making a list (and checking it twice)

when the summer ends


“Let’s make a list.”

Lu Han sat up abruptly, and started looking around the room for a paper and pen.

They’d been lying together on the bed, side by side and hand in hand without saying a word. Who knew how much time had passed. They hadn’t been asleep – instead, Lu Han had taken the time to memorise every line of Yixing’s hand, and imprinted his warmth against his side.

The sudden motion of him sitting up made them lose their grip, and the loss of warmth was somewhat disorienting.

Yixing probably found so too, because he sat up, blinking in confusion.

Then again, he found lots of things disorienting.

That was part of what made Yixing unique.

“A list?” Yixing echoed.

Because Yixing was on the outside of the bed, when Lu Han moved to get off, he ended up straddling Yixing’s legs and facing him. Lu Han nodded.

“A list. Of everything.”

“Of everything?” Yixing said.

Lu Han rolled his eyes and smacked Yixing on the shoulder. “Yah, are you a parrot or something?”

Leaving Yixing to muse over life, the universe, and everything, Lu Han grabbed an empty notebook from the bottom of his shelf. There was a pen sitting on his desk from where he’d been attempting to study, before Yixing had very seriously said that there was something he needed to ask him and could you please come over here please. The memory from what couldn’t have been more than a few hours ago already seemed nostalgic and tinged with the colours of another lifetime. Lu Han grinned to himself and shook his head to clear the feelings.

“What are we making a list of?” Yixing still didn’t seem to have gotten it.

Lu Han gave an exasperated sigh, and sat back down on the bed next to Yixing.

Naturally, Yixing curled up around him, chin resting against his shoulder, and arms around his waist. It was something Yixing did a lot, even before, but now, there seemed to be something special in the gesture. Lu Han smiled, knowing that Yixing couldn’t see.

“I said we’re going to do it all, dummy, didn’t I? So let’s make a list.”

“Of?” Yixing prompted.

Lu Han groaned. “Ughhhhhh. You really are slow, aren’t you? A list of things to do!”

He flipped open the notebook to the first page, the blank lines staring back at him. He hesitated a moment, then slowly wrote a “1.” He paused, before writing “kiss”, and then crossing it out.

“Not that was really a real kiss,” he muttered under his breath, “but might as well say we’ve got that out of the way.”

“Ohhhhhhhh,” Yixing said. “I get it now.”

“Do you?” Lu Han rolled his eyes, and then smacked him on the arm. “Idiot,” he said fondly.

“I can’t read your mind,” Yixing complained – and then paused. “Maybe you should write that down!”

“Are you stupid? We’ll never get around to that!” Lu Han said. But what the hell. Why not.

2. Let’s see you read my mind, .

“Stop calling me dumb,” Yixing whined. But he also nuzzled affectionately into Lu Han’s neck, so mixed message there.

Lu Han held his pen poised over the paper, before he started scribbling.

3. Hold hands.

4. Romantic dinner.


“We’ve held hands before,” Yixing interrupted. “We were just holding hands.”

“In public,” Lu Han clarified. “Like a real couple.”

Yixing paused to think about this, before he nodded. “Okay,” he said. “Keep writing.”

3. Hold hands. In public, like a couple. Lu Han clarified. Yixing made a small sound of contentment by his ear.

5. Amusement park date.

6. Movie date.

7. Buy me flowers. They don’t have to be roses but they better not be cheap either!!

“Heyyyyy that’s not fair. Why can’t you buy me flowers instead?” Yixing complained.

“Shut up.” Lu Han elbowed Yixing lightly in the stomach.

8. I’ll buy you flowers too, idiot.

“Not idiot,” Yixing said.

“Don’t care.”

9. Cook me dinner.

“I always cook you dinner.”

“Your comments are not appreciated.”

“Somehow I don’t think that makes a very equal relationship…”

“Somehow I don’t think I care.”

10. Vacation?

11. Sunset

12. Sunrise

13. Bike date

“Wow, you’re lamer than I even thought you were. No wonder Minseok never wanted to date you.”

“Zhang Yixing it’s not too late to break up—”

Yixing chuckled, and hugged Lu Han tighter. “Then again, you did buy a hamster and name him Baozi, so I’m not that surprised.”

As if on cue, Baozi perked up from where he’d been sleeping in his cage, but after a quiet chatter, went right back to sleep. Yixing laughed.

“He’s called Baozi because he’s round and cute okay,” Lu Han protested. “Not because I made the mistake of calling Minseok that years ago!”

“Sure, sure,” Yixing chuckled. “Why isn’t on the list yet?”

Zhang ing Yixing I swear to God—”

“What did I doooooooo?” Yixing half whined half laughed as Lu Han pinned him to the bed with his hands around Yixing’s neck. Yixing was laughing, and Lu Han threateningly tightened his hands.

“Okay, okay, no ,” Yixing agreed, prying Lu Han’s hands off before he could really choke him. “But can we at least jack each other off?”

Lu Han stared at Yixing. “Do you normally think about me when  ?” he asked. He made sure that his own expression was blank and gave nothing away – not like he’d done that once, or twice, or a few times – but that had been a long time ago.

He didn’t have to worry, because Yixing laughed and shook his head. “Not normally, but I might start.” He smiled to show exactly what he meant.

Lu Han huffed, and retrieved the notebook from the floor.

14. Jack each other off because Yixing’s a ert


15. Stargaze

16. Meteor shower

“How are we supposed to see one of those?” Yixing mused aloud.

“We’ll just have to drive somewhere really far.” Lu Han paused, racking his brain for everything that he’d seen couples do. Finally, he wrote down:

17. Long walks on the beach.

“I’m out of ideas,” he admitted.

Yixing took the notebook out of his hands, and giggled softly as he read the list. “It’s a start,” he said. “But we don’t have to follow a list. That’s so…boring.”

“No it’s not,” Lu Han defended. “That way we don’t miss anything.”

“We don’t have to miss anything?” Yixing said, confused.

Lu Han bit his lip, and looked away. “We only have a few months,” he said. “It’s all because you’re stupid and didn’t say anything sooner and I thought you were straight, I thought none of it meant anything, and now we only have…”

“But we’ve already had so much time together,” Yixing pointed out. He pulled Lu Han into a hug, his fingers through his hair.

“We wasted so much time,” Lu Han mumbled.

“I don’t think so,” Yixing said very seriously. “We just did things other people wouldn’t have done. Like…”


“Like make fun of each other in the cafeteria?”

“You are the worst,” Lu Han said, but he laughed anyway. He could feel Yixing’s heart beat against his, and it was a very reassuring feeling, one he never wanted to lose. Either way, he’s the one who pulled back first.

“It’s late,” he said, mumbling as he reached for his cell phone. “Didn’t you say you had to go home tonight?”

Yixing hesitated, air in between his teeth – he didn’t want to go. “Baekhyun can’t even make rice properly,” he laughed. “Maybe I’ll tell him to get take-out…”

Lu Han saw the rope that Yixing was throwing him, and was tempted to take it. But, not too long ago, Yixing had said he’d make a really clingy boyfriend, if how he was with Minseok was any indication. Lu Han clamped down on the temptation.

“Goooooo,” he said. “Don’t starve him for my sake.”

Yixing stared at him, and Lu Han pursed his lips tentatively.

Lu Han blinked, then grinned. “Although that is a tempting thought.”

“Are you still mad that he d your in first year?” Yixing asked.

Lu Han snorted and shook his head. “The problems between me and Byun Baekhyun run far deeper than any river,” he said solemnly, barely managing to keep a straight face…at his boyfriend.

His boyfriend. The thought kept threatening to send him into hysterics, or at the least, grinning like a maniac.

He didn’t quite succeed in the latter, and before he knew it, he was grinning like a crazed frog, as Zitao so aptly put.

“What are you so happy about it?” Yixing asked.

“Nothing,” Lu Han said. And then: “Everything.”

He pulled Yixing into a hug, basking in his warmth, reminding himself that this was real and that yes, a few hours ago his best friend had asked him if he could kiss him and then if they could go out and if they could date and that he’d been in love with him for some time. Like…wow that was the sort of stuff that only happened in manga, not real life, but wow it had really happened???????

“You’re silly,” Yixing said softly. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Mmm,” Lu Han said quietly. “You’re still an idiot.”



“So mean.”

“Shut up.”

Yixing laughed and pulled away. He grabbed his bag from where it’d been discarded on the floor, slinging it over his shoulder as he made for the door of Lu Han’s bedroom. For some reason, speaking at that moment would’ve seemed strange – there was something taut about the gaze that Yixing directed towards Lu Han, something in his smile before he gave a little wave and disappeared through the door. He’d been here so much, he’d be fine with letting himself out.

Lu Han gave a tiny sigh, and then fell back on the bed.


The implications of what had just happened only really seemed to seep through, now that Yixing wasn’t in the room. Part of him wanted to shriek and clap his hands like an excited child, the other wanted to punch himself in the head, wondering why he hadn’t noticed something sooner too.


“Oh my god,” Lu Han breathed quietly to himself. “Oh my god.”

Grabbing his phone, Lu Han started sending a text to Yixing – before stopping himself, deleting every single cheesy word he’d been about to write, and replacing it with:

lol ur still an idiot tho

and hitting send.

Feeling much better about himself, Lu Han stared at the forgotten notebook for a few more minutes. After a while, he picked up the notebook and went to his laptop, booting it up and typing a few choice words into the search bar.

“That’s stupid,” he murmured as he scrolled through the results. He rolled his eyes. “That’s stupid too…and so is that. Wow, people do things like that? That…is dumb.”

But even so, he found himself jotting things down.

18.Shower together (maybe…)

19.Kiss in the rain (just don’t catch a cold after)

20.Go skating

21.Go swimming

22.Strip club (why the hell not we’re both dudes)

23.Build a pillow fort. Or a blanket fort.

24.Bake a cake

25.Go on an ice cream date (it’s not lame I like ice cream he likes ice cream)

26.Eat spaghetti…together

27.Café date

28.go skydiving

29.Go on a picnic

30.Go Christmas gift shopping together

31.Bed in breakfast… Yixing had better do this for me!!!

32.Do a puzzle

33.Go to Namsan (I’ll even go on the cable car…with my eyes closed…)

34.Get matching…things

35.Dedicate a song for him

36.Go to paris


38.Go to the zoo

39.Build a puzzle

40.Write a letter

41.Candlelight dinner



Lu Han looked at the last number, and hesitated. There was something he thought that should go there, but…

The sound of Baozi chewing at his cage got his attention.

Lu Han put down his pen and walked over, crouching down to where the golden hamster was gnawing at the bars, probably for attention. As soon as Lu Han approached, he stopped, and ran to the door.

“Bored?” Lu Han asked, scooping the tiny bundle of fur into his hands. As if in response, Baozi chattered loudly, before burrowing into the sleeve of Lu Han’s giant sweater.

Baozi’s little claws against his skin and the fuzzy fur on his stomach tickled, and Lu Han laughed as Baozi got stuck at his elbow as always, and decided to curl up there. Carrying Baozi back with him to the table, Lu Han stared at the list for a few moments, before he decided that since he wasn’t getting any work done today, he might as well just shower and go to bed.

“Forty two…” he murmured to himself.

As he walked to the bathroom, he could barely hear the sound of Baozi in his hamster ball over the thoughts of what he wanted to put in that last spot, and more importantly, over the memory of the sound of Yixing’s heartbeat so close to his.

Ahhh I wasn't expecting interest before I even wrote the first chapter!

I wanted to write a fluffy layhan as a side project to my xiuhan....which is already a side project to school. School is suuuuuper busy right now for some reason D: I'm really sad that school is so busy because it means I have less time to write :( And I'm really slow already! Hopefully I'll be able to finish the next chapter of the xiuhan soon too...

But someone sent me sad layhan today and I was so sad I had to think about fluffy things to counteract it!

Also....Baozi the hamster....Ive never actually had a hamster, and Ive only seen one once or twice I think >__< Ive taken care of mice and rabbits and guinea pigs before...but it turns out they're a lot more different... But yes! Baozi the hamster! Cute and round like this!

I dont think I'll be able to update very fast, but I'll try my best! There always needs to be more fluffy layhan....

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shinru #1
Chapter 1: ahhh they are so precious and cute together i wanna eat them ;A; i just love how they tease each other XD especially yixing “Wow, you’re lamer than I even thought you were. No wonder Minseok never wanted to date you.” lmao and then asking why the is not on the list yet ahahaahaha XD layhan bickering and throwing means words at each other is always fun to read XD just the put the "word" there lulu, you know you want it >u> lol
Chapter 1: cries loudly because layhan
Ah, OTP fic! :D
The introduction and preview both sound really good. I'm excited to read this! c: