Was It An Accident?

The year was finally coming to an end and everything has been slowing down. The idols on the other hand, this meant a hectic –if not chaotic—day for them. It was those year end performances for various TV companies, SBS, KBS, etc. 

"Get up. You have a lot of schedules today." Their manager said, shaking the teen from her much-needed sleep. A soft whine of protest escaped her lips as she tried to move away from her hand and continue sleeping, but to no avail she was up from her bed, rubbing the sleep of her tired eyes. "I woke you up earlier since I knew you want to get coffee in the nearby coffee shop so hurry, get dressed and go get that coffee.." She said before going off to the other rooms to wake the rest of the members up, leaving a still half-asleep teen still on her bed.

After a few minutes of trying to rub sleep away, a sigh escaped her lips and she finally stood up and went to the bathroom to get changed. She only had this chance to get herself coffee by herself, without anyone distracting her peace of mind. She loved her unnies, truly she did, but there were times where she just felt that their noise would be too much and that she'd need to retreat to her own mind and recharge herself. Rarely did she get the chance to be by herself without Bomi or Eunji messing around with everyone to the point they squeal and scurry away before they become a victim to their pranks and antics. With this chance infront of her, how can she say no?

Quickly making her way out before she'd be caught by the other members themselves, she called out to her manager "I'm at Starbucks! I'll be back soon!" Soon enough, she was out of the building, already making her way to the coffee shop. It was still 6 AM and not much people were out and about, well the year was ending and everyone seemed to be at home, spending time with their own families. How are my parents and friends so far? The closest she's got to spend time with them was through the phone calls and messages they exchanged whenever she was available. Pulling out her phone, she quickly sent a message to her parents and friends telling them to watch her perform tonight. 

The distinct green color was in her view and she looked up. Oh, I'm here, her slender fingers wrapped around the cold metal rod of the door and pushed it open, the windchimes signaling that she has arrived. "Welcome to Starbucks!" The waitress called out from behind the counter. Her eyes scanned the still empty yet warm cafe then bowed to the waitress and approached her. "Strawberry Mocha, Grande, Take out, Hot please." She ordered politely, giving the lady the due payment. It didn't take long for her order to be finished, before she even had time to reply to her friend's text the waitress has called her for her order. "One Strawberry Mocha for Ms. Hayoung!" Hayoung glanced at her in surprise before speaking up. "You know me?" Hayoung asked, approaching her to get her order. "Why shouldn't I? I like listening to your music!" The waitress chuckled, pulling out her phone.

"Is it alright if I ask for a photo with you?" The older asked, chuckling shyly feeling rather unprofessional over it. Hayoung laughed as well with her and allowed her to do so. After doing so, the older bows her thanks and while she did so the windchimes tinkered again, alerting them of another customer --well in this case, customers-- the usual tranquility of the cafe soon became loud and vivacious. Hayoung snapped out of the quick fanservice and looked at the wall clock. Whoops. "I have to get going. Thank you for the coffee." She bowed again and went her way to the door, only to realize that the loud group, were the six adored men of VIXX, "Uh..." Not knowing what to say, she just bowed to greet them and made her way off. The other members noticed her and returned her bow with one of theirs. Two of them,one with the really deep and husky voice and the other hyperactive one that kept saying "Ottokaji~!" Over and over, failed to notice her. "Hyung! Hayoung-sunbae's here!" The one with the sharp jawline said,an amused laugh following suit. Only the deep voiced man heard this and looked at the direction the youngest was looking at. "Ah! S-sunbae!" He exclaimed,slightly tripping over his words --leave it to the fanboy to do so-- and bowed immediately. The hyper one failed to notice the warning and ended up crashing onto her and made her coffee fly out of her hand and crash onto the ground, leaving a mess of coffee and whipped cream on the ground. 

The silence that followed the accident was heavy, five men with mixed reactions,a waitress who hid behind the machine not liking the scene in front of her and two people in the center of the whole accident,both with shock and dumbfounded-ness written all over their face. "I-I'm so sorry.. I-I di-didn't mean to spill your c-coffee." The man sputtered out,not knowing what to else to say but check the teen's clothes to see if there were any stains. Fortunately there were none, he sighed in relief and looked at the teen who had unreadable expression on her face. "C-can I make it up to you?" The guy,known as Ken to everyone, asked her hesitantly. The teen heaved a sigh, one of annoyance and defeat, "You sort of should..." She answered,her face straight with no emotion, if she keeps it up at this rate she could be in a drama. ".... But not now. I need to leave, my manager will kill me if I'm late. I'll see you guys in Gayo Daechaejuk anyways." Hayoung added with a nod and turned to bow to the waitress. "I apologize for the mess." Then turned to the boys and bowed before leaving them without a chance to say anything else and off before her members and manager could kill her. 
"That's another way to start the day." The teen sighed to herself,bracing the lectures she'll be receiving from her group. 
finally have the first chapter up~ I still don't have the strong feels for this ship to be honest. I made this just for a friend hahaha. So if you have any reasons why you ship these two,put it in the comments below! ^^;;; thank you!
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Chapter 1: I never thought of shipping these two because I always shipped Hayoung with Hyuk or Hongbin (in my mind). But I'm dying for any ApinkxVIXX fic (they are my favorite boy group and favorite girl group). And I actually think I'll ship Kenyoung :)
Chapter 1: I like this chapter :)
I ship them because well.... he's my couple in a roleplay xD
Besides, it's like shipping Barbie with Ken lols
update soon please ;n;
omg i finally found a kenyoung fic!