
Silent Love


"Denise." I turned around to find my manager oppa. 
He smiled brightly at me. "The producers for this new mini drama are looking for you to play the part of the main girl!" He said excitedly.
I widened my eyes and pointed to my myself, he nodded and handed me the script. "Here, look it over. I think you'll like who the male lead is." He winked before leaving me. 
I looked at the title. Silent Love. Ahh just the role for me, no speaking~ I looked at the male lead and I almost dropped the script. Male lead: Kim Jongin/Kai.
My manager new that I had a crush on Jongin. Since I didn't even talk to him I would write down what I had to say, and I would always ask him about any opportunities to work with EXO, then one day he also caught a picture of Kai as my phone's wallpaper... I was caught red handed. But now finally I get to work with him. Quickly I grabbed my phone and texted my manager. 
I'll do it. I wrote, before leaving for the day. 

A few weeks later and the cast of Silent Love were going to have a script reading, not that I had any reading to do. 

I walked in taking a seat on the chair with a script in front of it that had my name label on it. It was one of the seats in the middle of the row, I looked over to the seat on the right and saw the script with Jongin's name, my heart fluttered at just that. I glanced at the script to my left and saw one of my best friend's names written on it; Lee Hyunwoo. I had worked with him a lot and we grew to be rather close friends. People started to arrive all of them greeting me and smiling taking their respective seats. Soon the director came in with Jongin and Hyunwoo. They both came towards me as I stood, Hyunwoo smiled at me, walking ahead of Jongin.
"It's great to work with you again chingu~" I bowed politely and shook his hand before he took his seat. 
I looked at Jongin who smiled widely at me. "Hey Denise! I'm excited to work with you!" I nodded in agreement and shook his hand bowing as we both took our seats. 
The reading went along smoothly, whenever my part came I did the action I was supposed to do to express myself and it all played out well. After the reading, everyone went their own ways to continue their schedules and whatnot. 
I was waiting for my manager outside with one head phone in my ear, when I heard someone called out my name from behind me.
"Denise!" I turned around as saw Kai jogging up towards me. 
"Are you going back to the building?" I nodded. 
"Do you mind if I catch a ride with you?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. "My manager is busy with the other members." 
I blinked before smiling and nodding.
"Great thanks!" He grinned happily, and looked around.  I took out my phone and unlocked it, quickly going to the notes of it before he could see the wallpaper and wrote. 
I tapped his shoulder and he looked down at me, I passed him my phone to read what I wrote.
My manager is coming in 10 minutes. He usually takes me to eat after my schedule is done, would you like to join us? ^^
He read and smiled. "Sure sounds great. Wah, your manager is better then mine~" He chuckled and passed me my phone back. 
I looked around feeling happy. Glancing at him from time to time, he was so handsome... 
"What are you listening to?" He asked suddenly. 
I blushed immediately, I was listening to EXO. I shyly offered him my headphone, and he grinned instantly when he placed it into his ear, humming along to 'Christmas Day'. 
"So you like EXO?" He teased, wiggling his eyebrows. 
I blushed once again and nodded. 
"Who's your favorite?" I froze. Taking out my phone again to write. Passing it to him. 
I like all 12 ;;. He laughed softly.
"Come on you can tell me!" He tried to coax me. "Who knows if they like you I might introduce you two~" 
I hit his arm playfully and shook my head. He laughed again but before he could attempt another way to get me to spill it, my manager pulled up. 
Thank god... I thought to myself.
Manager oppa came out, grinning at me as he saw Jongin, bowing at him polietly, and I showed him my phone were I had already had him a message prepared. 
Jongin is coming with us to eat, and then the company building~ ^o^
"Okay, hop in you two." He said smiling over at Jongin, who bowed and got in the car after me. 
"What are you two craving?" Manager oppa asked as he started the drive. 
Jongin looked over at me and I showed him my phone. 
"Denise-shi says Mexican food." Jongin told him. 
"How about you Jongin? Do you want Mexican food?"
"To be honest, I haven't tried it." 
I turned to him wide eyed and tapped manager oppa's seat quickly telling him to drive faster, which caused him to laugh. 
"What?" asked Jongin confused. 
"Our Denise here is Mexican-American. So she really wants you to try her food." Jongin looked over at me and I nodded, he smiled. 
"Mexican sounds great." I grinned as he spoke and clapped.
"Manager hyung~" Jongin called suddenly. 
"Yes Jongin?" 
"Do you know who Denise-shi's favorite is in EXO?" I looked over at Jongin who had a devilish grin on his face. 
Manager oppa chuckled. "Of course I know." He pulled into the parking lot of the Mexican restaurant I deemed to serve real Mexican food. "But, I can't say. It's something our Denise has to tell you~" 
Jongin pouted and I signed in relief as we got out of the car and into the restaurant. 
Once we were in and seated, I ordered some tamales, a few tacos, and some horchata. 
Manager oppa and I had Jongin try the food before we ate. And he really liked it. 
"Wow Denise-shi, that was delicious!" Jongin said as we went back to the car. 
I took out my phone and showed it to him again. 
Jongin, you're older than me, you don't have to speak so formally... Call me Denise~
He smiled and nodded. "Since I'm older, you can call me oppa!" 
I blushed and nodded, then he placed his hands on my shoulder and followed me to the car. Manager oppa gave me a hidden wink and I smiled to myself. 
The ride back was comfortable. Jongin asked me a bit more stuff about myself which I answered happily. Soon we arrived and we both got out of the car. 
"Thanks for the ride and food Denise-ah" Jongin said and smiled. 
I nodded and turned to leave. When I felt a hand on my arm, and I was turned to face Jongin.
"What no goodbye?" He joked and hugged me tightly, before heading back into the building. 

A few weeks later, the filming started. In that time  Jongin and I became closer as well, after solo scenes I shot, he would be waiting for me with a juice that he found out I liked, and I would bring him a snack after his scenes.

"Yurae!" I turned and stared wide eyed, as I was pulled into a hug. 
"You think I care that you can't speak? You think that changes anything about how I feel? I fell in love with you knowing that you couldn't speak back to me. I don't care and you shouldn't either." Taepyo pulled back from his previous embrace of me, and cupped my face leaning towards my lips, I closed my eyes and was met by warm pillowy lips which moved softly against mine. 
"And... Cut!" The director said and we both pulled away from the kiss, Jongin's cheeks were pink and mine felt red, I looked down quickly to hide my face. "Great job you two!" 
We bowed quickly and I hurried off to the side to Hyunwoo who winked at me.
"Was it everything you dreamed of?" He teased and I pushed him as he laughed. "Just tell him, it seems like he likes you too." I shook my head and he shook his in disapproval. "Here he comes I'm out!" He said patting my head and running off.
Jongin stood in the spot that Hyunwoo had abandoned, and smiled at me, quickly I looked down, avoiding his gaze.
"Someone's shy now isn't she?" He teased and I blushed, still not looking up, he laughed as the director came over to us. 
"Wow! You two have good chemistry on and off camera." Jongin nodded and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 
"Right? Don't we look cute together?" I squealed on the inside, my heart racing. 
"Yes, you really do!" The director and Jongin smiled laughing softly. "So guys I was thinking we should just do the last kiss scene today while we're at it, the mood is right." 
Jongin nodded. "I'm fine with it how about you Denise-ah?" 
I looked at the director and nodded softly, my face probably still red. 
The director grinned and started to get everyone ready for the next kiss scene. The one where Taepyo is sad because he thinks that Yurae doesn't care for him, and Yurae proves him wrong by kissing him first. 
"Ready... Action!" The director started. 
Taepyo had just taken a seat on a bench, feeling heart broken. I ran over to him panting and out of breath. He looked up at me eyes full of sadden. I walked up to him as he stood up, he tried to grab my hand but I shook it away, causing his head to hang low. I brought my hand up to his face and cupped his cheek, leaning towards him. He looked at me as I brought my face up to his. "Denise..." He whispered lowly before I placed my lips against his, my free hand placed on his chest. I moved my lips against his and he moved in rhythm with mine. My heart raced and his tongue slipped into my mouth, the kiss deepening as his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and then came...
"Cut! Fantastic you two!" The director cheered and I found the strength to pull back. I bowed and quickly went away from the set, avoiding Hyunwoo who looked a bit flustered from the scene. I ended up outside on the roof of the set building. I closed my eyes and pretty soon a few tears slipped out my eyes. 
"Denise-ah..." I heard and I quickly wiped away the tears, turning to see Jongin who's face filled with concern as he came close and saw my eyes watery. 
"Are you okay?" I shook my head slightly. "What's wrong?" I sighed ready to take my phone out but I didn't have it on me, I motioned for him to let me see his but he didn't have his either. 
"Let's go back inside and get it..." I shook my head again and took a seat on the bench. 
He took the seat next to me and placed his arm around me so that I'd lean on him. 
"I wonder what your voice sounds like..." He said suddenly and I thought back when I would speak Korean at home like it was my first language. God why was I so scared to speak now that I was here.
I sat up straight and opened my mouth taking a deep breath as I thought of the words. 
"Denise-ah, can I make a confession?" I turned to him and nodded. 
"I-I think I like you. No wait. I think I've fallen in love with you." He said shyly, turning a soft red as he looked down.
I stared at him and my eyes widened. "Oppa..." The words came out suddenly from my mouth. 
His head shot up. "I think I've fallen in love with you too." His hands cupped my face as he pressed his lips against mine, my hands tangling in his hair as he my bottom lip and slipped his tongue in, his dancing with mine, pulling back only after we were both out of breath.
"You can talk?" He asked pulling me into a warm hug. 
I nodded against his chest, wrapping my arms around him.
"I was s-scared that I was saying things w-wrong so I n-never spoke out of fear..." 
He pulled back and flicked my arm softly. "Aigo pabo! You speak great Korean... And your voice is so pretty..." He added, kissing my forehead. 
"So Denise... Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I looked up and kissed his cheek. 
"Yes, my favorite member of EXO!" He grinned, and chuckled softly against my head, and kissed both my cheeks, standing up, he offered his hand and we walked back inside. 

After the mini drama finished and was aired, it had ended with me being able to speak, and since then I had been offered many roles, along with all my other modeling, commercial stuff. Jongin and I were dating publicly, there was way more support than hate, and we worked a lot together in other dramas, commercials, and I even convinced a designer to let him walk on the runway. One day I was called in by my manager who was with one of the song writers of the company, who wanted to hear me sing. He loved my voice and he thought my image suited the song, and recommend me to become also become singer. 

"Jagiya~" Jongin called out to me as he walked into the dance practice room. "How's the practicing going?" He asked kissing my lips softly. 
"Great, the dance is awesome. I'll teach it to you later when we get home!" He nodded. 
"Arasso jagiya. Work hard, I'll see you later." He winked and kissed my forehead. "I love you~" 
"I love you too Jonginnie~"
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Chapter 1: :D........