What Binds Us To The Dark


Through my eyes it's only dark. The world is beautiful to others. But to me it's dark. But yet. To him. It's dark without me. And beautiful with me.



Yu Ara


Yixing (Lay)



It's dark. When you can't see anything around you. Everything is just dark. It can give you an empty feeling. Thats how I feel at least.

"What's it like today?" The sounds of nonchalant footsteps faded towrads th end of the room.

"It's raining."

"Raining..." I sighed. "Is it heavy?"

"Very heavy." The gentle voice of this man explained. "If you come here I'm sure you can feel the rain against the  your palm- ah!" He laughed. "You can." His voice echoing in my ear.

I felt the sheets under me clenching them between my fingers.

"Want to try?" He asked as his footsteps grew near.

"Can I?" I asked myself. His voice turned to a light chuckle. "What?" I questioned feeling something run along my arm, then a slight tug at my wrist pulling me off my bed.

"Why not?" He retorted laughing. "I see no reason for you not to." My lips softly curled into a smile. I was shortly stopped and pulled into a different direction. "Hold your hand out." The voice whispered into my ear. My arm stretched slowly, hestitantly.

A slight shiver ran down my back when the rain started to fall into the palm of my hands.

"Did it surprise you that much?" The voice laughed. I pouted nodding, my hair falling in front of my face. "There there."He laughed again. I frowned and there was a slight pause when I turned to a different direction. "Okay." A sigh. "I'm sorry." Quiet. "You can't see it but I'm pouting right now." I laughed and turned my head forward.

My mind began to wander. "Don't you have t go soon?"I asked, my voice slightly shaking. Quietness. "Your fiancé?" I added. "My sister."

"She's still at school..." He reminded me. "Do you want me gone that badly?"

I remained quiet. Yet when he laughed I turned away, shortly feeling a tug at my arm. A short pause.

"There's a stack of books in front of you." I kicked at the ground and heard a couple thuds. "Don't be careles." His tone of voice pained my heart.

"Hey." I said, jumping back when I felt myself bump into something. Silence. "Why do you take car of me so much? Did my sister ask you to?"

A long pause. "Am I annoying?" 


"The last person I'd ever want to hate me is you..." Then it went quiet again. I bit back my lip.

"What about my sister?" I reminded. "You love her more than me right? You should. I mean, you do... Don't you?" Quiet again. "That's why you proposed to her in front of everyone... right? Because you love her more than anyone else right?" It went quiet once more.

"That right."

His trembling voice made my hear drop and my eyes slightly round. "You liar. You're lying!" I screamed feeling the tears stream down my cheeks. Quiet. "Why ddi you propose to her if you didn't love her!?"

"Let me explain. Please." His voice shaking, I felt a grip at my arm.


No response.

"Leave." I said.


"Go!" I screamed again. My body freezing in place as I trapped myself i this dark cell as the door echoed open and silently closed behind.


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opparisgay #1
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^