The Morning After

Mianhae hyung. .

Finally update!! Yay! :D


<< Flashback <<

Few years ago Top realized that he has serious feelings for his bandmate and leader GD. It wasn’t just friendship anymore. But SeungHyun was scared that if he tells him, Ji will leave him. So he kept it a secret from the younger. His first and only secret about which JiYong will never know, and SeungHyun was satisfied with their relationship the way it was till now.

Their friendship was already like they were a couple anyway. Except the intimate part. They were always together, spending almost every second of their free time with each other, enjoying things both of them liked, hugging, telling secrets and sometimes slept in the same bed, cuddling. Sometimes they get jealous when the other were with someone else, but they never say anything.

Only one thing really bothered SeungHyun. When they were cuddling too much, he gets a little aroused with JiYong all over him, so he have to come up with a good excuse so he can go to the bathroom and take care of his ‚problem‘ … These days it’s more often.

After they started partying it was really hard on SeungHyun. JiYong wasn't really good at drinking. He was easily drunk, and even when he knew it, he drunk anyway. 

Being all touchy with no other than SeungHyun, who was so confused, but happy at the first night. It was until next morning, when he found out, that JiYong didn't remember anything. On the next parties SeungHyun just took advantage of JiYong's state, to heal his broken heart, even if just for a while.

He became distant and closed with his most cherished feelings, not expecting anything from JiYong, but suffering to save their friendship. Because he never expected him to become gay for him.

>>End of the flashback>>


SeungHyun woke up to already empty bed. After what happened yesterday he didn’t know what to expect from JiYong so he slowly got up from the bed and made his way out of the room to look for JiYong. Following the noises through their apartment he found JiYong making breakfast in the kitchen.

SeungHyun cleared his throat.


„SeungHyun-ah, sit down. The breakfast will be in a minute.“ JiYong looked at him with sleepy eyes and smiled.

SeungHyun obediently sat down and observed the younger.

JiYong isn’t morning person nor he is nice when he has hangover. But now he looks completely fine. It looks like he didn’t even drink yesterday. SeungHyun thought but shruged it away.

JiYong placed the breakfast before SeungHyun and sat at the opposite side of the table.

„Thanks, Ji.“

„You’re welcome.“ JiYong said but didn’t eat at all. Instead he nervously played with the food on his plate.

He looked at SeungHyun across the table and was about to say something, but the older met his gaze. He looked away and sighed. That went for a while before SeungHyun got tired of it. He knew that JiYong wanted to say something, so he continued looking at his food and asked.

„What do you want, Ji?“

The younger only looked at him an stuttered

„Nothing, hyung.“

„You keep looking at me and sighing all the time I look back at you. You want to say something.“ SeungHyun commented.

„Okay..  I wanted to talk about yesterday.“ Ji said quietly.

SeungHyun stopped eating and listened. So he remember something?

„SeungHyun, I.. I’m sorry that I..“

„It’s okay…“ SeungHyun cut him off. He didn’t want to listen how he regret everything and that he is sorry.

„But, hyung. I wanted to say..“

„I get it! I’ll forget everything, you don’t have to say that.“ SeungHyun stood up from the table and walked away leaving the shocked JiYong in the kitchen alone.

What was that? I wanted to apologize for pretending to be drunk and he said he’ll forget? Well, screw you, stupid hyung! JiYong growled in frustration and hit the table. That wasn’t exactly what he planned.

SeungHyun shut the door of their room with a loud thud. He was angry, so angry that it took all his self control to speak calmly in front of JiYong. I’m so stupid. he growled. Why do I always let my hopes get so high? This morning looked fine till JiYong mentioned last night. He was even okay with forgetting everything like always, but when JiYong started talking about it, he hoped.. he foolishly hoped that he remembered and didn’t regret anything. So stupid. He felt like crying again. Like everytime he realized that JiYong will never see him like more than his hyung. Looking defeated, he slowly went to his bed and cuddled his favourite bearbrick.

Ji washed the dishes and did everything to avoid going to their room. He didn’t want to see SeungHyun, no.. he couldn’t. But everything was done and he needed to get ready for work.

JiYong peeked to their room and saw SeungHyun lying on his bed, his back facing the door. He opened the door more, trying not to make any noise in case that the older was sleeping, but to his luck, the door cracked.

SeungHyun heard the door open with a crack and hurriedly closed his eyes. He was glad that he’s facing the wall, so JiYong can’t see that he was awake. He didn’t want to talk, he didn’t want to do nothing. Just lay in his bed and ignore the world, so he pretended to sleep.

JiYong looked at the older afraid, that he might woke him up, but he only heard light snores coming from him. He quickly went in to change to his work clothes, ocassionally checking if the odler was still sleeping. When he finished preparing for work he came to SeungHyun’s bed and looked at his peaceful expression. I can’t stay angry at him when he is so cute. He pouted at the sight of his hyung curling his favourite bearbrick. He never liked these toys, but seeing his hyung so happy when he got a new one, or talking to them when he thought that he was home alone, he grew to like them. He bent down and kissed his adorable hyung on the cheek.

„So cute.“ He whispered. „And you bearbrick better look after him while I’m gone.“ He giggled and left the room. It’s really funny to speak to them.

The doors closed but SeungHyun didn’t move. He was shocked from what happened just few seconds ago. JiYong kissed me?!His mind went crazy. Yes, he kissed him like thousand times, but this was the first time he did it sober. Why would he do that?SeungHyun was confused about the sudden behaving of his dongsaeng. His thoughts went back to their argument earlier.What’s wrong with him?

Few hour later he came to YG building and made his way to the practise room, where the others were supposed to be.

„SeungHyun! You’re late!“ Shouted SeungRi across the studio, which earned him a smack across the head from the leader.

„Watch your mouth, maknae! It’s your hyung!“ he scolded. „I already told you it’s my fault. I didn’t wake him up.“ JiYong said calmly this time and quietly so only the members around him would hear.

„Sorry guys, I slept in.“

„It’s okay hyung, we know you’re such a sleepyhead.“ DaeSung chuckled. The eldest smiled at him and then eyed the leader suspiciously as the younger stood up and walked to the opposite wall and started stretching his limbs. He looked so beautiful even in his sweatpants and oversized t-shirt, concentrating on his practice.

The practice started and went on for next few hours till they were all sweaty and dead tired. JiYong and SeungHyun were in their ‚work mode‘ so they didn’t have any problems.

After they left the building the other members suggested going to dinner together, and things got awkward.

They were walking in the stress of Seoul having little chat. The two eldest members were avoiding contact with each other, and it brought the awkwardness to the whole group. So JiYong started mocking maknae for every little reason he can think of, just to have some time to collect enough courage to talk to SeungHyun. And just when he approached SeungHyun and tugged on his sleeve nervously the‚ the disaster‘ came their way.

„What is it, JiYong?“ SeungHyun turned around, but JiYong just stood there looking blankly somewhere over his shoulder.

„Ji!“ a high pitched girly voice shouted somewhere behind him.

‚You must be kidding me…‘ SeungHyun turned back and came face to face with JiYong’s ex-girlfriend.

„Well, well… the all mighty rapper of Bigbang is glaring daggers at me! I’m so scared.“ She mocked SeungHyun.





Hi guys! I'm sorry agaain :D I had exams at school, so I didn't have enough time to post this update... 
I have a feeling that all I do here is apologizing everytime I post something :D

So to make it up to those who stayed subscribed to my story, I will post the last chapter tomorrow and I will try really hard to update my other fic Stealing You Away asap :)

Please enjoy this story and leave comments :) I'm always glad to hear something from you.


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khelly07_grace #1
i like your story sooooooooooooooo cute....
Chapter 4: I like the twist in the end...

lovely work.

Thanx for sharing
Chapter 4: LIKE OMGD GTOP <3
TheBigBANG818 #4
Chapter 4: That's totally adorable at the end
lrvip052012 #5
Chapter 4: Oh Wow Poor Seunghyun I Wonder How Long He HId His Feelings But I'm So Happy He Got His Happy Ending. Really Nice Story Thank You For Sharing
Chapter 1: wahhhh.. its cool one..
please update soon..
i wanted to read it..
Chapter 1: T_T its so nice~