The News

Have To Be A Soccer Lover!

                                                              Chapter 1

You are in class and read down notes. " Mrs. Oh, can you please send the girl soccer team to my office? " You and a group of girls walk to the office. Your hands slam the base of the desk. " What do you mean you all soccer games?!" The principal glare at you and stood up. "I'm sorry ladies but with the money budget and that the girls soccer team has only won 7 out of 10 games we have take that away." You bit your bottom lip and run your hand over your hair. "But some of these girls are getting scholarship to the biggest school all because of soccer. How on earth are you going to just take that away from them?!" A girl with long golden hair pushed you away and sat on the principal's desk. " A team captain, I, Lee Ailee think it's a great idea to take the girls soccer team and open up the school festival. " But-!"
You were cut off and signed. " Miss. Suzy, I think we are done here!" You stormed out and walked home. 'They can't do this' You made dinner and waited for your mom and brother to come home. 
You looked at your mom and sighed. "But mom the school can't just take the girls soccer team away just like a blink of an eye! Its unfair! " Your mom glared at you and the rice. "If the principal said that it is over, then its over. Dinner is done go to bed." You get up and angrily walk to your room. " Hey,Suzy, can we talk?" You nodded and agreed. "Deal!"
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Kyumin #1
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Kaismyseoulmate #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^