Lab partners

Prism; you shine me the light (Sehun - You ft.Luhan fanfic)

I checked my curriculam. Okay, so this year Sehun and I are sharing several classes together,

'Nice' I thought, tapping on the paper. 'I get more chances to talk to him.'

Today, the class Sehun and I shared was Biology. 'Awesome' I thought, a smile spreading across my face. I'm pretty good at Biology, so I can kind of...teach Sehun and stuff. And don't embarass myself. I continued to look down at the paper.

My eyes stopped. 'Oh shoot' I thought, a loud sigh escaped from my mouth, causing my Social Studies teacher to whip around and glare at me. "Excuse me, Alexandra, am I boring you?" I quicly smiled a fake smile "Oh no, sorry., know" She glared at me once more, before facing the chalk board to write whatever she was writing previously.

I looked down at the paper again, letting out a silent sight.


I was sharing P.E. class with Sehun. Fudge... I'm miserable at P,E. Running and sweating is really not my style. Like Kris always said; chicken is not my style.(Though he loves it now dat dork!)

I shook my head, P.E. was tomorrow, lets focus on today; Biology.

Luckily, I don't have any close friends there. Which would make an excuse to go and talk to Sehun. And I haven't really told my friends about my plan this year.....they don't really know that Sehun and I had been best friends before them. I will tell them someday, but I will wait until I get close to Sehun. And just be like; oh yea we became friends again big deal.

Social Studeis ended quickly than I thought. My head was filled with worries and plans.

Should I say hi to him? Or just casually wave? But I haven't said hi to him for years, he'll think I'm werid. Oh wait, he already knows I'm werid.

I kept thinking what to do as I walked to Biology class. Eliza, who had Physics class- which wasn't so far from Biology class waved at me before darting to Physics class direction. But I was too busy thinking about Sehun and what to do, that I forgot to wave back.

I arrived infont of the biology class, I peeked inside.

I saw Sehun sitting alone at a table, looking at his phone. I sighed out a relief. Good, he arrived before me.

"What are you doing...?" Someone asked. I jumped, and turned around.

Luhan was standing there, with a piece of paper in his hand and cocking his head a bit to look at me, both curious and weirded out.

"I-I was just--" I stuttered, blush. Oh god, why?! "I um, I was just checking if there were any friends of mine there." I quickly lied.

Luhan chuckled. His smile melted me. Oh Luhan, why did you have to be so perfect?

"Well, than, can you um, deliver this paper for Ms Brown for me?" He asked, handing me the paper. "I'm suppose to give it to her, but I'm running late for my class and you seem to be in this class so.."

"Oh, sure! Loved to" I said, taking the paper from him. I would probably be his umbrella if it was raining swords.

Luhan said thanks and walked away, leaving me somewhat breathless there, when he suddenly whisked around, startling me.

"Oh good, you're still there" he said "What's your name?"

"L-Lexi" I stuttered.

He smiled again. Stop doing that for goodness sake, you're going to give me a heartattack! "Thanks again Lexi"

Oh. my. god. OH my God oH myGOd ohmygaaaaaaaaaaaaaad he knows my name!!!!!!!

No no, concentrate, don't. pass. out. I took a deep breath and said "No problem" and quickly walked into the classroom before I fainted.

I was too busy thinking about Luhan that I forgot in that classroom- the classroom I marched into avoid him- was Sehun.

But being flustered, and hyper and all fangirl-y inside, I was probably not in my usual state because after placing the paper on Ms Brown's desk I felt this sudden explosion of useless confident and bravery, like I could do ANYTHING, so I whipped around and sat down right next to Sehun, my eyes glittering.

"Today is going to be my best day so far!" I exclaimed.

Sehun looked up from his phone, surprised. He looked more surprised when he saw me sitting next to him.

"Oh, can I sit here by the way?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Kai was suppose to sit there, but yeah, sure. We're going to have to change sits once we pick our lab partners."

"Cool" I said. "I don't know why we have to take this class anyway, I mean-" I pointed at the board where there were a lot of difficult science symbols and words and etc "-when are we gonna use THAT in our lives anyway? When am I going to use the logic of 'how to dissect a frog'?"

Sehun opened his mouth to say something but I went on talking before he could say anything.

It wasn't until the classroom was full and Ms Brown had came in when I started to feel really embarassed and like an idiot. This is not exactly how I wanted things to turn out...Sehun sat quietly most of the time, occassionally nodding or saying 'oh' between my nonstop of stupid idiotic babbles.

I was talking about these boots I saw at this store and they were all so gorgeous so I didn't know which one I wanted so I picked a random one but how I regret it now. "And so that is why you should think numorously before you buy something" I told him, importantly. Why was I talking these shiz? HE'S A BOY FOR BADNESS SAKE!! HE DOES NOT GIVE EFF ABOUT SHOPPING BOOTS!! But Sehun just nodded. He didn't look bored, nor amused. He just sat there, with no emotion whatsoever.

'Wow he changed a lot' I thought 'he used to be a complete brat when we were young'

"Hello boys and girls, sorry I'm late" Ms Brown strided into the class."I just got a call from home and I had to sort things out a bit."

She looked around the class. "Well I'm glad to see that everyone's paired up. We don't have any time to choose partners since I was so late, so lets just stick with now till the end of the term. I mean, everyone sat with your friends right?"

Everyone was cheering. They all sat with their friends, so instead of getting a lab partner who's a complete stranger, it's more better. But Sehun and Kai both didn't look so pleased. Kai raised his hand. "But Ms. Brown" he said "I was suppose to sit with Sehun"

Ms Brown looked at him, and than she looked at me and Sehun. "Well sorry Kai but I think you just got dumped"

The class snickered. Sehun frowned. "No, she just came and sat next to me" he said

"It's true" I said, feeling a bit betrayed.

"Well sorry kids. But we don't have time for fusses, besides I think girl and boy combination is the best. Girls help out the girly parts and boys help out the boy-ish parts." she whipped around and started to teach the class, not giving us a chance to speak more.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled under my breath.

"It's okay" Sehun muttered "I'll just tell them that Brown kept Kai and I apart cuz she thought we were too noisy."

I frowned. You didn't have to say it that way you know. My ego was extremely hurt.

He was so cold and careless to me, yet still answering and listening to me. I felt so confused. Does he hate me or what?

What happened to all those times when we roller skated together? Or laughed out pants off? When we told eachothers' secrets?

Sehun looked straight front, paying attention to class. He looked bored though.

I thought, if I talked to him it would all return to the time when we were friends. I thought we both were too busy or too shy to speak to eachother first. But...I guess it's not what I thought.

Maybe this is more difficult than I thought.







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