Crazy Twisted Love [Editing]


sephyun's POV


Arghhh! I looked at the clock.. it's 4:23 in the morning. Who would call me this early? *poker face*

I grabbed my phone. The number is unregistered. Who's this?.... i answered it..

seo: Hello?? Do you know what time is it? I was peacefully sleeping th--
Voice: Shut up seohyun, it's 12 midnight in here and i called just to hear your voice so stop complaining

I stopped.. this... is

seo: Kris oppa!! Is that really you?? Aish, i'm sorry. How are you oppa?
Kris: I'm okay here. Happy birthday seohyun

Aww, Kris oppa called just to greet me. *sighs* i miss him so much

seo: *smiles* Thankyou oppa. When will you go back here? I miss you
Kris: Sorry little sis, but i can't go home for your birthday. I'm too busy here
seo: *sighs*
Kris: But i'll be back soon. So cheer up there
seo: Really?
Kris: Yes. I heard Luhan is courting you?
seo: Uhh.. yes oppa
Kris: Would you say yes? For me it's fine. I know Luhan a lot.. he's good
seo: I know that too oppa *smiles*
Kris: Alright then, i need to hang up now. It's late in here and i know you still need to sleep. *pauses* Enjoy your day seohyun okay?
seo: Surely i will. Take care there oppa. Thankyou again *hangs up*

*yawns* I'm still sleepy.. *lies into the bed*


Argghh! It's so bright, my eyes are hurting! *poker face* i stood up and closed the curtain. I checked the clock.. 10:00 AM?? I slept too long *yawns*

I went downstairs to check Sehun. But.. he's not there..

I went to the kitchen.. he's not there..

To his room.. still not there.. where could that guy be? *poker face*

I went back to my room and checked my phone. There's a message.. it's from Luhan *smiles*

'Happy birthday seohyun! Oh I just wanna thank God for sending you, I love you so much seohyun. We're going out right?? I'll be going there at about 3:00 okay? See ya. Happy birthday again. I love youuuu~~~'

Awww, Luhan is so sweet. *sighs* i'm the luckiest girl in the world *smiles* 


Another call again?? Oh! It's mom!

Mom: Happy birthday my baby. Oh, i'm sorry for being away. I miss you so much dear. Did your oppa call you?
seo: I miss you too mom. And yes, oppa called a while ago
Mom: So how are you doing with Sehun?
seo: He's great. I like hanging out with him
Mom: Good then. I thought you two wouldn't be in good terms
seo: Because you haven't told me that i'm going to live with a guy! *poker face*
Mom: *laughs* But you're okay with him right?
seo: Yeah, yeah
Mom: Okay then.. i need to say goodbye now dear, i have a lot of clients. I love you
seo: I love you too mom! *hangs up*

I just realized.. my birthday is not really fun after all. I'm not with my family *sighs*

I went downstairs and eat. After that, i did everything to consume the remaning time before going out with Luhan. That Sehun! Doesn't he know that it's my birthday? I know i told him *poker face*

By the way, it's already 2:45 PM and i'm all ready for going out *excited*


Oh, that must be Luhan. I went out and opened the gate.

Luhan: *hugs you* Happy birthday my princess
seo: *smiles* Thankyou Luhan
Luhan: Shall we go now?
seo: I think so?

We went into the car and Luhan started driving. I thought he would bring me to a special place but we just went to a mall. But, it doesn't matter anyway, as long as he's with me *smiles*

We entered the mall. Oh, there's a lot of people in here today.. we made our way to the events area to check it.. there's only a chair and a microphone stand.. what's with these people?

seo: Luhan
Luhan: ....

I looked at him..--where is he?

I searched for him but i can't 'cause there's too many people. Aish, where did he go? I grabbed my phone and dialed his number..

"Hi everyone.. *chuckles*.."

Why isn't he answering his phone?

"Today is a very special day for my special someone.. it's her birthday.."

I've dialed his number a lot of times but he still doesn't answer it. *poker face*

"I love this girl since we're in fourth grade.. she's pretty-- NO! I'm sorry *chuckles* she's gorgeous.. and kind too"

Wait.. i know that voice. I looked at the stage.. Luhan's looking at me. So he's the one speaking there all this time?

"seohyun.. i'm sorry if i can't bring your oppa for your birthday, neither your mom. But i'm here *smiles* i love you.."

Everyone's looking at me. I can also hear them teasing us. and i heard someone say "she's a lucky girl" .. i know that. I'm so lucky, and i tell that to myself everyday..

Luhan is walking towards my way.. oh no! i'm blushing now..

He grabbed my hand..

Luhan: *faces everyone* She's beautiful right? *looks at you* Happy birthday, i love you.. *kisses your hand*

He gave me a big cute teddy bear with a heart-shaped pillow.Written on it is "I love you"

After those sweet things he did, we went to a restaurant and eat there.. we talked about random, sweet stuffs and left.

It's almost 7:30. Luhan and I decided to go home so we went to the parking lot. Luhan put the big teddy bear at the back seat. He was about to open the car door for me but he stopped... and faced me..

Luhan: Can we dance? *grabs your hand*
seo: How can we dance if there's actually no music?
Luhan: *puts your head to his chest* Just listen to my heart.
seo: Okay then.. *smiles*

We look crazy there dancing with no music but i'm so happy. I really am.. *sighs* i love my birthday

Sehun's POV

I looked at my watch.. it's almost 8:00.. I better hurry up and finish this now.

seohyun's POV

I entered the house.. why is it so dark? No electricity? I can't see anything *poker face* i left the teddy bear at my place

Suddenly, someone grabbed my hand..

seo: Who--who are you??

I'm sure it's a guy 'cause his hand is too big for a girls hand. He was pulling me.. but i refused.. He blindfolded me.. then carried me

seo: AAAHHHHH!! Who are you who are you?!!! Put me down!!!

He put me into a car. And started driving. Where is he taking me?? I'm scared now..

The car stopped. He opened the door and grabbed ny hand.

seo: Let go of me!! Who are you??

He didn't replied. He just paused and dragged me out of the car. He's too harsh *poker face*

Voice: *sighs* We're here


seo: Sehun??? *removes the blindfold* Oh *smiles* this place
Sehun: Yeah, this place. Look at that *points to the tree*

I was speechless.. it's.. a tree house

seo: It's so beautiful Sehun, it really is
Sehun: Let's go up there? *smiles*

Sehun went up first and he helped me go up.. he built the treehouse to the upper part of the town. The place where we played in the rain..

Sehun: Happy birthday seohyun *brings the cake*
seo: Sehun.. ah Sehun! *hugs him tight*

I don't know. I just feel like hugging him.. err. i felt something strange.. my heart.. it's beating so fast. i must be really happy. *smiles* yes, i'm happy today..

Sehun: seohyun--
seo: What is it?
Sehun: I wanna tell you something..
seo: *smiles* I was about to say something too
Sehun: Go on
seo: *looks at him* Sehun ya, 
i said yes to Luhan.. *smiles* he's my boyfriend now *hugs him*

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RKP0025 #1
Chapter 9: OMG. That song is my fave! Authornim, Are you a filipina? This chapter made me smile, i dont know why :)
Chapter 24: Great story , this story make me move when read it , live until old huh ? Yeah , hahhhaa ! By the way , great great story ever ,
mylovefromneverland #3
Chapter 9: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 24: i love this!
krungkrung12 #5
Chapter 24: Asdfghjkl SeoHun <3 This Story Is Great!
Chapter 24: YAH!! I'M SO PABO!! I forgot to comment hahahahahhahahahahaha

NICE STORY!!! ^^ this is going to be featured I'm telling you!! ^^ amazing!!
Chapter 24: Wow!! This story was daebak!!

Nice story.. *le thumbs up*
HerLovelyWinterRose #8
Chapter 24: Omoo~~ I just read this for 3 hours straight and I got all excited that I can't stop reading it~~ nice story and I hope you do more sweet seohujn fanfictions~~ ^^
Thank You So Much ! ♡