Part Two

The Bus (더 바스)

At home, Soora's father called for a family meeting. She has an elder sister, named Kang Sulli. She is two years older.

When everybody gathered together in the living room, the atmosphere was tense.


Mother: Yeobo, why did you call us?


Father: I have an announcement. I have been selected as the president of King Holdings, my friend passed down the responsibility to me. Also, I have to say that there was a huge problem. Soora-yah, you have to live alone at Seoul. We have a house there, I want you to stay there until things are settled. I know that you don't want to be in this business, that's why I am sending you there. Go to a new school, new life and new friends.


Sulli: What about me appa?


Father: You will go to London, stay in our house too. You have great security there and you have your aunts who live there. They can help you.


You: Appa, will you be alright?


Mother: He will, he has me.


Father: Now go, get part time jobs so the two of you can earn money.


Sulli: Nae appa, I will miss you all :)


You: Same here.


Soora and Sulli bowed at their parents, they both went to their rooms and pack their bags.


Sulli: *sigh*


You: It'll be worth it though, we can be free from everything.


Sulli: True, but... I'll miss our town. London is far away.


You: You'll meet our favorite aunt, don't worry.


After saying goodbyes to each other, Soora put her bags in the trunk of the car. She turn around and took a last look at the house and her parents. They were standing at the front door with a smile on their faces.

In the car, on the way to Seoul. Soora never see such busy streets, lots of people and how it works there.


Driver: Here you are ma'am, your new house. Take care and be safe.


You: Thanks oppa, you too.


He bowed politely and drove off, Soora settle in quickly. She likes the house, the rooms are perfect. Plus, she still doesn't have a car yet. She settle down her stuff, she is lucky that the furniture of the house are still there. And only has to dust them off.


You: I think I have to register at school first, it's my last year. What was the school that my dad enrolled me in? Oh yeah, Taesong High School.


Soora walked out, lock everything in the house and took a bus going to the school. In the bus, she puts on her earphones and listens to her favorite song. It was raining, she watches the raindrops on the window. When she turn a bit to the left, a guy catches her eye. He seemed cute, he wore a raincoat and he also has earphones on. Soora stared at the guy until the bus stopped and he went off. She realizes that, its her stop too. She got up and walk out, then she search for him. It was crowded and hard to see him.


You: Maybe its not yet the time Soora... *sighs*


"Annyeong!! You must be Park Soora, I am Kim Taeyeon. Welcome to Taesong high school, I am your guide for today." she appeared from behind and shook hands with Soora. Soora seemed please with her welcome, it was great to hear.


You: How do you know I'm Park Soora?


Taeyeon: Your father said that you'll be wearing your white jacket that you like and that you are so pretty.


You: Thanks :)


Taeyeon: Now come with me, we can settle your transfer. We can be good friends ^_^


Soora felt happy, she found a new friend at her first say at school. Or... The friend found her. The school was huge, nothing like her old school. It's more of a fancy dinner party sort of thing.


When she finished filling forms and reading school rules, Taeyeon guide her around the school.


You: Um, Taeyeon?


Taeyeon: Yeah?


You: How do you know my father?


Taeyeon: Well, my father is best friends with your dad. When my dad told me that you'll be coming to my school, I was excited. You and I used to be friends when we were small :)


You: You mean, we are like... Childhood friends?


Taeyeon: Yup :3


You: That's nice :)


Suddenly you saw a group of people gathering in one area, you heard gasped and scream. Taeyeon told you to ignore it, but Soora was curious. She squeezed in the crowd and saw two men beating the crap out of each other.


Guy1: Please, stop... I didn't do anything.


Guy2: Yah, how dare you push me!


Soora hate to see people fight, she strongly step in and stop them.

Out of the blue, the other guy accidentally hit her in the face. She fainted, she heard Taeyeon screamed her name. 


To Be Continued

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