-Act 11-

Frozen Soul
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-Act 11-

"WOOHYUN!" Gyeoul yelled. "NAM WOOHYUN, WHERE ARE YOU!" Gyeoul yelled again.  She was looking everywhere for her older brother.  She could not believe what she had just saw on her crystal ball.  Gyeoul was happy that Sungjong has finally left his castle after four years, but she was not happy that annoying Princess of Radiance was going to leave her castle as well.  She knew that girl was going to help Sungjong gain his missing soul back. Gyeoul could not allow them to fall in love.

"WOOHYUN!" She yelled again, hoping that would get his attention.  Gyeoul could not believe it was taking her brother this long to answer her.  He normally appeared right away when she called for him.  Gyeoul was about to call for Woohyun again when she heard someone clear his throat.

"You rang Gyeoul?" Woohyun said as he entered the room.  He wondered what his sister wanted this time.  Gyeoul had not desperately called for him like that in four years. "Is something wrong my, sweet sister?"

"Sungjong finally left his kingdom." Gyeoul said with an annoyed expression on her face.  She looked at her brother and noticed something on his cheek.  Gyeoul walked over to Woohyun and grabbed his chin and turned his head and looked at the lipstick mark that was on his cheek. "Who is she?"

"No, one." Woohyun said as he gulped.  He did not want the girl he was involved with to get hurt by Gyeoul, like the other girls her was involved with. The thing about Gyeoul is that she needs to control everything.  She needs to know everything that is going on.   There could be no secrets between the siblings.

"Sooner or later I will find out who it is and I will not show her no mercy.  No one should be involved with my brother without my knowledge." Gyeoul released Woohyun's face and started to walk away from him, "We need to get down to business oppa."

"What do you need me to do? Kidnap Sungjong for you and bring him here?" Woohyun said in a slightly irritated voice.  He knew that he had to be loyal to his sister. His parents dying wish was to protect her, but sometimes Woohyun did not want to protect the evil girl that his once sweet little sister has become."

"I will take care of Sungjong. I want you to take care of someone else.  She is going to be a problem if she finds Sungjong, and helps him retrieve what he is missing." Gyeoul said. "I will not allow that princess to get everything that I rightfully deserve.  Sungjong should be mine and not hers."

"So you want me to hurt the Princess of Radiance?" Woohyun asked.  As much as he did not want to hurt Princess Yoreum. He knew that he had to because if he did not do anything, Gyeoul would do much worse.

"Yes!" Gyeoul smirked. "If you do not do it, oppa. I WILL and I will show that spoiled princess no mercy." Gyeoul continued to get angrier and angrier.  She knew soon she would not be able to control it.

Woohyun sighed, "Don't worry Gyeoul. I will take care of her you. I will make sure she does not end up with Sungjong, but you know messing with someone's destiny comes with a price. You should know that already, but I know that you will take the risk."

"I am not to one taking the risk, Woohyun oppa. You are." Gyeoul smirked as she turned back to her crystal ball, and bit her lip, "Now go and stop that girl from finding my Sungjong."

"As you wish, Gyeoul." Woohyun bowed an left the room.



Yoreum turned to the person who called her name and noticed that it was Dongwoo. He has been looking out for her a lot since they returned from the Winter Kingdom.  He was the only person that she would cry in front of about Sungjong.  Yoreum could not cry in front of her two older brothers.  She did not want them to be upset that she was hurt.  "Dongwoo, what is it?"

"I just came to tell you that you should get cleaned up for dinner. We have a guest tonight." Dongwoo said as he studied the princess. There was something off about her.  He just could not put his finger on it.  This bothered Dongwoo.  He was the Kim family advisor.  He needed to know if there was something wrong with the royal line so he could fix it.

"Just bring my food to my room, Dongwoo oppa. I do not want to eat dinner with Taeyeon unnie." Yoreum said as she went back to focusing her energy towards her sword to create flames around it. 

"Do you not like Taeyeon noona." Dongwoo asked as he looked at the princess. This was his first time seeing her react like this towards Taeyeon. 

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Asom1996 #1
Chapter 26: Finally an Update!
Nice chapter \*0*/ thanx for updating
xQui-e-scentx #2
Chapter 24: Aaaahhh, everything is getting so suspenseful! Great update!
erikaismy #3
Chapter 21: Omo. I like the story! ^^ can I share this fanfic?
Asom1996 #4
Chapter 15: Finally!! You update this story ㅠ_ㅠ
What well this witch do now?!
By the way i voted for mark :D
What will the wolf do for Yoreom ><
I hope Sungjong will be able to protect her </3
What happened to woohyun?

I'll always wait for your updates ♡
So update soon please :)♡
Asom1996 #5
Chapter 14: Sungjong is so cold to Yoreum..
But i really love his character in this story!

I wish Hoya and Yeol will find Jong and Yoreum before Woohyun :x

It was an enjoyable chapter!
I wish u could update soon :)♡
OMG I agree!! Princess Suji would be perfect for him haha
Chapter 12: Keke updates! I literally just said that the same way people say hump day xD
Anyways keke sneaky Princess. I'm guessing she knows the rule.. Er possibly idk. I think it's funny how Myungsoo obsesses over things.
LeeDane #8
Chapter 11: They should introduce myungsoo to princess suji XD
Chapter 10: Ah poor Sungjongie. Hoya shouldn't blame himself for what happened to Sungjong.
Chapter 9: Sometimes I want to punch Myungsoo in the face, I think he must find something else to obsess with lol
Somehow I like this idea of Sungjong showing no emotion at all but I bet his father wanted to kill him when he said the country was stuck in winter haha
What about Sunggyu with Song Jieun? or Hoya with Yoo Jia?