

Presence, quietly came and went quietly. You shuffle randomly through my life upside down and reversed. Then I fell at a point where my brain nudged my little heart. "This is where it ends? Where initially and how it ends? ". But my little heart to blame you. My common sense told me to look for you. But I was looking for was running. I sought instead to hide and I'm looking for is just not there.

This is my index finger, the ring finger and middle finger are you is my prayer. My prayer is that we will continue to stay together. Illusion. Illusion. I was the illusion that you create, therefore I always look perfect in your eyes. I'm in your shadow. Just you. That's why I want you to heal. Dispose of me in your memory. I hope one day you can find yourself smiling imprinted. Look for a more handsome man and real.

If the cheese is salty, if sugar is sweet, and if it is bitter medicine, then I would prefer you to be cheese. Although initially sweet but then on leave will be frozen and timeless. Regarding taste, salty indeed. Tears, like that cheese. And if the middle finger is your illusion. No. It was my illusion. Are you going? No. I was the one who would go.
What do you want me to heal after you give me all the love? True. You are sweet cheese, but if I'm going to feel the salty taste it in the end. Tears. You're like my life. Yes, you are. I love you.


Is this girl I know? Is this tough girl who is always proud of me? Is this it? if you selene me? In fact you look like a pathetic monster. With sluggish hair, you dared to call me? No, you're not my selene! Come back. This is not your way. Healed. This is not your lane.

"So, what are you going to go?"
"You're the one who will go"


I was shadow. If by my going to make you live like a normal human being, I would be willing. No, this is not what I want. You're the same as its other. And what theory the middle finger? you're lying.
No, you're my finger, your index finger and middle finger is me this is bayangku, bayangmu or maybe bayangmu own. We can not unite. I will never ripen eroded age, but you reverse it. If you are a table and I was swiftly termites will eat whenever you. I is a disease that will hurt you. You will be destroyed just like the sturdy table.
You are wrong, if I were a table and you are termites. I prefer to be a table made of teak wood. So strong, then you take me to be very difficult. It will be very slow growing you. Do not you see your sister with all her might not to cry in front of you? You're sick, Krystal.

"I beg"
"Not this time"
"Where can I look for you if I become normal again someday?"

Your mind. You the one who created me. Do not you see the blood red colored pills were scattered? Eat for me. And throw this mirror, a mirror that can bring me anytime. You should be able to fight this.

I'm sick, I'm sick as you prefer. Neuroprotective drug is only an intermediary to separate me from you.
"Not as you think" So where is your promise that will continue to be with me? Where is your seriousness at that time? where? Look at me! I do not teach you in the head lowered when other people talk! I'm your host! I was the one who created you! Look at me, motherer!

Sorry, I just want you to get well soon, selene! You are wipes and I was ink.
Where will the ink dripping black liquid jet to a pure and clean wipes, you're so innocent, but since I come in your life, you even blackened. At first it was a point but then will widen. Understand!

"Then make me like you"
"How does this conversation stop and when are you going to understand the state of? Please".

"So you want to go so?"


"Yes! I want to stop! I'm too tired for 2 years is always on your side. I've found a saturation point. I do not like you anymore. I want this all ends and healed!"

"If this is what you mean from the beginning you should not have to come in my life, Minhyuk! I hate you. Go away, I do not want you. I was wrong! You're not the cheese! You're the same as a scattering of nerve drugs! Bitter. You throw me away like trash."
"Good-bye, Krystal. I love you "
"I love you, Minhyuk. my illusion


"If the flowers are white, if it rains it is black and if today was raining then it will go black flower concentrated. Such is Krystal and I were the rain. If the stone is a stone that is sparkling crystals, then Krystal is more lustrous than rock crystal. He is canduku. And if I was real, then I will .... Ah never mind. It is only when alone. What I can not expect the slightest?

Krystal's point of view.
he once told me.
"I'm not salty enough to be a pile of cheese"
Then I asked him.
"So what?"
Instantly his face turned into cloudy. I was very confused when he said again.
"My existence only a shadow. Approximately Theory "
"There was a time we will never get it later meet again"
"You want to go?"
"You're the one who will go" Sometimes it makes me want to vomit analogy instantaneous. Indeed, what are the implications of cheese to his existence? Then what is the theory of the middle finger? My first conclusion is always falling on the theory that sophists. I have always failed to understand his words, but then he made me think for one time, two times seven times to make the analogy analogy. Accept no thanks, I'm now being smart to understand the principles of its principles. If salty cheese is a form of existence and in fact, the day that he tried to say "I can not live in the real world"


Krystal stricken with acute depression as she started creating the illusion of her friend


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