Back To Normal

Back To Normal

Youngjae is going crazy. He paced the dormitory, unable to stay placid for even half a second. He scuttled to the kitchen only to frantically pad towards their shared bedroom. He dismissed the concern queries from the rest of the members who sat lounging in the living room, two of the eldest claiming the couch whilst the two of the youngest sprawled across the floor, limbs strewn along with blankets and pillows. 


The rest of the members, except Jung Daehyun. 


A week ago, when everyone was crammed in the dance studio, building sweat as they run through their recent dance routine for the umpteenth time that day, there was a loud, ringing phone call that had everyone stumbling to the floor. It wasn't part of the song nor was it part of the routine. It was an excuse for everyone to take a short break so whom that was calling could be attended to. 


Youngjae tensed up as he sat against the mirrored wall when a certain Jung Daehyun got up to answer the phone. It was meant for him. Odd really, phone calls are usually reserved for until rehearsals or practices are done for the day. Youngjae watched as the tanned face went pale and before anyone could say anything, he was out the door. 


They chased after him, huffing and puffing and calling out for the boy to stop and tell them what the hell was going on. Too late. He was already stuffing clothes into his duffel bag and feet into his shoes. He told them he'd explain later- which he never did and the members stopped trying to force him to spill- and dashed out the dormitory without a single goodbye. Or even a glance towards where Youngjae stood with wide, worried eyes. He couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed because Daehyun couldn’t do so much as to even look at him. But he would never admit that. Ever.


They had gotten two weeks off since Daehyun wasn't around and the rest of the members couldn't be more thankful for his impromptu take-off.


The rest of the members, except Yoo Youngjae. 


He stayed up throughout the cold night- the winter’s chill wasn’t helping, only making it all too obvious that Daehyun wasn’t there for him to cuddle with- waiting for Daehyun to call. He woke up earlier than one should on a day off, incase he would miss a call from Daehyun. After all, he is an early riser, up before the sun is. It was getting to him, his face dulled with the lack of sleep and his stomach won't stop grumbling, reminding Youngjae he hadn't eaten anything since sun-rise, and now the sun wasn't even up anymore. 


"God dammit Jae, atleast make yourself look presentable" Himchan scowled at the sight of a much disheveled Youngjae scurrying into the living room, pacing in circles. "You look like you've just gone through a bad break up." 


Youngjae spun towards Himchan, a bit too fast for his frail, ravenous body to take, his head throbbed. His hands travelled to his temples, massaging them softly, trying to rid the splotches of light that tainted his sight "Maybe I am. Maybe Daehyun is running away from me. Maybe I won't ever see him aga-"


"Cut the crap" Himchan seethed, he reached for the remote that sat beside him and flipped through channels as aggressively as Kim Himchan could. "You're being an overdramatic . He will call when everything over at his end has settled" 


Youngjae was exhausted. Too exhausted. Waiting for Daehyun was getting to his head, his body, heck his god damned soul. It wasn't like his boyfriend to run off without a word, or even a goodbye. 


Himchan looked up at Youngjae and sighed. "Get yourself cleaned. Your sight is disgusting. At this state, I'm not surprised if Daehyun actually did run away from you." 


Youngjae did get himself clean eventually, his hair neatly combed, teeth freshly brushed. He did get himself clean after pouncing on Himchan and clawing his pretty face off. The girly shriek was sort of a ringing motivation for him. 




"Tell the others I'm fine. I'll be home soon." 


Youngjae jumped out of bed, tumbling to the floor before regaining his footing. He bolted to the kitchen where he thought- no, knew- where the others would be at this time of the day. 


"HE TEXTED ME GUYS HE TEXTED ME" Youngjae screamed out the whole capacity of his lungs, the words straining his throat. 


He clutched the door frame when all eyes turned towards him with foreheads creased. Youngjae panted, bent forward as he tried to calm his harsh breathing. That was such a workout, he thought. 


"What the ?" Yongguk cursed under his breath. He broke the intense gaze, shaking his head in disbelief before setting them once again on Youngjae who almost doubled over the floor with a wicked smile plastered on his face. This isn't what he wanted to witness at 8 in the god damn morning. Things just get crazier and crazier in the dormitory.


"He.." Youngjae took a gulp of air, chest heaving. "texted me" he held up his phone as he wore a proud smirk as though he had just won first place in the Olympics.


Jongup cleared his throat from where he sat in the far corner of the room with his iPad in hand. "Hyung, he kind of...” he paused and pondered over his choice of words for a split second, “texted all of us" 


Junhong tried hard to stifle his giggle, hiding his face behind a box of cereal. Himchan though, being the snarky he is couldn't quite pipe down, "Not so special now are you?" 


Junhong felt badly for Youngjae but be was on the floor clutching his stomach as laughter racked through his body to care right then. 


The smile, the sudden up-lift of spirit was suddenly washed off Youngjae's being. His arms hung listlessly off his shoulders and he only stared, stared at the 4 other boys who went on with their daily lives after settling down from the outburst of laughter. Youngjae wanted to know what Daehyun told them, but he's tired and a little embarrassed to ask. So he retreated into the bedroom and slept the rest of the day away. 


The last of his thoughts lingered around Daehyun. 


"I'm not so special now, huh." Youngjae mumbled to himself before slipping into slumber.




The only reason he woke up at 2 am was because of his annoying vibrating phone. He was actually planning to sleep until Daehyun gets back. He groaned and swiped his thumb across the screen. The bright light that momentarily blinded his sleeping eyes made him question why he even bothered to check.


From Daehyun:


"love u, jae"


Youngjae smiled and chucked his phone away, he wanted to brag about this to the others who mocked him earlier, but he knew it wasn't worth it. This was meant for Youngjae and Youngjae only. And he would like to keep it that way.




It was a Friday. 


He wanted so much to sleep it off too. 


"Get your lazy out of bed!" 


Youngjae found himself on the floor with a throbbing head. He stood up and glared at his offender who only laughed whimsically. Youngjae really hated Himchan at that moment. 


All of them settled in the living room watching reruns of Pokemon. The two maknae were the only ones absorbed entirely in the series while the rest merely stared at the screen trying to fathom how anything could fit into such a small, compact ball. 


The sound of keys rattling had them tearing away from the television and instead on the shaking doorknob. 


When the door swung open, the missing 6th member walked into the dormitory with heavy loaded eye bags and hair sticking out all over the place. He looked like he hadn’t had the chance to shower for 2 weeks. He even had stubble poking out of his chin. Of course that made everyone in the room laugh, rushing towards Daehyun and hugging him, playfully punching him in the arm, welcoming him home and basically trampling onto his sleep deprived and slightly zombified body.


Everyone except Youngjae. 


Youngjae merely had his eyes fixed on the screen, watching as a yellow squishy animal with a lightning tail jump into the scene. He did, however, peep from the corner of his eyes towards Daehyun. He fought the smile that threatened to grace across his face.


Suddenly the room was too loud. Everyone was talking all at once and Youngjae inwardly groaned in pure annoyance. He was just as knackered as Daehyun if not more and the bustling in the too tiny dormitory only triggered his sense of massacring everyone in his sight.


Everyone except Daehyun.


After Daehyun went into the bedroom, setting his bag aside and grabbing a snack in the kitchen, he made his way towards the living room. He plopped down on the couch next to an unfazed Youngjae who couldn’t be bothered to spare him even a glance. He tore the packet of snack open and nonchalantly munched on them, eyes studying Youngjae who flinched at the loud crunching sound Daehyun purposely made. He smiled and turned towards the screen.


The maknaes were on the floor again, Yongguk was on the phone possibly updating their manager and Himchan was just existing and making Youngjae's blood boil in no particular reason. Maybe he was still mad at him for pushing him off and out of bed quite violently.


Daehyun discarded the empty packet on the floor, rubbing his hands together to rid the remnants of his delicious finger- snack. He then scooted closer and wrapped an arm around Youngjae's shoulder. Youngjae didn't even bother to show any signs of acknowledgement of his boyfriend, he's alive and breathing and was being the annoying douchebag he is, so there's really nothing for Youngjae to worry about. 


"I've missed you." Daehyun's breath brushed against Youngjae's ears. 


Youngjae finally turned to look at Daehyun in the eye for the first time since he got home. Youngjae frowned. 


"Shut the up." Youngjae threw an arm and a leg over Daehyun and snuggled into the warm body that he too had missed so much, especially when the cold nights get too unbearable for him, but was never going to privilege himself to openly admit so. Daehyun's chest vibrated against the side of Youngjae's face as he chuckled heartily. 


"God, I really did miss you" Daehyun slid his arm lower, holding on to Youngjae's waist, giving it a firm squeeze to somewhat prove his point.


"I ing told you to shut up." 


Youngjae was just glad Daehyun's home. Daehyun is in his arms. Daehyun is okay. Youngjae is still special to him. Though he would never let Daehyun find out how much of a mess he was during his absence, he was glad the condition was mutual. But really, he was just ultimately pretty damn glad everything is back to normal. 



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Chapter 1: what happened to daehyun o.O
DaeJaeGyu #2
Chapter 1: Ooooooh how cute they are ! But i really want to know what happend to daehyun
Chapter 1: i wonder what did daehyun actually do....
but still i love it :DDDDD