Burned marshmallows


What happens when you and your boyfriend Chanyeol are making a campfire and try to grill marshmallows?


Nothing good.


I am back with another thing i was writing last night.

I had a bunch of Chanyeols feels and this shiz came out so blame it one them lol.

I know the name big time i am sorry i might change it if i find a better one :b

It's more of a drabble and really short but i hope you like it anyway.  Please give me some feedback to this? it's so encouraging when no one comments ahdhdkjf ;3;

Oh and this was inspirated by my soulmate so thank you for helping me <3

Anyways i hope you enjoy reading this, i really appreciate it ok i should stop talking now and post this damn story/fanfic/drabble whatever lol.


xo Mo




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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 1: like like like this story
udungudung #2
Chapter 1: >__________< dumb yeol is dumb but his character on this fic suits him well aaaaa feels
zfahminseoGG #3
Chapter 1: nice story author-nim!~
Chapter 1: nice story ^_^ chnyeol really suitable for a sweet and stupid boyfriend at the same time xD