∞ come back again, WonderBinnie.

xdropthebomb | graphics factory | closed | we've moved.




JULIA: hi hi. request for wonderbinnie is finished! and now a note from milky-chan to wonderbinnie.
MILKY-CHAN: i'm sorry for making it a little angsty lol. i don't know if you noticed this or not, but i'm trying hard, so every couple looked on each other eyes._. i hope you like the poster though! c:

crediting us would be nice.
use the poster for at least a week.
leave a comment so we know you've received your request.
do not
hotlink. save your poster to your computer or whatever.
we will not be responsible for missing graphics.
you may ask for a redo within a week after receiving your graphic(s).
enjoy your graphic(s)!

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Thank you!
sorry for the delays guys. personally, i've been really busy with school since i got assigned another huge project. hopefully things will lighten up soon! - ju.


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SapphireQueen #1
imma sub :DD
-ximini #2
so pretty :3
Waiting for you guys to re-open.

You've beautiful graphics ^^
Waiting for you to open soon! I really love your work <3
On Chapter 11, the "lol, hi" is so cute LOL
Twinity #6
Hope you guys re-open soon ^^ I only trust your work LOL
all the posters are amazing! ;w;
lethargic #8
@29; MBLAQ NEEDS A MIRACLE horrah this is miracle ;A;
AWWWW! It's so cute and beautiful! I LOVE it! Thank you so much!!!! I won't forget to credit :)