-Act 13-

Frozen Soul
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-Act 13-

"What's this?" Woohyun asked as he studied the vile that Gyeoul gave him.  He was hoping that this silver liquid was not poison.  Woohyun did not want to hurt anyone to make his sister happy.  Woohyun was a believer that hurting someone else does not bring happiness, it only brings darkness into someone's heart.  Woohyun did not want anymore darkness going into his baby sisters heart.

"I you are not going to use that poison I cooked up on the then I will do it." Gyeoul said as she walked to her horse, but Woohyun caught his sisters wrist.  He pulled her towards him, placing a hand on her shoulder.  Woohyun knew that Gyeoul could be stubborn, but this was the first time she had reacted this way to someone that was getting in the way of what she wanted.  Gyeoul always got what she wanted and when she did not she fought for it.  "So are you going to do it?"

Woohyun grabbed the vile from her hand, glaring into Gyeoul's emotionless eyes.  "Once she trust me I will use the poison, but for now let me try and charm the girl." Woohyun put the vile into his jacket.  There was no way that he was going to use the poison on the poor girl.  Woohyun was going to pretend to kill her.

"Good oppa. I am happy we see eye to eye." Gyeoul said as she wrapped her arms around her brothers waist. "You know I love you oppa." She said with an evil smirk plastered on to her lips as she rested her head on his chest.    

"I know you do Gyeoul..." Woohyun her hair. He knew that he needed to make sure he kept his sister happy.  If Gyeoul was not happy, she would make sure the whole world suffer.   "I will be going now." Woohyun released Gyeoul and made his way to his horse.  He mounted it and road off into the snow storm.

A smirk appeared on her face and now that her brother was gone, she could take this opportunity to find out who her brother was seeing behind her back.  What girl was he in love with.  Woohyun was not allowed to be in a relationship.  He was only allowed to serve her, and only her.  Gyeoul walked down the hall and studied the faces of their female maids. Gyeoul knew that it had to be one of them.

She walked into her room at sat down in front of her crystal ball. Gyeoul new it was going to take some time for her brother to get to


"You are not listening are you Hoya?" Sungyeol asked as he followed his cousin down the hall. "I hate how they brought up the past between Sungjonggie and I.  It is not like he meant to hurt me.  I provoked him and that is my fault.  I never realized how unstable he could be sometimes."

"He is not unstable.  Jonggie was just going through puberty at the time that you provoked him." Hoya crossed his arms. He hated when people talked poorly about Jonggie. It was not right to talk behind his back like this.  He always saw the hurt look in Sungjong's eyes even though the kid tried to hide it.

"Hoya..." Sungyeol grabbed his cousins arm and stared at him. "I know you do not think Jonggie is unstable, but the truth is that he is.  You cannot deny it." Sungyeol sighed.  He knew Hoya was just pretending.  Sungyeol remembered when he first got hurt by Sungjong. All the lies that were told to Sungjong were disgusting. It needed to stop.  Once Sungjong found out the truth it will hurt the kid even more.

"I know that I am lying to myself saying that he is not unstable, but it makes me feel better.  I know that part of the reason why Sungjong acts the way that he acts is because of our parents. His powers probable have a lot of potential, but he was never given proper training how to use them.  My parents always told Sungjong that they were bad and that he was not allowed to use them."  Hoya took a deep breath.

"It is hurting you more when you deny it, and it is hurting Sungjong, not being able to be himself.  He is special and should be able to use those powers of his." Sungyeol said with a sigh.  He continued to follow Hoya who seem to be quickening his pace. 

"I know that, but I do not care anymore." Hoya said as he hurried down the hall. "Before we go searching for S

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Asom1996 #1
Chapter 26: Finally an Update!
Nice chapter \*0*/ thanx for updating
xQui-e-scentx #2
Chapter 24: Aaaahhh, everything is getting so suspenseful! Great update!
erikaismy #3
Chapter 21: Omo. I like the story! ^^ can I share this fanfic?
Asom1996 #4
Chapter 15: Finally!! You update this story ㅠ_ㅠ
What well this witch do now?!
By the way i voted for mark :D
What will the wolf do for Yoreom ><
I hope Sungjong will be able to protect her </3
What happened to woohyun?

I'll always wait for your updates ♡
So update soon please :)♡
Asom1996 #5
Chapter 14: Sungjong is so cold to Yoreum..
But i really love his character in this story!

I wish Hoya and Yeol will find Jong and Yoreum before Woohyun :x

It was an enjoyable chapter!
I wish u could update soon :)♡
OMG I agree!! Princess Suji would be perfect for him haha
Chapter 12: Keke updates! I literally just said that the same way people say hump day xD
Anyways keke sneaky Princess. I'm guessing she knows the rule.. Er possibly idk. I think it's funny how Myungsoo obsesses over things.
LeeDane #8
Chapter 11: They should introduce myungsoo to princess suji XD
Chapter 10: Ah poor Sungjongie. Hoya shouldn't blame himself for what happened to Sungjong.
Chapter 9: Sometimes I want to punch Myungsoo in the face, I think he must find something else to obsess with lol
Somehow I like this idea of Sungjong showing no emotion at all but I bet his father wanted to kill him when he said the country was stuck in winter haha
What about Sunggyu with Song Jieun? or Hoya with Yoo Jia?