

“Aigoo” N reached to pat Ken’s head “So naïve” he glared when Ken slapped his hand away and swiped his hand across the younger members’ neck skillfully as punishment.

“Maybe you should try convincing him” Hyuk suggested offhandedly from the kitchen doorway, holding a bowl of cereal in one hand and a spoon in the other.

Ken stared at the maknae quizzically, the words ringing in his ears and his mind tried to decipher their meaning before AHA! He shot up from his seat and smiled widely; kissing the maknae’s cheek soundly as he walked past Hyuk.

“Eww” Hyuk scrunched up his nose and wiped at his cheek before turning to glare at his hyung just as the older man disappeared through the front door, shaking his head, Hyuk joined Hongbin on the floor to watch the last episode of their favorite drama.


Ken knocked on the closed door and quickly outstretched the red velvet cupcake in his hand, his head inclined while he waited for Leo to take the pastry.

“Woah” Leo’s eyes widened in awe at the cake once he opened the door.

“It’s the  biggest one I could find” Ken assured, smiling when Leo took the super-sized cupcake; the corners of his lips immediately twitching downward when Leo took a step back into his room and commenced shutting the door.

“Wait-” Ken tried to stop him to no avail before the door slammed shut again “I- hyung!” he cried and placed his hands on the closed door “hyung?”

“No.” Leo replied to the unasked question, making Ken groan loudly and turn to glare at Hyuk, who stood at the end of the hallway.

The younger man shrugged innocently “Try harder?” he suggested


Ken smiled gleefully as he shut the front door with his foot and made his way through the living room, where he tipped the two house shaped cardboard boxes, carefully, towards  the members gathered around the couch.

Really?” Ravi scoffed

“oooh” Hongbin instantly got up to follow Ken as he walked towards the closed door where a classical melody could be heard through the wood. Hongbin watched closely as Ken bent down to open each box and took a tiny wiggling puppy from one, and a small snoozing white kitten from the other.

“Hyung!” Ken yelled, holding the small animals to his chest “Open the door!” he called

“Why?” came Leo’s soft, yet irritated voice

“I have a surprise!”

“No, thank you.”

“You’ll like it!” Ken replied hopefully.

Leo’s sigh could be heard through the door, but a second later the door swung open and with a gasp, the quiet man leaned down to look at the cute creatures.

“This is Lolli” Ken gestured towards the kitten “And this is Pop” he raised the puppy before handing the two wiggling animals over gladly towards his happy hyung.

Ken watched Leo’s smile grow excitedly

“Hongbin-ah” Leo called carefully, rocking the two animals “Come here” he motioned to his room “You” he nodded at Ken “stay here.

Ken looked wide-eyes at the man and stepped back when Hongbin dashed past him into Leo’s room

“Wait- hyung?”

“Shut the door Hongbin.” Leo’s voice directed from inside the room, not even awknowledging Ken’s call.

Ken tried desperately to force himself past Hongbin who pushed back hastily.

“Tell him I said No.” Leo instructed


“Hyung said NO!” Hongbin shouted, managing to push Ken far enough away that he could slam the door shut.

Ken frowned and hit the door with his foot “This isn’t fair!”

“NO!” Hongbin shouted through the door “Aigoo, Precious Lolli” he could be heard whispering, cutely.

Ken clenched his fists and huffed, turning on his heel and brushing past Hyuk.

“Don’t be discouraged hyung!”

The youngest scattered away when he received a death glare in reply.


“Um…Ken?” N shot up from his spot “I don’t think this is a particularly good idea”

“He loves these things” Ken huffed with effort as he made his way towards Leo’s door once more

“Ken…I think this is illegal…” N walked briskly behind his friend “Do you even know-“

Leo opened the door, surprising the two, his eyes landing immediately on Ken and what he held in his arms.

“Omo” Leo’s eyes immediately softened and took her from Ken’s arms “Who-“

EXCUSE ME!” a woman screamed and walked into their apartment, her eyes spotting Ken as she kneed him in the groin and tore her child from Leo’s arms. “How dare you!” she spat at no-one in particular before stalking through the open dorm door, N trailing behind her, apologizing incessantly and begging her not to file a report.

“Ma’am he has issues” N pleaded down the hallway.

Leo glared at the pain-stricken Ken “No” he seethed through his teeth and Ken received another door slam in his face.

“Erm…hellooo” a soft voice had Ken’s ears flushing “Where are you guys? And who was that lady N was following?” she wondered out loud, Ken heard her move closer until her feet where in front of his face “Ken?” she leaned down, cautiously, her face appearing concerned in front of his “Are you ok?”

“No” Ken groaned

“What’s wrong?” she helped him sit up

“Leo won’t let him ask you out” Hyuk’s voice answered

Jihwa raised an eyebrow, her eyes suddenly darkening “babo” she hit Ken’s shoulder “Why didn’t you come to me directly; aish, honestly!” she glared, standing when her brothers door opened to reveal an unconcerned Leo

“Oww!” Leo cried when her fist connected with his arm; he watched his sister grab Ken’s hand to lead him out of the dorm and followed after them “I was trying to protect you!”

“No!” Ken shouted into Leo’s face after turning around, His confidence was short lived as Leo’s eyes narrowed


“Nothing! Let’s go” he squeaked leading Jihwa out of the door and far far away from Leo. 



Thank you for reading!

Hope you enjoyed ^.^

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Also, Happy New Year!

- Kyute19

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Chapter 1: OTL Ken kidnapped a baby... I can't..
Chapter 1: SO EMBARASSING b ut I just realized ur also the author of "Untouchables" which is only like my FAVORITE FF OF ALL TIMESSAZJLD;DJG

omg that story is killing me little by little chapter by chapter but good thing u are uploading these short stories and stuff for now x3

YOU DO EVERYTHING AMAZINGLY OMG from "Being Alright" SADNESS D: (have u listened to Nell - The Day Before yet? :>) to thiiss so cute and fun C: you cant NOT smile at this
Chapter 1: Ahaha~ what a fun story! I like your writing style! ^^