Spy Bo Geun says... RicSyung is real...

I Am Spy Kim Bo Geun

Hello. My name is Bogeun, Kim Bogeun. As you all know, I’m Shinhwa’s Eric’s manager. I started working for him for more than six months now and both of us were still quite awkward towards each other. Being a manager for someone like him is not easy I tell you. Just like what Jong Hyun hyung who has been working for Eric for years said in Shinhwa Broadcast, there are three things that he has to avoid from being late. First, twitter. Second, poop and lastly, coffee.

Everyone knew that he had quit twitter a long time ago but he is still late no matter what. But for poop and coffee, I’m sorry but I have no idea how to control his coffee addiction.

Thanks to my good look, I’m being loved by most of the Shinhwa’s fans, even though I am just a manager. Instead of writing fan letters to their favourite members in Shinhwa, they would send love letters to me, saying that I’m handsome.

All this while, while being part of this family, I noticed that Hye Sung hyung is getting more and more closer to Eric hyung. Well, aren’t they supposed to be Oil and Water? Aren’t they supposed to be like Tom and Jerry?

Well, I’m going to investigate about these two lovebirds. This actually isn’t the first time of me being a spy. Well, when I first started being a manager to Eric, I once spied on the relationship between one of the stylists and one of the managers. I won’t reveal who but both of them ended up being together. Congratulation to both of them.

Back to the story, so I was driving Eric to his schedule with his other members. He was on the phone with someone, but I’m not sure who. I managed to listen to their conversation.

“Hello, it’s me, Jung Hyuk. How’s my order?”

Wait, what order is he talking about?

“Jung Hyuk-sshi. Your order will be sent to you latest in the afternoon.”

Seriously, what order?

“Alright, did you manage to do what I have asked you to do?”

“Yes sir, we have asked the chef in charge to place it in the center of the cake.”

What thing? Cake? For? Who?

“Sir, can I asked you how many candles do you need?”

Candles? Don’t tell me.

“Let’s put it as 16 candles. Is it enough to place on the entire surface of the cake?”

 “Alright thanks. I will ask my manager to pick the cake up. So deliver it at the entrance of Liveworks Company?”

“Liveworks Company at 12 noon?”

“Yes 12 noon.”

“Alright then. Once again thank you for ordering at Legend (Shinhwa) Bakery.”

He hanged up the phone and looked at me.

“Bogeun-ah, later at 12 noon, please go to Liveworks Company to take the order alright? Tae Hak will accompany you later.”

Tae Hak? Out of all manager, why must be Hyun Tae Hak? Why must be Shin Hye Sung’s manager? Why must be Liveworks Company’s Chief Manager Hyun Tae Hak? Is it something related to Shin Hye Sung?

I nodded. Once we reached to the filming site, I spotted Tae Hak and runs to him.

“Tae Hak hyung, is there any special event today? Eric hyung asks me to take a cake and – “

“Bogeun-ah, lower down your voice. He might hear our conversation. Now follow me.”

Who? Shin Hye Sung?

He grabbed my hand and dragged me away from the Shinhwa members.

“Listen up Bogeun, Eric is going to surprise Hye Sung later.”

“Wait… Isn’t today 15 October? I thought –“

“Yes, Hye Sung’s birthday is on 27 November but they are celebrating their 16th years together as a couple.”

My jaw just dropped. What? Eric and Hye Sung liked each other? Then what’s the point of being awkward on camera? And what’s with Oil and Water?

“Eric and Hye Sung? Dating? Are you kidding me hyung? Then Oil and Water?”

“Bogeun-ah, Oil and Water aren’t real of course. But if they acted lovey dovey on camera and all this, netizens would eventually found out that they are dating. They wanted to make their relationship as private as possible.”

Soon, it’s already 11.45am.Tae Hak and I drove to Liveworks to pick up the cake. We soon walked into a room in Liveworks. All the managers and stylists were there, except for Yoonpyo and Yonghee hyung who were busy at the filming site with the Shinhwa members.

The room was decorated with red hearts and roses. I managed to peep at the cake. Written at the surface of the cake, “RicSyung jjang.” After the preparation was done, Tae Hak called Yoonpyo whether the filming is done and Yoonpyo answered yes and they are heading towards Liveworks.

Meanwhile in the car, Hye Sung didn’t suspect anything. About the managers were gone and only the two managers have to drive them back. Min Woo, Dong Wan and Jun Jin were on one car while Andy, Eric and Hye Sung were on another. The only thing that makes Hye Sung feels like there’s something hiding behind his back is that Eric didn’t wish him for their 16th anniversary together.

Finally both cars reached to the destination. Yonghee were blindfolding Hye Sung and the rest of the members, excluding Eric quietly ran towards the room. After Yonghee was done blindfolding, he quickly ran to the room, leaving the two lovebirds together.

“Eric-ah, what’s this?” Hye Sung asked.

“Hold my hand and follow me alright?”

I was waiting anxiously for both the lovebirds to enter the room. It’s my first time here, participating and helping out with the so-called party. The door opened and the two lovebirds entered the scene. Hye Sung quickly took off his blindfold and the stylists threw some confetti to both of them.

I was standing at the corner of the room, still wondering about these lovebirds. Should I reveal everything on the Internet? Or….. I’m not sure.

But all I knew now is that…

RicSyung is real.

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Chapter 1: ㅋㅋㅋ
Ricsyung is real!!!!